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Projekte in der Serbischen Hauptstadt !>BELGRAD<!

Re: New Towers For New Belgrade




Izgradnja marine "Ada Ciganlija" predvidjena je uzvodno od ušća Topčiderske reke i pristana "Jugopetrol-a" u Čukaričkom rukavcu. Kopneni deo marine čine površine duž Radničke ulice, priobalni pojas ispred nasipa na Adi Ciganliji i branjeno područje iza nasipa, izmedju postojećih objekata veslačkih klubova "Grafičar" i "Crvena zvezda".

Specifičnost lokacije je da pripada zoni neposredne zaštite izvorišta beogradskog vodovoda, ali i sportsko-rekreativnoj zoni Ade Ciganlije, koja predstavlja jedno od najreprezentativnijih područja u Beogradu, sa izuzetnim prirodnim i vizuelnim kvalitetima.

Izgradnja i uredjenje marine u Čukaričkom rukavcu, značajan je i obiman investicioni poduhvat. Planira se njegova realizacija u tri etape gradjenja, čija se realizacija predlaže kontinuirano.

Okončanjem poslednje, treće faze, marina "Ada Ciganlija" dostigla bi projektovani kapacitet od:
- 670 vezova za plovila svih kategorija do 18m dužine i
- 430 mesta za plovila na suvom, od čega 70 mesta u zatvorenom hangaru.

Istovremeno, svojim korisnicima i posetiocima, marina bi pružala planirani obim i asortiman usluga u vodi i na kopnu. Objekat bi raspolagao pumpom, hangarom, servisom za plovila, restoranom i parkingom.



A pre design proposal for Neopolis River Raft Restaurant in front of Hotel Jugoslavia, in New Belgrade, Serbia. Constructed in 2006 ~ 350m

es freut mich immer wieder wieviel in unser land investiert wird noch gut 5-10 sind wir wieder die wirtschaftsmacht auf dem balkan!!!!

Knezevacka 18


Apartment buildings on Knezevacka 18 in Belgrade, Serbia. Situated in a quite neighborhood a part of town known as Rakovica.

The project consisted of two separate buildings first having total area of 800m² with 16 apartments and second an area of 1200m². The apartment units are with an area between 22m² to 38 m², with balcony, kitchen, bathroom, living area and bedroom - studio flat, 1 bedroom flat.

I worked on this project when I was employed in company called Novogradnja. A real estate and development company.

My involvement in the project was to be a team leader in this case Senior Design Architect responsible for appraising and compiling the client’s brief, Concept Design (competition winning standard), schematic design, detail design, tender documents, specifications and site follow up.

Lead the project team and the design team proactively and to coordinate with structural engineers, building services engineers, infrastructure and other sub consultants and specialists on a day-to-day basis to achieve excellent design quality and documentation;

Report to Head of Department on a regular basis regarding progress, design, quality, resources, changes, site issues, planning issues etc.

Responsible for the correctness and accuracy of project team’s work. Both buildings will be finished by mid 2006.

All of the apartments were sold before the construction even started because the size and quality of space are very competent for the real estate market in Belgrade.

Both buildings were built using traditional materials suitable for the type of climate that prevails in Serbia.


Dusana Petrovica Saneta 58a

Apartment building on Dusana Petrovica Saneta 58a street, in Belgrade, Serbia. Situated in a quite neighborhood a part of town known as Mirijevo, surrounded by vast greenery.

The project consisted of a building having a total area of 960m² with 20 apartments. The apartment units are with an area between 22m² to 45 m², with balcony, kitchen, bathroom, living area and bedroom - from studio flat to 1 bedroom flat.

I worked on this project when I was employed in Novogradnja building a real estate and development company, based in Belgrade.

My involvement in the project was to be a team leader in this case Senior Design Architect responsible for appraising and compiling the client’s brief, Concept Design (competition winning standard), schematic design, detail design, tender documents, specifications and site follow up.

Lead the project team and the design team proactively and to coordinate with structural engineers, building services engineers, infrastructure and other sub consultants and specialists on a day-to-day basis to achieve excellent design quality and documentation;

Report to Head of Department on a regular basis regarding progress, design, quality, resources, changes, site issues, planning issues etc.

Responsible for the correctness and accuracy of project team’s work. The date for construction depends on municipal approval and is expected in mid 2006.

All of the apartments were sold before the construction even started because the size and quality of space are very competent for the real estate market in Belgrade.

The building will be built using traditional materials suitable for the type of climate that prevails in Serbia.


NIS-Refinerys Office building in Belgrade, Serbia.


Ampacomp office building
Ampacomp office building in New Belgrade, Serbia. Pre design of the building represented to the client in January 2006 and waiting submission for municipal approval.~ 10000m²

This was a specific design with which I blew the competition away as they submitted designs characterized by post-modern architectural style.

The site for this building is located near a major road that connects new and old parts of Belgrade, equipped with heavy infrastructure and capable of hosting such hi-tech building.

Center of the location is characterized with a new man made lake on top of which the building would be constructed. The foundation for the building lies on individually based reinforced concrete slabs that are placed on top of 12m long concrete pillars that have been hammered in to the ground. Because the structure of soil in this part of Belgrade is characterized by underground water and sand, special foundation is needed.

From each concrete pillar there are steel tubes positioned at 45° angles that receive the load from the building above.

The building is divided by two separate wings that are connected in the middle at the ground floor by a central hall. Around this central hall there are restaurants, kitchen area with supplies and small exhibition areas. The floor in the public area of the ground floor is made of layered glass panels that are reinforced by two layers of PVC foils. Bellow this glass floor is a artificial lake and you have that '' Walking on the water" effect.

Both wings consist of offices combining open plan and closed plan types.

The facade of the building consists of Alubond panels and structural glazed aluminum panels with sun louvers.

The whole building is planed to be airconditioned.



Tasmajdan Sport Center
Competition entry for proposal of the new Tasmajdan Leisure and Sport Center in Belgrade, Serbia. 2002 ~ 55000m².




Hilton hotel on Rajiceva Street in Belgrade
Competition entry for proposal of the new Hilton Hotel on Rajiceva street, in Belgrade, Serbia. 1999 ~ 40000m².



“Zvezdara teatar” is currently situated in a building of 1150 m2, which was built in 1955 and primary intended for Cultural Centre. Main hall was equipped for movie projections and an open air hall was situated in Cultural Center’s yard. It has started construction of a new part of the building. Construction of newly built part of the building is of reinforced concrete. Vertical supporting elements are reinforced concrete walls of 20 cm thickness or reinforced concrete pillars of 30x30 cm. Most of constructions between floors are reinforced concrete plates of 16 cm thickness. In case plates are carried by pillars, they are reinforced by square vuta. Large spans of 20 m are overcomed by:
- construction of flexible auditorium floor is reinforced concrete cassette ceiling with ribs span of 90x90x40 cm and with reinforced concrete plate of 20 cm thickness
- construction of ceiling and roof above flexible auditorium and ceiling-roof above multi-functional room on third floor is of reinforced concrete prestressed bars with reinforced concrete rigging coruba on top of them. Foundations are reinforced concrete boards of 30 cm thickness with counter- beams of 50 cm and sand dike under floor (above board) for distribution of installations. Protection of excavation is provided by previously made reinforced concrete diaphragms of 80 cm thickness around whole hole. Partition walls are made of full 12 cm brick which is plastered on both sides. Since it is not funded in underground water, hydro-isolation against soil moisture is anticipated.
Construction of existing building is combination of reinforced concrete supporting beams and pillars with brick elements filling. Ceilings between floors are half rigged (brick elements with reinforced concrete board). Partition walls are made of 12 cm full brick which is plastered on both sides. Thermal and acoustic protection of building is anticipated in accordance with regulations.
Total cost: 5.500.000 euros
Completetion: In 15 months

Pozorište „Zvezdara teatar" koristi prostor koji je početkom 50-ih godina 20. veka građen kao Dom kulture i od tada do danas ovaj objekat nije temeljno rekonstruisan, osim što je improvizovana jedna pozorišna sala.Krajem 90-ih godina 20. veka dozidanje deo zgrade, ali bez potrebnih saglasnosti.
Svrha rekonstrukcije je da se objekat dovede u funkcionalno stanje, da se obnove kompletne instalacije, dozidani deo poveže na postojeći objekat i konačno, da se čitav objekat upotrebi za svrhu za koju je namenjen.
Zvezdara teatar bi trebalo da bude jedinstveno pozorište u Srbiji, sa pokretnom scenom, promenjivim brojem sedišta i da bude podoban za najrazličitije vrste programa. Na ovoj sceni bi prvi put bilo primenjena tehnologija automatski pokretne scene koja bi uvrstila Beograd u nekoliko gradova u Evropi koja raspolažu takvom scenom. Reč je o novoj vrsti tehnologije koja se primenjuje samo nekoliko godina.
Ova scena bi se koristila za najrazličitije namene (velike kulturne manifestacije, poput BITEF-a ili BEMUS-a), specijalna gostovanja i sve one projekte koje,do sada, nije bilo moguće izvoditi na klasičnoj sceni.
Konstrukcija novoizgrađenog dela objekta je od armiranog betona. Vertikalni noseći elementi su a.b. zidovi-šajbne debljine 20 cm ili a.b.stubovi 30x30 cm. Generalno su međuspratne konstrukcije a.b. ploče debljine 16 cm. Ukoliko se nosi preko stubova ploča je ojačana kvadratnim vutama. Veliki rasponi od 20 metara su premošćeni :
- konstrukcija poda fleksibilnog auditorijuma je a.b.kasetirana tavanica sa rasponom rebara 90x90x40 cm i a.b. pločom debljine 20 cm
- konstrukcija plafona i krova iznad fleksibilnog auditorijuma i plafona-krova iznad multifunkcionalne sale na 3.spratu je a.b. prednapregnuta rešetka sa a.b. montažnim korubama preko njih Temelji su a.b. ploča debljine 30 cm sa kontragredama 50 cm i peščanim nasipom ispod poda (iznad ploče) za razvod instalacija. Zaštita iskopa se obezbeđuje preko predhodno urađenih a.b. dijafragmi debljine 80 cm oko cele jame. Pregradni zidovi su od pune opeke 12 cm obostrano malterisane. Obzirom da se ne fundira u podzemnoj vodi predviđa se hidroizolacij protiv vlage u zemlji.
Konstrukcija postojećeg objekta je u kombinaciji nosećih a.b. rigli i stubova sa ispunom od opekarskih elemenata. Međuspratne tavanice su polumontažne (opekarski elementi sa a.b. pločom). Pregradni zidovi su od pune opeke 12 cm obostrano malterisane. Predviđena je termička i akustička zaštita objekta u skladu sa propisima.
Ukupna vrednost projekta: 5.500.000 evra
Trajanje projekta: 15 meseci

Renderings of project / Buduci izgled projekata:






Rehabilitated railway bridge across the Sava near Ostružnica, torn down during NATO bombing seven years ago, will be officially put into operation today (September 15, 2006) on the Day of Serbian Railways.
The Government of Serbia and Serbian Railways invested over 3m EUR in rehabilitation of the 658-meter-long bridge near Ostružnica.
By putting into operation the bridge near Ostružnica, the traffic on the Belgrade railway junction will be reduced, the transit of international trains through the capital will be cut by 2-4 hour and the dangerous matters will be never again transported through the central city zones.

Obnovljeni železnički most preko Save kod Ostružnice, porušen u NATO bombardovanju pre sedam godina, zvanično će biti otvoren za saobraćaj danas (15. septembar 2006. godine) na Dan srpske železnice.
U obnovu ostružničkog mosta, dugog 658 metara, Vlada Srbije i srpska železnica uložile su nešto više od 3 mil EUR.
Puštanjem u saobraćaj ostružničkog mosta biće rasterećen beogradski železnički čvor, tranzit međunarodnih vozova kroz glavni grad biće kraći između dva i četiri sata, a opasne materije više neće morati da se prevoze kroz centralne gradske zone.


Bilder von der neuen brücke die bei der bombadirung zerstört wurden ist.
