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Projekte in der Serbischen Hauptstadt !>BELGRAD<!

Re: New Towers For New Belgrade

Telefonija" AD moves to new building

All agencies and business units of Belgrade-based company "Telefonija" AD, which are settled in five different locations in the city, should be moved to the same location prior to September 1, 2006. They will move to the new business building in Kumodraška Street in Voždovac.
The new facility, according to the words of general manager of "Telefonija", Branimir Bošković, will have a surface of about 6,000 square meters and it will represent modern furnished office space with complete IT infrastructure. Its construction started in 2005 and the decision to enter such investment project was made for practical reasons or, as Bošković says, due to necessity that all sectors of the company be settled in the same building, for the sake of more operative and more economic work.
The part of means for construction of the business building was provided from the 10-year credit taken by the company, whereas the other part of the means was provided through issue of new stocks. Bošković points out that "Telefonija" will issue another series of new stocks in one month and the expected income is about 1.5m EUR, which will, according to him, be enough for completion of the works on the new business building.

Sve službe i poslovne jedinice beogradske kompanije "Telefonija" AD, koje su danas smeštene na čak pet različitih lokacije u gradu, trebalo bi najkasnije do 1. septembra 2006. godine da se nađu na jednom mestu, odnosno da se u potpunosti presele u novu poslovnu zgradu te kompanije u Kumodraškoj ulici na Voždovcu.
Taj novi objekat će, prema rečima generalnog direktora "Telefonije" Branimira Boškovića, imati površinu od oko 6.000 m2 i predstavljaće najsavremenije opremljen poslovni prostor sa kompletnom IT infrastrukturom. Njegova izgradnja počela je 2005. godine, a odluka da se uđe u takav investicioni projekat doneta je isključivo iz praktičnih razloga ili, kako to Bošković kaže, zbog neophodnosti da se svi sektori kompanije nađu u istoj zgradi ne bi li njihov rad bio operativniji, ali i ekonomičniji.
Deo sredstava za izgradnju poslovne zgrade kompanija je obezbedila podizanjem kredita na period od 10 godina, dok je drugi deo sredstava obezbeđen emisijom novih akcija. Bošković ističe i to da će "Telefonija" za oko mesec dana emitovati još jednu seriju novih akcija, od koje očekuje prihod od oko 1,5 mil EUR, što će, naglašava on, biti sasvim dovoljno da se započeti radovi na novoj poslovnoj zgradi te kompanije uspešno privedu kraju.

Re: New Towers For New Belgrade

Work on Prokop is starting again

Construction works on the Prokop railway station will again begin. The general director of the Cypriot company Trigrant Development Corporation, Tod Kraun, and the director of Serbian Railways, Milanko Šarančić, have today signed an agreement which designates the necessary conditions required for the continuation of works on the construction of the Prokop railway station.

The project proposes the completion of the railway stations, which will be invested in by the Cypriot company, and in return the company will gain the rights to building up to 180000 square metres of space above the railway station. The total investment is worth approximately 150 to 200 million Euros, along with the creating of a large number of jobs for workers in Serbia. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2008.

Radovi na stanici Prokop ponovo će početi, po ko zna koji put. Generalni direktor kiparske kompanije Trigranit development korporejšn Tod Kraun i direktor Javnog preduzeća Železnice Srbije Milanko Šarančić potpisali su danas opšti ugovor koji određuje uslove za početak, odnosno nastavak, izgradnje železničke stanice Prokop-Beograd.

Projekat predviđa završetak izgradnje železničke stanice, koji će investirati kiparska firma, u zamenu za 180.000 kvadratnih metara prostora, rekao je Kraun. Ukupna investicija vredna je između 150 i 200 miliona evra, uz stvaranje radnih mesta za veliki broj radnika iz Srbije, a završetak izgradnje se očekuje do kraja 2008, rekao je Kraun.

Na da soll mal einer sagen die serben hätten kein geld....es ist wahnsinn wie sich dieses Land von eigener Kraft nach vorne bringt.....nach so viele Kriege, und immer noch währen die serben in der lage 3 kriege durchzuführen....
port80 schrieb:
Na da soll mal einer sagen die serben hätten kein geld....es ist wahnsinn wie sich dieses Land von eigener Kraft nach vorne bringt.....nach so viele Kriege, und immer noch währen die serben in der lage 3 kriege durchzuführen....

jap und deswegen dürfen wir nicht in die EU ! Wir sollten uns um uns alleine kümmern und nicht um andere !
serB-KraLj schrieb:
port80 schrieb:
Na da soll mal einer sagen die serben hätten kein geld....es ist wahnsinn wie sich dieses Land von eigener Kraft nach vorne bringt.....nach so viele Kriege, und immer noch währen die serben in der lage 3 kriege durchzuführen....

jap und deswegen dürfen wir nicht in die EU ! Wir sollten uns um uns alleine kümmern und nicht um andere !

Tako je! 8)
Re: New Towers For New Belgrade

Verano-Vero Multifunctional Centre

Verano Invest investira izgradnju oko 33 000m² poslovno stambenog objekta na uglu Cvijiceve i Ruzveltove ulice, koji se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini metro stanice Vukov spomenik. Prizemlje je vec uzeo najveci grcki lanac supermarketa Veropoulos, sa prostorom od oko 4 000m². Prvi i drugi sprat iznad Vera ce zauzimati ekskluzivan tržni centar. Projekat predvidja oko 7 500m² maloprodajnih objekata, veliki prostor za odmor (FOOD CORNER) sa nekoliko kafica, restorana brze hrane i sl. Planira se i veliki fitness centar sa kompletnom uslugom, od treninga do svih usluga za ulepšavanje.

Spratovi od treceg do šestog ce imati stambenu namenu. Oko 50 apartmana koji ce se prodavati cine jedan deo, dok veci deo zauzima hotel, koji bi trebalo da ima oko 130 soba i apartmana, tako da ce i ovaj deo grada biti bogatiji za još jedan hotelski objekat. U toku su pregovori sa nekoliko hotelskih lanaca.

Ovaj multifunkcionalni centar ce u podzemnom delu imati pet nivoa garaža sa preko 370 parking mesta.

Verano Invest is investing in the construction of 33 000 m² office/residential object on the square of Cvijiceva and Ruzveltova street which is close to underground railway station "Vukov Spomenik". 4 000 m² of ground level is allready bought by greek supermarket chain Veropoulos which will build a "SuperVero" hypermarket there. First and second floor above SuperVero are reserved for an exluisve shopping centre. It is planed to have 7 500 m² of shopping space including a big area for short brakes ("Food Corner") with several café bars, fast food restaurants and similar.

A big fitness centre with complete service is planned too. Residential part of this object will take third to the sixth floor of this object, 50 apartements will be saled to private customers while the rest of 130 rooms shall be used for a hotel inside Verano Center.

The garage of this object will be positioned on 5 underground levels, and it will have over 370 parking spots.








update 25. august





Re: New Towers For New Belgrade

Downtown Hypo Hotel

On the place of the now non-existent cafe, Three Tobacco Leaves, at the intersection of bul. Kralja Aleksandra and ul. kneza Milosa, a new "city" hotel should be completed by September 2007. The hotel's construction is being financed by Hypo Consultants and is set to start this September. It will have a four-star rating. The hotel will have 10000 square metres of hotel space and will feature 140 rooms. 25 million Euros will be invested in its construction. The hotel will not offer a restaurant, bar, or pool, but it will offer all of the amenities required by business travellers. Hypo Consultants has hinted at the fact that there is a world famous hotel chain also investing in the project, but it has not been willing to provide the media with its name.

