Dvoglavi orao
Trotzdem hat ein Heutiger Albaner nichts mit der Antike zu tun weder Kulturell noch Sprachlich .
Ich poste mal nur ein paar wenige Wörter aus der antike, von welchen die heutigen albanischen Wörter abstammen
-Andena/Andes/Andio/Antis - personal Illyrian names based on "and" or "ant" root-word, found in both southern and Dalmatian-Pannonian (including modern Bosnia and Herzegovina) onomastic provinces; cf. Alb andë (northern Albanian dialect, or Geg) and ëndë(southern Albanian dialect or Toske)- "appetite, pleasure, desire, wish".
-Ardiaioi/Ardiaei, name of an Illyrian people, cf. Alb. ardhja - 'arrival', or 'descent'. However, the insufficiency of this theory is that so far there is no certainty as to the historical or etymological development of either ardhja or Ardiaioi, as with many other words.
-Bindo/Bindus, an Illyrian deity from Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina; cf. Alb. bind - ‘to convince’ or ‘to make believe’.
-Daesitiates, a name of an Illyrian people,cf. Alb dash- 'ram', corresponds contextually with south Slavonic dasa-'ace', which might represent a borrowing and adaptation from Illyrian (or some other ancient language).
-mal, "Berg"; cf. Alb mal
-bardi, "weiß"; cf. Alb bardhë
-drenis, "Reh"; cf. Alb dre, dreni
-delme "Schaaf"; cf. Alb dele, delme (Schaaf)
-dard, "Birne"; cf. Alb dardhë
-drakoina, 'Abendessen'; cf. Alb darke, dreke
-Hyllus (der Name eines illyrischen Königs); cf. Alb yll (eine andere Variante die bei Albaner aus dem Norden noch heute in Gebrauch ist hyll) "Stern", auch Alb. hyj, "eintreten"
-sīca, "Dolch"; cf. Alb thikë oder thika "Messer"
-Ulc-, "Wolf" (pln. Ulcinium); cf. Alb ujk "Wolf":
-brisa, "Traubenschale"; cf. Alb bërsí Eng."lees, dregs; mash" (< PA *brutiā)
-loúgeon, "Becken"; cf. Alb lag, legen "nässen, einweichen, baden, waschen" (< PA *lauga), lëgatë "Becken, Teich" (< PA *leugatâ), lakshte "dew" (< PA laugista)
-mantía "Maulbeere"; Old and dial. Alb mandë "Beere, Maulbeere" (mod. Alb mën, man)
-Ragusa-Ragusium, 'Traube'; cf. Proto-Albanisch ragusha (mod. Alb rrush)
-rhinos, "Nebel, Dunst"; cf. OAlb ren "Wolke" (mod. Alb re, rê) (< PA *rina)
-Vendum, 'Platz'; cf. Proto-Albanisch wen-ta (mod. Alb vend)
Language - Google Boeken
The Etruscans begin to speak - Zchari Mayani - Google Boeken
Diokletian Und Die Tetrarchie: Aspekte Einer Zeitenwende - Alexander Demandt, Andreas Goltz, Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen - Google Books
Homeric Whispers: Intimations of Orthodoxy in the Iliad and Odyssey - Roberto Salinas Price - Google Boeken
Albanien - Arne Eggebrecht, Roemer-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum - Google Boeken
Ancient Indo-European dialects: proceedings - University of California, Los Angeles. Center for Research in Languages and Linguistics - Google Boeken
Illyrian Glossary