Türkei wird ne Unterwasserpipeline nach TRNZ verlegen
Wenn die Südzyprioten mal an Wasserknappheit erkranken sollten-was höchstwahrscheinlich in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft der Fall sein wird-wären sie direkt von der Türkei abhängig:-(
Water pipeline to Cyprus promises more than just water
As Greek Cypriots also have some problems getting enough water resources, they will also demand to benefit from the project in the future, although not immediately," she said. Both Turkish and Turkish Cypriot officials have underlined that water could ultimately be transferred to the Greek side of the island if there is a settlement between the island's two communities, opening the door for water to play a role in any future peace agreement.
"As Greek Cypriots also have some problems getting enough water resources, they will also demand to benefit from the project in the future, although not immediately," she said.

Water pipeline to Cyprus promises more than just water
As Greek Cypriots also have some problems getting enough water resources, they will also demand to benefit from the project in the future, although not immediately," she said. Both Turkish and Turkish Cypriot officials have underlined that water could ultimately be transferred to the Greek side of the island if there is a settlement between the island's two communities, opening the door for water to play a role in any future peace agreement.
"As Greek Cypriots also have some problems getting enough water resources, they will also demand to benefit from the project in the future, although not immediately," she said.