Tensions Arise in Yüksekova: 2 Dead
Tension arose in Yüksekova district as protests broke out over the demolition of PKK members graves, leaving two dead - an information which was initially declared as two wounded by governor authorities.
Tension arose in the southeastern district of Yüksekova near Turkey’s border to Iraq, as protests broke out over the demolition of PKK members graves, leaving two dead. The information was initially declared as two wounded by governor authorities.
“Clashes broke out for 5 minutes between the protestors and the police during the incident and two died. Veysel İşbilir and Mehmet Reşat İşbilir lost their lives,” Ömer Oğuz, Yüksekova Haber reporter, told bianet.
“Around 5:50 pm local time, several people including Yüksekova mayor and local human rights representatives rushed into Yüksekova Public Hospital to get information on the incident. However, tensions rose in front of the hospital as well. The police broke out people with gas bombs,” he continued.
Tensions Arise in Yüksekova: 2 Dead - Bianet
Nicht mal von den Toten haben die türkischen Faschisten Respekt.