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Sammelthread Massengräber in Bosnien-Herzegowina

New mass grave found in Bosnia

25 May 2007 | 17:27 | Source: Beta SARAJEVO -- Forensic experts have discovered new mass grave site on Mount Romania in the Republic of Srpska. According to Bosnia’s Missing Persons Commission, the experts recovered mortal remains of at least 27 civilians.

The Commission said that personal documents found at the site indicate that all of them were most likely Sarajevo residents from Kasindolska Street that were taken away from their homes on May 14, 1992.

The five meters long and two meters deep mass grave is situated in a thick pine forest. The experts will continue excavation as the grave is said to contain mortal remains of as many as 37 civilians.

Sarajevo Prosecution conducted an investigation against Bosnian Serb Goran Vasić, suspected of detaining residents in Kasindolska Street in Sarajevo. However, he was cleared of the charges in 2005 due to the lack of evidence.


BiH: Još jedna masovna grobnica

25. maj 2007. | 10:54 | Izvor: Beta

Sarajevo -- U masovnoj grobnici nađenoj na putu Mokro-Sokolac, na planini Romanija, u RS, otkriveni posmrtni ostaci najmanje 27 civila. Kako su izjavili čelnici Komisije BiH za traženje nestalih, na osnovu nađenih dokumenata može se potvrditi da su sve žrtve iz Kasindolske ulice u Sarajevu, koje su 14. maja 1992. odvedene iz svojih kuća. Tela su nađena u masovnoj grobnici dugoj više od pet i dubokoj dva metra, u gustoj borovoj šumi.

Ekshumacija se nastavlja, a pretpostavlja se da su u njoj posmrtni ostaci 37 civila.

Kantonalno tužilaštvo u Sarajevu vodilo je istragu protiv Gorana Vasića za odvođenje civila iz Kasindolske ulice. Vasić je u tom delu optužnice sredinom 2005. oslobođen zbog nedostatka dokaza.

Predmet 'Kasindolska ulica' u nadležosti je Suda BiH.

New mass grave found in Bosnia

The Commission said that personal documents found at the site indicate that all of them were most likely Sarajevo residents from Kasindolska Street that were taken away from their homes on May 14, 1992.

Sarajevo Prosecution conducted an investigation against Bosnian Serb Goran Vasić, suspected of detaining residents in Kasindolska Street in Sarajevo.

Es wird wohl noch lange dauern, bis die wichtigsten Verbrecher hinter Gitter sind.
In other news, forensic experts announced on Friday that they had discovered two new mass graves in BiH. The first, in Sokolac, near Sarajevo, held the remains of 28 Croat and Muslim civilians who had been rounded up by Serbs in a suburb of the capital. The second grave, near Prijedor, contained the bodies of six Muslim inmates of a nearby Serb detention camp. (Dnevni Avaz, Nezavisne Novine - 27/05/07; Reuters, AP, AFP, PBS BiH - 25/05/07)


Između ostalih vijesti, forenzički eksperti su u petak objavili da su u BiH otkrili dvije nove masovne grobnice. U prvoj, u Sokocu u blizini Sarajeva, nalaze se ostaci 28 hrvatskih i muslimanskih civila koje su Srbi bili okružili u jednom predgrađu glavnog grada. U drugoj grobnici, u blizini Prijedora, nalaze se tijela šest muslimanskih zatvorenika iz obližnjeg srpskog zatvoreničkog logora. (Dnevni Avaz, Nezavisne Novine - 27/05/07; Reuters, AP, AFP, PBS BiH - 25/05/07)

Exhumation near Srebrenica uncovers 15 bodies

20 June 2007 | 12:31 | Source: Beta

SREBRENICA -- Exhumations at a mass grave site near Srebrenica have uncovered the remains of 15 victims. The remains are not complete since the bodies found in the grave were torn apart by construction machinery.

The Bosnia-Herzegovina commission for locating missing persons believes that the grave contains the remains of victims who were executed in Srebrenica in the summer of 1995.

The mass grave, located in the Zeleni Jadar community, is secondary, meaning that the victims were first buried in one location, then dug up and moved to a different site.

Quelle: B92
Kod Srebrenice ekshumirano 15 tela

20. jun 2007. | 12:05 | Izvor: Beta

Srebrenica -- U masovnoj grobnici u naselju Zeleni jadar kod Srebrenice ekshumirano petnaestak nekompletnh tela. Do sada nađena tela u toj grobnici iskidana su građevinskim mašinama, pa su ekshumirani samo delovi tela žrtava. Komisija Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine za traženje nestalih veruje da su u grobnici tela Srebreničana streljanih u leto 1995.

Masovna grobnica je sekundarna, što znači da su tela žrtava prethodno ukopana na jednoj lokaciji, a kasnije prebačena na drugu.

Quelle: B92
More remains of Srebrenica victims found in BiH


SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) -- Bosnian forensic experts have uncovered two more mass graves containing bodies of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. Four complete and 44 incomplete remains were found in the Zeleni Jadar area, 15km south of Srebrenica. Five skeletons were discovered at another grave near the Potocari memorial cemetery. Local prosecutors believe the victims had been buried elsewhere, but were later brought to these locations and reburied using bulldozers. (AFP, IRIB radio - 26/06/07)

Quelle: SE Times
Another mass grave found near Srebrenica

4 July 2007 | 19:49 | Source: B92, Beta

BUDAK -- A team from the Bosnian Missing Persons Commission is exhuming a mass grave in Budak, near Srebrenica.


Forensic experts uncover human remains at the Budak site (FoNet)

The first human remains have been recovered at the site which is said to contain the bodies of the Srebrenica victims, killed in July 1995.

A week ago the remains of 48 persons were exhumed from another mass grave in the vicinity, at the Zeleni Jadar location.

More than 500 bodies that have been identified will be buried in the Potočari memorial on July 11, the Srebrenica massacre anniversary.

So far, around 2,500 victims have been laid to rest in Potočari.

Former Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) chief, General Ratko Mladić, has been indicted for the crime by the Hague Tribunal, but remains at large.

Quelle: B92

Dtsch. Zsfg.: Schon wieder ein Massengrab mit Opfern des Völkermords von Srebrenica 1995 entdeckt.
131 bodies exhumed near Srebrenica

27 July 2007 | 18:46 | Source: AP

SREBRENICA -- Forensic experts exhumed 131 bodies of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, the AP reported.
The remains were found in a mass grave in eastern Bosnia, officials said Friday.

The mass grave Budak, near the Srebrenica suburb of Potočari, contained 29 complete and 102 incomplete bodies, according to Murat Hurtić, who led the forensic team of the Bosnian Commission on Missing Persons.

Hurtić said the victims were Muslims killed after Bosnian Serb troops overran the eastern town of Srebrenica in 1995.

The systematic execution of some 8,000 men was the worst massacre in Europe after World War II.

Most of the mass graves found in the area of Srebrenica are so called secondary mass graves, to which the perpetrators moved the bodies from the original mass grave in order to cover up the crime.

This was usually done by bulldozers which damaged the bodies so that experts now sometimes find parts of one body in several different secondary mass graves.

That's why identification is complicated because experts have to reassemble the bodies using DNA analysis in order to return them to their families.

So far, nearly 3,000 Srebrenica victims have been found, identified and buried in the Potocari Memorial Center.

Another 5,000 bags with remains of victims found in nearly 60 mass graves in eastern Bosnia are still waiting to be identified before returned to their families.

Quelle: B92

Još jedna ekshumacija Srebreničana

27. jul 2007. | 12:51 -> 13:18 | Izvor: FoNet

Sarajevo -- Forenzičari ekshumirali još 131 posmrtni ostatak žrtava masakra u Srebrenici 1995. iz masovne grobnice u istočnoj Bosni. U masovnoj grobnici Budak blizu Srebrenice bila su 102 nekompletna i 29 kompletnih posmrtnih ostataka, izjavio je Murat Hurtić koji je predvodio tim forenzičara državne Komisije za nestale. Hurtić je rekao da su žrtve bili Muslimani ubijeni nakon što su snage bosanskih Srba 1995. zauzele Srebrenicu.

Većina masovnih grobnica u okolini Srebrenice su takozvane sekundarne grobnice, u koje su počinioci prebacivali leševe iz prvobitnih grobnica da bi prikrili zločin. To je obično rađeno buldožerima, tako da sada forenzičari ponekad nalaze komade iste žrtve u različitim masovnim grobnicama, zbog čega je identifikacija često komplikovana.

Dosad je identifikovano i u Memorijalnom centru Potočari sahranjeno blizu 3.000 srebreničkih žrtava. Na identifikaciju čeka još oko 5.000 vreća sa ostacima pronađenim u blizu 60 masovnih grobnica u istočnoj Bosni.

Quelle: B92
Ich hoffe, dass dann auch Leute wie Alex Urin nicht mehr von "Gefechtstoten" reden werden, sondern auch von einem Genozid verübt an den Bosniern.
Solche perverse Sachen kann nur der Mensch anrichten. Vielleicht sollte man dem Wort "menschlich" eine andere Bedeutung zuweisen.
Mein Mitgefühl gehört den Familien der Opfer, egal wo, egal wann, egal wer. Ich denke, es ist zumindest eine Erleichterung, wenn man weiss was passiert ist, auch wenn die Hoffnung damit stirbt.