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Sammelthread Massengräber in Bosnien-Herzegowina

277 Leichen in Massengrab bei Brcko entdeckt

Bosnien-Herzegowina: Opfer wahrscheinlich Bosniaken und bosnische Moslems

Sarajevo/Belgrad - Aus einem der größten Massengräber in Bosnien-Herzegowina sind 277 Leichen ausgegraben worden, meldeten bosnische Medien am heutigen Mittwoch. Nach Angaben der Vermisstenkommission im größeren bosnischen Landesteil, der bosniakisch-kroatischen Föderation, dürfte es sich bei den Leichen, die aus dem Massengrab in der Ortschaft Gorica bei Brcko (Nordbosnien) exhumiert wurden, um lokale Bosniaken (bosnische Moslems) und Kroaten handeln, die von bosnisch-serbischen Truppen zu Beginn des Bosnien-Krieges (1992-1995) ermordet wurden.

Sekundäre Grabstätte

Bei dem Massengrab handelt es sich um eine so genannte sekundäre Grabstätte. Dies bedeutet, dass die Leichen zuerst anderswo begraben und danach ins Massengrab bei Gorica umgebettet wurden. Man wollte dadurch wahrscheinlich die Spuren der Kriegsverbrechen verwischen. Elf Jahre nach Kriegsende gelten in Bosnien-Herzegowina noch rund 15.000 Personen als vermisst.

Schiptar der Fisch holt einen thread von 2004 hoch... :rolleyes:
Kennen wir uns, Prince Albert?

Der Thread stammt überhaupt nicht aus 2004. Das hier ist ein Sammelthread, in dem ich vor ein paar Monaten alle Meldungen über neu entdeckte Massengräber in BiH zusammengelegt hab, damit das Ganze einigermaßen übersichtlich ist. Also stammt der älteste Beitrag von 2004 und der neueste von dieser Woche. So, und jetzt lies dir meinetwegen noch mal alles durch und mach dir fleißig Notizen, wer laut diesen Meldungen am meisten Todesopfer durch wen zu beklagen hat.
Forensics look into Bosnia mass grave

18 May 2007 | 11:54 | Source: Tanjug

Mostar -- The exhumation of a mass grave near Mostar reportedly containing mortal remains of Serb civilians has begun Thursday.

Another mass grave has recently been found in the same area in eastern Bosnia, supposedly containing remains of Bosniaks and Serbs killed in the 1990s , according to the Bosnia’s Missing Persons Commission.

Trebinje District Prosecution Office instructed the exhumation.

Republic of Srpska (RS) Missing Persons Office representative Milan Bogdanić said he believed that the mass grave was “a secondary grave site”, and that the persons buried there were transported from other locations in Bosnia.

Excavation so far revealed parts of military uniforms and boots, which indicated that the bodies would likely be identified as Serb soldiers. DNA analysis will provide more information.

Mass grave near Mostar contains Bosnian Serb soldiers

24 May 2007 | 10:46 | Source: FoNet

Mostar -- DNA analysis confirms the 13 bodies found in mass grave near Mostar are Bosnian Serb soldiers. Bosnia’s Missing Persons Commission has said in a statement that the items recovered among the mortal remains of sixteen bodies exhumed last week confirmed the grave site contained bodies of Bosnian Serb soldiers killed in the 1990s war.

The DNA analysis so far determined the identity of 13 bodies. The results for the remaining three are expected to come in next week, as the grave is believed to also contain bodies of murdered civilians.

Croatia Defense Council (HVO) members captured 13 Bosnian serb Army soldiers on May 9, 1993 in Mostar and killed them afterwards.

Judging from the found objects, including watches and rings, and also according to the age of recovered mortal remains, the Commission confirmed that 13 bodies could highly likely be identified as Bosnian Serb Army members.



Mostar: Grobnica vojnika Armije BiH

24. maj 2007. | 09:56 | Izvor: FoNet

Mostar -- Na lokalitetu Rimski bunar kod Mostara pronađena masovna grobnica boraca Armije BiH koji su ubijeni 1993. u u Mostaru.
Kako se navodi u saopštenju Komisije za traženje nestalih osoba Federacije BiH, predmeti koji su pronađeni među posmrtnim ostacima 16 osoba ekshumiranih prošle sedmice, potvrđuju da je reč o grobnici ubijenih vojnika Armije BiH. Rezultati analize DNK za još tri osobe biće poznati iduće sedmice, a veruje se da se, osim vojnika, u istoj grobnici nalaze i tela ubijenih civila.

Prema pronađenim satovima, prstenju i drugim predmetima, ali i prema starosti pronađenih delova tela, u Komisiji su utvrdili da je najverovatnije reč o 13 posmrtnih ostataka pripadnika Armije BiH.

Pripadnici Hrvatskog vijeća obrane zarobili su 13 boraca Armije BiH 9. maja 1993. u komandi Četvrtog korpusa Armije BiH u zgradi "Vranica" u Mostaru, nakon čega su ih ubili.

Mass grave near Mostar contains Bosnian Serb soldiers

24 May 2007 | 10:46 | Source: FoNet

Mostar -- DNA analysis confirms the 13 bodies found in mass grave near Mostar are Bosnian Serb soldiers. Bosnia’s Missing Persons Commission has said in a statement that the items recovered among the mortal remains of sixteen bodies exhumed last week confirmed the grave site contained bodies of Bosnian Serb soldiers killed in the 1990s war.

The DNA analysis so far determined the identity of 13 bodies. The results for the remaining three are expected to come in next week, as the grave is believed to also contain bodies of murdered civilians.

Croatia Defense Council (HVO) members captured 13 Bosnian serb Army soldiers on May 9, 1993 in Mostar and killed them afterwards.

Judging from the found objects, including watches and rings, and also according to the age of recovered mortal remains, the Commission confirmed that 13 bodies could highly likely be identified as Bosnian Serb Army members.



Mostar: Grobnica vojnika Armije BiH

24. maj 2007. | 09:56 | Izvor: FoNet

Mostar -- Na lokalitetu Rimski bunar kod Mostara pronađena masovna grobnica boraca Armije BiH koji su ubijeni 1993. u u Mostaru.
Kako se navodi u saopštenju Komisije za traženje nestalih osoba Federacije BiH, predmeti koji su pronađeni među posmrtnim ostacima 16 osoba ekshumiranih prošle sedmice, potvrđuju da je reč o grobnici ubijenih vojnika Armije BiH. Rezultati analize DNK za još tri osobe biće poznati iduće sedmice, a veruje se da se, osim vojnika, u istoj grobnici nalaze i tela ubijenih civila.

Prema pronađenim satovima, prstenju i drugim predmetima, ali i prema starosti pronađenih delova tela, u Komisiji su utvrdili da je najverovatnije reč o 13 posmrtnih ostataka pripadnika Armije BiH.

Pripadnici Hrvatskog vijeća obrane zarobili su 13 boraca Armije BiH 9. maja 1993. u komandi Četvrtog korpusa Armije BiH u zgradi "Vranica" u Mostaru, nakon čega su ih ubili.


das ist ja komisch ..die englische quelle sagt es wurden serbische leichen im massengrab gefunden und untersucht.....die andere es waren bosnische soldaten.......:confused:
War offenbar ein Fehler von B92... Heute steht es folgendermaßen auf der Website:

Mass grave near Mostar contains Bosniak soldiers

24 May 2007 | 10:46 | Source: FoNet

Mostar -- DNA analysis confirms the 13 bodies found in mass grave near Mostar are emmbers of the Bosnian Army.
Bosnia’s Missing Persons Commission has said in a statement that the items recovered among the mortal remains of sixteen bodies exhumed last week confirmed the grave site contained bodies of Bosnian Army soldiers killed in the 1990s war.

The DNA analysis so far determined the identity of 13 bodies. Tthe results for the remaining three are expected to come in next week, as the grave is believed to also contain bodies of murdered civilians.

Croatia Defense Council (HVO) members captured 13 Bosnian Army soldiers on May 9, 1993 in Mostar and killed them afterwards.

Judging from the found objects, including watches and rings, and also according to the age of recovered mortal remains, the Commission confirmed that 13 bodies could highly likely be identified as Bosnian Army members.
