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Skanderbeg Statue in Tuz (Montenegro)?

Nein,es ging mir darum das Alexander ein Riesenreich erobert hat,und siehst du die Griechen oder Macedonier das sie überall Statuen aufstellen.

Außerdem von Alexander kann man auch nur vermuten wie er aussah.
skenderbeu hat verteidigt und nicht erobert.
warum sollte man napoleon oder alexander statuen bauen.
es ist ehrenhafter wenn man was erfolgreich verteidigt als jemanden anzugreifen.
Die Wahrheit tut nicht weh da ich weiß dass ihr Albaner 500 Jahre unter unserer Herrschaft wart.

er wurde als kleiner junge vom sultanat selber geholt und geschult.
er kannte alles, was ein groß-osmanischer bey wissen mußte, kannte die taktiken der osmanen auswendig.

die meisten großen schlachten hat er für die osmanen geschlagen, bevor ihm der
sultan seine ländereien entzogen hatte, die er ihm versprochen hatte.

so kam es wohl zu einem bruch zwischen ihm und den "brüdern",
er zog sich in sein land zurück und vertrieb die osmanen.

alle versuche die ländereien von ihm und ganz albanien zu besetzen scheiterte.

Gjergj Kastrioti (1405–January 17, 1468), better known as Skanderbeg, was an Albanian prince who united the Albanian tribes of Epirus , Albania and a Slavic tribe from Montenegro in resisting the expanding Ottoman Empire for 25 years. Today he's considered a national hero of Albania.

Obliged by the Ottomans to pay tribute to the Empire, and to ensure the fidelity of local rulers, Gjon Kastrioti's sons were taken by the Sultan to his court as hostages. In 1423, Gjergj Kastrioti and his three brothers were taken by the Turks. He attended military school and led many battles for the Ottoman Empire. He was awarded for his military victories with the title Iskander Bey (Albanian transliteration: Skënderbeu, English transliteration: Skanderbeg, In Turkish this title means Lord or Prince Alexander, in honor of Alexander the Great). Skanderbeg soon switched sides and came back to his native land to successfully defend Albania against the Ottoman Empire until the time of his death.

Success in the Ottoman army

He earned distinction as an officer in several Ottoman campaigns both in Asia Minor and in Europe, and the Sultan appointed him to the rank of General. He fought against Greeks, Serbs and Hungarians, and some sources claim that he maintained secret links with Ragusa, Venice, Ladislaus V of Hungary, and Alfonso I of Naples. Sultan Murad II gave him the title Vali, making him Governor of some provinces in central Albania. He was respected abroad, but he missed his country. After the death of his father, Skanderbeg sought a way to return to Albania and lead his countrymen against the Ottoman armies. It was Skanderbeg's 25 year defiance of the Ottoman Empire which followed that perserved Christianity in Albania to this day. The Turks were successful in converting almost 90% of Albania to Islam. Those who chose to resist Turkish rule and perserve their Christian culture are today's Albanian Christians.

Fighting for the freedom of Albania

In 1443, Skanderbeg saw his opportunity to rebel during the battle against the Hungarians led by John Hunyadi in Nis. He switched sides along with other Albanians serving in the Ottoman army, leading an Albanian resistance. He eventually captured Kruje, his father's seat in Middle Albania, and he raised the Albanian flag above the castle and reportedly pronounced: "I have not brought you liberty, I found it here, among you."

Following the capture of Kruje, Skanderberg managed to bring together all the Albanian princes in the town of Lezhë (see League of Lezhë, 1444) and unite them under his command against the Ottomans. He fought a guerilla war against the opposing armies, using the mountainous terrain to his advantage.

Skanderberg would continue his resistance against the Ottoman forces, arguably the most powerful army of the time, with a force rarely exceeding 20,000. In June 1450, an Ottoman army numbering approximately 150,000 men led by the Sultan Murad II himself laid siege to Kruje. Leaving a protective garrison of 1,500 men under one of his most trusted lieutenants, Kont Urani (also known as Vranakonti), Skanderbeg harassed the Ottoman camps around Kruje and attacked the supply caravans of the Sultan's army. By September the Ottoman camp was in disarray as morale sank and disease ran rampant. Grudgingly, Sultan Murad acknowledged that the castle of Kruje would not fall by strength of arms, and he decided to lift his siege and make his way to Edirne. Soon thereafter in the winter of 1450-1451, Murad II died in Edirne and was succeeded by his son Mehmed II.

For the next five years Albania was allowed some respite as the new sultan set out to conquer the last vestiges of the Byzantine Empire in Europe and Asia Minor. The first test between the new Ottoman sultan and Skanderbeg came in 1455 during the Siege of Berat, where the former defeated the latter, decimating the Albanian army and leaving five thousand men dead on the battlefield, some 40-50% of the Albanian mobile forces. This was the worst military defeat that Skanderbeg would ever suffer.

In 1457, an Ottoman army numbering approximately 70,000 men invaded Albania with the hope of destroying Albanian resistance once and for all; this army was led by Isa beg Evrenoz, the only commander to have defeated Skanderbeg in battle and Hamza Kastrioti, Skanderbeg’s own nephew. After wreaking much damage to the countryside, the Ottoman army set up camp at the Ujebardha field (literally tranlated as "Whitewater"), halfway between Lezha and Kruje. There, in September, after having evaded the enemy for months, Skanderbeg attacked with a force not exceeding fifteen thousand men, and defeated the Ottomans.

In 1461 Skanderbeg launched a successful campaign against the Angevin noblemen and their allies who sought to destabilize King Ferdinand of Naples. After securing the Neapolitan kingdom, a crucial ally in his struggle, he returned home. In 1464 Skanderbeg fought and defeated Ballaban Badera, an Albanian renegade.

Though Ballaban Badera was defeated by Skanderbeg, he was successful in capturing a large number of Albanian army commanders, including Moisi Arianit Golemi, a cavalry commander; Vladan Giurica, the chief army economist; Muzaka of Angelina, a nephew of Skanderberg, and 18 other noblemen and army captains. These men, after they were captured, were sent immediately to Istanbul and tortured for fifteen days. Skanderbeg’s pleas to have these men back, by either ransom or prisoner exchange, failed.

In 1466, Sultan Mehmed II personally led an army into Albania and laid siege to Kruje as his father had also attempted sixteen years earlier. Kruje was defended by a garrison of 4,400 men, led by Prince Tanush Thopia. After several months, Mehmed, like Murad II, saw that seizing Kruja by force of arms would not be easily accomplished, and left the siege to return to Istanbul. However, he left a force of forty thousand men under Ballaban Pasha to maintain the seige, even building a castle in central Albania, which he named El-basan (eventually becoming the modern Elbasan), to support the siege. This second siege was no more successful than the first was eventually broken by Skanderberg, resulting in the death of Ballaban Pasha, who fell victim to the use of firearms.

A few months later, in 1467, Mehmed, frustrated by his inability to subdue Albania, again led an army into Albania, this one the largest of its time. Kruje was besieged for a third time, but on a much grander scale. While a contingent kept the city and its forces pinned down, Ottoman armies came pouring in from Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece with the aim of keeping the whole country surrounded, thereby strangling Skanderbeg’s supply routes and limiting his mobility. During this conflict, Skanderbeg fell ill with malaria in the Venetian controlled city of Lezhe, and died on January 17, 1468, just as the army under the leadership of Leke Dukagjini defeated the Ottoman force in Shkodra.

The Albanian resistance went on after the death of Skanderbeg for an additional ten years under the new leadership of Leke Dukagjini. In 1478, the fourth siege of Kruje finally proved successful for the Ottomans; demoralized and severely weakened by hunger and lack of supplies from the year-long siege, the defenders surrendered to Mehmed, who had promised them to leave unharmed in exchange. As the Albanians were walking away with their families, however,the Ottomans reneged on this promise, killing the men and enslaving the women and children. A year later, the Ottoman forces captured Shkodra, the last free Albanian castle (although it was under Venetian control at the time), but the Albanian resistance continued sporadically until around 1500.

Papal Relations

Skanderbeg's military successes evoked a good deal of interest and admiration from the Papal States, Venice, and Naples, themselves threatened by the growing Ottoman power across the Adriatic Sea. Skanderbeg managed to arrange for support in the form of money, supplies, and occasionally troops from all three states through his diplomatic skill. One of his most powerful and consistent supporters was Alfonso the Magnanimous, the king of Aragon and Naples, who decided to take Skanderbeg under his protection as a vassal in 1451, shortly after the latter had scored his second victory against Murad II. In addition to financial assistance, the King of Naples supplied the Albanian leader with troops, military equipment, and sanctuary for himself and his family if such a need should arise. As an active defender of the Christian cause in the Balkans, Skanderbeg was also closely involved with the politics of four Popes, one of them being Pope Pius II, the Renaissance humanist, writer, and diplomat.

Profoundly shaken by the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Pius II tried to organize a new crusade against the Turks, and to that end he did his best to come to Skanderbeg's aid, as his predecessors Pope Nicholas V and Pope Calixtus III had done before him. This policy was continued by his successor, Pope Paul II. They gave him the title Athleta Christi, or Champion of Christ.

Skanderberg's 25-year resistance against the Ottoman Empire succeeded in helping protect the Italian peninsula from invasion by the Turks.

Gjergj Kastriot's Legacy

After his death from natural causes in 1468 in Lezhë, his soldiers resisted the Turks for the next 12 years. In 1480 Albania was finally conquered by the Ottoman Empire. When the Turks found the grave of Skanderbeg in Saint Nicholas church of Lezhe, they opened it and held his bones like talismans for luck. The same year, they invaded Italy and conquered the city of Otranto.

Skanderbeg's posthumous fame was not confined to his own country. Voltaire thought the Byzantine Empire would have survived had it possessed a leader of his quality. A number of poets and composers have also drawn inspiration from his military career. The French sixteenth-century poet Ronsard wrote a poem about him, as did the nineteenth-century American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Antonio Vivaldi composed an opera entitled Scanderbeg.

Skanderbeg today is the National Hero of Albania. Many museums and monuments are raised in his honor around Albania, among them the Skanderbeg Museum next to the castle in Krujë.

Skanderbeg is founder of Castriota Scanderbeg family which is today part of Italian nobility.

Gjergj Kastrioti war der jüngste Sohn der Vojsava und des Fürsten Gjon Kastrioti († 1442), welcher von 1407 an fast ständig im Krieg mit den Türken lag. Die Fürstenfamilie hatte vier Söhne und eine Tochter. 1415 und wieder 1423 wurde der junge Gjergj nach einer Niederlage des Vaters mit drei Brüdern als Geisel an den Hof des Sultans nach Adrianopel geschickt, wo er als Angehöriger des Pagenkorps zum Islam übertrat, und den türkischen Namen Iskender erhielt (daher sein Beiname Skanderbeg). 1438 wurde er von Murad II. als Beg und Wali von Misia, Skuria und Jonima (Hauptort Kruja) ins heimatliche Albanien gesandt.
Als im November 1443 die Ungarn über die Türken siegten, verließ Skanderbeg mit ihm unterstellten Albanern das Heer des Sultans. Er bemächtigte sich am 27. November 1443 der Festung Kruja und fiel am folgenden Tag offen vom Sultan ab.
1444 gründete er die Liga von Lezha als Verteidigungsbündnis gegen die Türken. Mit dieser Allianz führte Skanderbeg 18 Jahre erfolgreich Krieg gegen die Osmanen, denen es nicht gelang, sich dauerhaft in Mittel- und Nordalbanien festzusetzen.
1451 heiratete Skanderbeg im Kloster Ardenica Donika. Sie war die Tochter des Fürsten von Vlora und Kanina, Gjergj Arianiti. 1456 wurde sein Sohn Gjon geboren.
1461 schloss Skanderbeg einen dreijährigen Waffenstillstand mit Sultan Mehmet II.. Obwohl es auch in der Folgezeit zu Scharmützeln kam, wurde im April 1463 in Skopje ein weiterer Waffenstillstand geschlossen. In dieser ruhigeren Phase des Krieges Anfang der sechziger Jahre war Skanderbeg nach Italien gereist, um Geld und Truppen von seinem Lehnsherrn König Alfons I. von Neapel zu erbitten. Dieser gewährte Skanderbeg eine Pension und schenkte ihm außerdem umfangreiche Ländereien in Süditalien.
Bis zu seinem Tod 1468 verteidigte Skanderbeg von der Festung Kruja aus Albanien gegen das Osmanische Reich. Seine Schwester Mamica half ihm bei der Verteidigung. Sie starb später bei Kämpfen gegen die Türken. Die Osmanen versuchten wiederholt mit riesigen Streitmächten die Macht Skanderbegs zu brechen. So belagerten sie Kruja wiederholt, ohne die Festung einnehmen zu können. Die albanischen Truppen waren aber zu schwach um die Türken komplett zu vertreiben, und die erhoffte Unterstützung von anderen europäischen Herrschern blieb aus.
Skanderbeg wurde nach seinem natürlichen Tod im Januar 1468 in einer Kirche im nordalbanischen Lezha begraben. Sein zwölfjähriger Sohn folgte ihm in der Herrschaft nach. Zehn Jahre nach seinem Tod konnten die Türken 1478 Albanien endgültig besetzen und mehr als 400 Jahre lang beherrschen. Grab und Kirche wurden von den Türken zerstört. Viele Türken sollen Teile seiner Überreste als Talisman mitgenommen haben. Von der Grabeskirche sind heute nur noch wenige Mauerreste zu sehen. In den 70er Jahren wurde darüber ein Denkmal mit Nachbildungen des Helmes und des Schwertes von Skanderbeg errichtet. Die Originale sind im Kunsthistorischen Museum in Wien.

[Bearbeiten] Nachruhm

Skanderbeg wurde schon zu Lebzeiten in ganz Europa berühmt. Der Papst bezeichnete ihn als Athleta Christi. Sein erfolgreicher Kampf gegen die Osmanen brachte ihm nicht nur den Status als Nationalhelden Albaniens ein, sondern war auch Thema zahlreicher Bücher, Dramen und einer Oper von Antonio Vivaldi; viele davon wurden erst einige hundert Jahre nach seinem Tod verfasst. Das Skanderbeg-Museum auf der Burg von Kruja sammelt sämtliche Werke, die sich mit Skanderbeg befassen.
Gjergj Kastrioti (dt. Georg Kastriota; * 1405; † 17. Januar 1468 in Lezha, Albanien), genannt Skanderbeg (alb.: Skënderbeu), war ein albanischer Fürst. Er ist durch seine Verteidigung Albaniens gegen die Osmanen berühmt geworden. Die Albaner verehren ihn als Nationalhelden.


Es gibt keine bildlichen Darstellungen, die Skanderbegs wirkliches Aussehen zu Lebzeiten zeigen. Alle Bilder des albanischen Fürsten beruhen auf mündlichen Beschreibungen und wurden erst nach seinem Tod gemalt.
In den Hauptstädten Tirana und Prishtina sind die zentralen Plätze nach ihm benannt und werden durch Reiterstatuen von ihm geschmückt. Am 94.Jahrestag der albanischen Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 2006 wurde eine dritte Statue Skanderbergs in Skopje errichtet.
Von 1944 bis 1945 trug eine vornehmlich aus Albanern gebildete SS-Division den Namen Skanderbeg.
Reiterstatue in Tirana

Skenderbegs Grabstätte

Portrait um 1600