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Bist dumm? In Srebrenica waren Flüchtlinge von Zvornik bis Visegrad. Geh dich einfach vergraben.

Ja aber in den Städten von Zvornik und Visegrad gab es auch Massaker. Und die die dort (in Visegrad) umgekommen sind werden da auch aufgezählt, was Fakt ist. Da steht ja nicht umsonst "Genozid an folgenden Städten..."

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Ne razumem o cemu pricas ... razjasni?

Kaže se da je u srebrenici umrlo 8.000 ljudi. ali u potočarima je popisano 13 općina. srebrenica je samo jedna od njih!
eigentlich gibst du dir selbst die antwort, ohne es zu merken

vor allem in deinem letzten satz, erster abschnitt
Ja aber in den Städten von Zvornik und Visegrad gab es auch Massaker. Und die die dort (in Visegrad) umgekommen sind werden da auch aufgezählt, was Fakt ist. Da steht ja nicht umsonst "Genozid an folgenden Städten..."

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Kaže se da je u srebrenici umrlo 8.000 ljudi. ali u potočarima je popisano 13 općina. srebrenica je samo jedna od njih!

Znaci Potocani nisu mogli du umru u Srebrenici?
Ja aber in den Städten von Zvornik und Visegrad gab es auch Massaker. Und die die dort (in Visegrad) umgekommen sind werden da auch aufgezählt, was Fakt ist. Da steht ja nicht umsonst "Genozid an folgenden Städten..."

Also in den anderen Orten gab es Massaker, in Srebrenica nicht. Wie konnten wir das die ganzen Jahre nicht sehen. Danke du guter kroatischer Mensch der grösserer Cetnik ist als Maradona. Ährenmann.
Also in den anderen Orten gab es Massaker, in Srebrenica nicht. Wie konnten wir das die ganzen Jahre nicht sehen. Danke du guter kroatischer Mensch der grösserer Cetnik ist als Maradona. Ährenmann.

Bin kein Cetnik. Ich sehe die Dinge nur wesentlich objektiver. Und ja es gab Massaker an Muslimen das ist unbestritten. Aber die Srebrenica-Sache stinkt genau wie Racak zum Himmel dass war die Eintrittskarte für die USA auf dem Balkan!

How many bodies have been buried thus far at the Potocari Memorial Center near Srebrenica, the cemetery reserved for the Muslim victims from July 1995? As of 2015, approximately 6,300 “names” have been buried at the cemetery (making substantial progress toward the number of 8,372 inscribed on the Memorial monument, although the basis for this figure is unclear). The burial procedure is completely controlled by the Institute for Missing Persons of Bosnia-Herzegovina, based in Sarajevo, and the Muslim religious authorities who, under the pretext of respect for religious rules and prescriptions, have not allowed any third party access to the contents of the coffins, just as they have not allowed any independent examination of the interred remains. This means that even ICTY indictees’ defense teams have been denied access to independent confirmation of the identity of the human remains buried in Potocari.
As an illustration of the opaque nature of the Potocari Memorial Center and the dark games that surround it, it is instructive to read the words of Hasa Omerovic, a Bosnian Muslim woman who lost her husband, father and brother around Srebrenica in July 1995, but who has refused to have her husband buried at the Potocari Memorial Center cemetery:
“There are other families that have avoided speaking out, but who have quietly, at their own expense, buried their loved ones in other places, outside of Potocari. There are also people buried in Potocari who were not killed in 1995, who were soldiers or commanders. They are buried in Potocari, and their monuments are the same as those of the people who were indeed killed in July 1995. Also buried there are those killed in internecine or other types of battles. That was the dirtiest war, waged by Mafiosi, not by normal people.”
(“Hasa Omerovic – another Face of Srebrenica,” Novi Reporter magazine, Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, March 2, 2011.)
And one of the founders of the main Bosnian Muslim political party, and long-time member of the Organization Committee for Srebrenica Remembrance, Ibran Mustafic, says:
“For a long time, Srebrenica has been an object of manipulation, and the chief manipulator is Amor Masovic (president of the Commission for Search of the Missing of the B-H Federation), whose plan was to live off the victims of Srebrenica for the next 500 years. There are also many others, who were close to Izetbegovic, who as early as the summer of 1992 started their project of maximally pumping up the numbers of Bosnian victims.”
(“Mustafic: More than 500 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica Were Killed by Bosnian Muslims,” Politika daily newspaper, Belgrade, Serbia, February 20, 2013.)

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sie sind in Srebrenica getötet worden
.aus verschiedenen abstammungs orten

Ja und zwar dass ich recht habe. Genozid wurde laut Potocari und den Bosniaken ja AN anderen Städten begangen und nicht nur in Srebrenica. Ein Beweis mehr dass man der Sache nicht trauen sollte.