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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Birleşmiş Milletler Aselsan'ı tercih etti!
Barış Gücü'nün operasyonları için 4 milyon dolarlık sipariş verildi


Aselsan'ın KAP'ta yayımlanan açıklamasında, Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü birlikleri tarafından Haiti ve Kongo operasyonlarında kullanılmak üzere sipariş aldığı belirtildi.

HF/VHF/UHF taktik haberleşme sistemleri ihtiyacı kapsamında toplam 4 milyon 84 bin 21 ABD Doları tutarında sipariş alındığı açıklandı.

2011 yılı içerisinde başlayacak teslimatların 2012 ilk yarısı içerisinde tamamlanmasının öngörüldüğü kaydedildi.

Kurzbeschreibung : Das UN Sicherheitsrat hat sich für "anstehende operationenen" die von der Türkischen Rüstungsunternähm Aselsan entwickelte kommunikation Geräten entschieden. Sie wollen ein geschäft von 4 Millionen USD abwickeln.

Quelle : Birle?mi? Milletler Aselsan'? tercih etti! - En Son Teknoloji Haberleri - HTEkonomi
Moderne Korvetten wie die schwedische Visby Klasse Korvetten oder die deutsche Braunschweig Klasse haben keine bessere bewaffnung als die Milgem Korvetten sondern die bewaffnungen sind sehr indentisch.

Einige Korvetten besitzen ja zusätzliche Senkrechtstarter (ESSM). Mich würde interessieren ob schon die Korvetten diese beziehen werden.
Einige Korvetten besitzen ja zusätzliche Senkrechtstarter (ESSM). Mich würde interessieren ob schon die Korvetten diese beziehen werden.

du verwechsel da etwas die corvetten haben keine senkrecht starter genau so wenig der neue Milgem Crovett.

So weit ich weiß haben nur die Frigatten senkrecht starter.

Die neue Türkische frigatte ( TF-2000 ) wird einen senkrechtstarter beseitzen.

bro welchen type von dennen bekommt Türkei ? weiß du etwas genauers ?

Bin mir nicht sicher,aber hab was für dich :

The Turkish Navy had commenced negotiations with HDW for the co-production of six Type 214 class air-independent propulsion (AIP) submarines. According to the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries of the Turkish Government these submarines will be "co-produced" with "maximum local content at Gölcük Naval Shipyard" in Kocaeli, Turkey.
On the 2nd of July 2009, HDW and the Turkish Ministry of Defence entered into an agreement for the co-production of 6 platforms. The agreement was the largest defence acquisition project in Turkey at the time after the firm order for 116 F-35 fighters at a cost of in excess of $10 billion. Ankara hoped that it's advanced, locally produced and highly modified Type 214 submarines will enter into service by 2015.[8][9][10] Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul stated that "Turkish industrial participation in the project would be worth around 80 percent of the total value of the deal".[11]
As the Turkish Type 214 will have a significant amount of Turkish indigenous systems on board, this variant of the Type 214 will be known as the Type 214TN (Turkish Navy). HDW will preassemble structural and mechanical parts of the submarine in Germany, or classified elements such as the fuel cells and propulsion system and will then ship them to Turkey. All electronic and weapon systems (including the C4I system) will be of Turkish design and production.
On 1 July 2011, the 2 billion euros order for six U 214 submarine material packages placed with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems by Turkey has entered into force with receipt of the advance payment. This enabled ThyssenKrupp to begin executing the order. The order was designated to contribute to securing employment at HDW in Kiel, as well as at many subcontractors in Germany and Turkey, for the next ten years.

Type 214 submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia