ich finde die hercules "SPECTRA" in verbindung von militä. spezialeinheiten einfach nur effektiv, gegen bewegliche ziele !!!
ein muss für spezalisierte einheiten TSK !!!
Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
so genannte gun-ships sind sehr effektiv und in der regel kostenkünstig. ich hatte schon vor jahren plädiert, die türkei möge sich A-10 thunderbolts zulegen. günstig in der anschaffung und weniger wartungsintensiv. aber auf mich hört ja keiner....
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Turkey abandons USD4 billion T-Loramids SAM system buy
By Lale Sariibrahimoglu and Nicholas de Larrinaga
Turkey has decided to abandon its plans to buy an off-the-shelf system for its T-Loramids surface-to-air missile (SAM) programme and is now seeking to co-develop a SAM system instead.
Local and foreign defence industry sources have informed IHS Jane's that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used his influence on the Executive Committee (EC) of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) during its 3 January meeting to abandon the USD4 billion purchase of 12 SAM systems in favour of the development of an advanced SAM system between Turkey and one of the bidding companies.
To the surprise of many, Turkey failed to pick a winner for its six-year-old T-Loramids SAM project during the 3 January meeting of the EC, the top decision making body on arms procurement - chaired by Erdogan.
The SSM and the four foreign bidders in the T-Loramids project are now working on the details of a co-development model, although none of the parties would provide a comment on the details to IHS Jane's .
auf der einen seite finde ich die entscheidung richtig. auf der anderen denke ich mir, das wir noch jahrzehnte brauchen werde um selbst adequte systeme zu entickeln....
[h=1]Bargain on national missile set ‘warms up’[/h] Hurriyet Daily News
Posted on January 31, 2013 by editor
The race for Turkey’s missile tender, worth $4 billion, is warming up, with China bidding below $3 billion and thus forcing the U.S. to decrease its offer in order to stay in the competition, anonymous sources have claimed.
Despite representatives of Raytheon declining to comment on the tender process, according to the sources the U.S. firm has been working hard to rehabilitate its offer for the Patriot system.
The protracted tender process for Turkey’s national long-range missile defense system was anticipated to be finalized during the Defense Industry Executive Board’s meeting last month.
For the estimated $4 billion contract, the pan-European company Eurosam, maker of the Surface-to-Air Missile Platform/Terrain Aster 30 system, is competing with a Raytheon-Lockheed partnership marketing Patriots; Russia’s Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300 system; and China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp., offering its HQ-9.
However, the tender was delayed due to China’s move to haul prices down to almost half the original.
The other bidders are now striving to revise their offers.
Another possible reason for the delay is the deployment of U.S.-made Patriot missiles provided by NATO along the Syria border, which could nullify Turkey’s own program to build long-range anti-missile and air defense systems on its soil, according to industry sources.
Meanwhile, many Western officials and experts say the Russian and Chinese systems in the Turkish competition are not compatible with NATO systems. The fear is that either country’s potential victory could inadvertently provide it with access to classified NATO information, and, as a result, may compromise NATO’s procedures.
Despite this criticism, Turkey so far has resisted dropping the Chinese and Russian options.
den chinesen sei dank. vlt dauert es ja nicht ganz so lange.