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Türkei & Iran Operation: Kandil Alle Neuigkeiten & Info`s

Die beiden punkte haben meiner meinung nach kein sinn.
1.Ein grenze kann man nicht einfach einsperren.
Ein bessere lösung were mit der nord irakischen regieren zusammen zu arbeiten.
In meinen Augen sind die Lösungen mit Gewalt nicht richtig.War nur so als Beispiel gedacht.
Denn "Frieden" der mit Gewalt erreicht wird, kann auch nur mit Gewalt gehalten werden, auch wenn man es danach nicht wirklich Frieden nennen kann.
Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass man mit der Regierung zusammen arbeiten muss, um eine dauerhafte Lösung zu finden. Ohne Einigkeit gibt es auch keine langfristige Lösung, der zu Frieden führt.
Hab grad ein video gesehen von einem kurdischen hinterhalt echt übel ihre guerilla taktik da hat man keine chance wenn man in sowas reingerät.....würde das video ja posten ist aber glaub ich zu krass für das kinder forum mein beileit
Report: Israel may offer military aid to PKK to punish Turkey

Israel's hawkish foreign minister is planning a series of measures to retaliate against Turkey in an apology row, including military aid to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a news report said on Friday.

Other planned measures are cooperation with the Armenian lobby in the US in its efforts to win recognition for Armenian claims that 1.5 million Armenians were victims of a genocide campaign in the late Ottoman Empire during the First World War years and to issue a travel warning urging all Israeli military veterans to refrain from traveling to Turkey, according to the report in Yedioth Ahranoth. The travel advisory will also urge Israelis to refrain from boarding connections in Turkey, the report said.

The planned measures apparently came out of a meeting attended by senior Israeli Foreign Ministry officials on Thursday, which the report said was held in preparation for a meeting on Saturday that will be attended by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a harsh critic of efforts to restore relations with Turkey after Ankara announced a set of sanctions against Israel for its refusal to apologize for the killing of eight Turks and one Turkish American on an aid ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza on May 31, 2010.

Accordingly, Lieberman insists that the Israeli efforts should focus on ways to respond to Turkey's sanctions, not formulating an apology for the 2010 incident, because what Turkey is interested is not an apology but exploiting the dispute with Israel so as to boost its regional standing.

Saturday's meeting will reportedly focus on those ways to respond to Turkey.

The Turkish government announced last Friday that it downgrades diplomatic relations with Israel and suspends military agreements. It also promised to take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean, where the 2010 incident took place, without elaborating. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan declared on Thursday that Turkish warships would escort future convoys to the Gaza Strip to prevent a repeat of the deadly Israeli raid last year.

Yedioth Ahranoth said Lieberman plans meetings with PKK leaders in Europe in order to find ways to cooperate with them in every possible area.In these meetings, the PKK leaders may ask Israel for military aid in the form of training and arms supplies, the report said.

Lieberman is also planning active Israeli participation in efforts worldwide to report Turkey's violations of human rights in treatment of minorities in Turkey.

We'll exact a price from Erdoan that will prove to him that messing with Israel doesn't pay off. Turkey better treat us with respect and common decency, Lieberman was quoted as saying.

Whether Lieberman's threats could ever be implemented remains questionable. Turkey's demand for an apology has divided the Israeli government, with hawks such as Lieberman strictly opposing it while others insisting that a way must be found to restore ties because Turkey is an ally of critical importance for Israel.

On Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel and Turkey will eventually mend fences rather than become foes, dismissing their apology dispute as spilled milk.

Speaking on Friday, another Israeli official said Erdoan's threat of sending warships to eastern Mediterranean was grave and serious but refused to go into a war of words.

"Turkey, which declares that Israel is not above international law, must understand that it isn't either," Dan Meridor, the Israeli Cabinet minister in charge of intelligence, said. "I do not think it would be correct to get into verbal saber rattling with him now. I think that our silence is the best answer, and I hope this will pass " Meridor told Army Radio. "I think anyone who is listening can make their own mind up about him and the direction he has chosen.

Report: Israel may offer military aid to PKK to punish Turkey
Irak fordert sofortiges Ende der Angriffe:

Irak fordert Ende türkischer Luftangriffe

Die irakische Regierung hat gegen die türkischen Luftangriffe auf Stellungen kurdischer Rebellen im Nordirak protestiert und ihr sofortiges Ende gefordert. Laut einer Erklärung des Außenministeriums in Bagdad wurde die Protestnote am Mittwoch dem türkischen Sondergesandten Murat Ozcelik übergeben. In dem Text wendet sich Bagdad gegen die "Verletzungen der irakischen Souveränität, die Bombardierungen der Grenzgebiete und das Zielen auf unschuldige Zivilisten".

Der Irak fordert nichts.Die Mehrheit der irakischen Regierung besteht aus Kurden.Die irakische Bevölkerung selber wird zurückgehalten und haben nichts zu sagen.Das selbe in Syrien mit den Sunniten und Aleviten.Mehr als 85 % der Bevölkerung sind Sunniten,doch wird das Land von Aleviten und anderes Shias kontrolliert.Dank den USA...
IRGC arrests two PJAK commanders


Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says nine members of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) have been arrested, two of whom served as commanders of the terrorist group.

“Confessions of these individuals will help us to identify the hideouts of the terrorist group and to discover their arms and ammunition storages,” IRGC Brigadier-General Nasser Shabani said on Saturday.

Shabani said the IRGC has dealt heavy blows to the PJAK during its operations in the northwestern parts of the country, adding that the group recently called for a ceasefire, indicating the extent of casualties they have suffered, Fars News Agency reported.

In a statement on September 3, PJAK -- an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) -- called for a ceasefire with Tehran upon the request of some “mediation parties.”

The offer comes as members of the PJAK and PKK dug new tunnels and built fronts in the Jasosan heights close to Iran's border regions over the past month, exploiting the IRGC's ceasefire during the fasting month of Ramadan.

The PJAK and PKK terrorists have also received new weapons, including 120-millimeter mortars, and walkie-talkies from the US consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil.

PJAK members regularly engage in armed clashes with Iranian security forces along the country's western borders with Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

Nearly 30 terrorists had been killed or injured in the recent IRGC operations.

PressTV - IRGC arrests two PJAK commanders
Türkei erwägt Bodentruppen im Kampf gegen PKK

Die Türkei behält sich einem Bericht zufolge in ihrem Kampf gegen die PKK-Rebellen einen Einmarsch von Bodentruppen in den Irak vor. Angeblich ist die Armee bereits an der Grenze in Stellung.

Die Türkei behält sich in ihrem Kampf gegen die Rebellen der verbotenen Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) einen Einmarsch von Bodentruppen in den Nordirak vor. Ein Einsatz am Boden könnte "jeden Moment" geführt werden, hänge aber von Gesprächen mit dem Nachbarland ab, sagte Innenminister Idris Naim Sahin nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu. Die Möglichkeit eines solchen Vorgehens werde derzeit geprüft.


In Sicherheitskreisen hieß es, die türkische Armee habe in den vergangenen Wochen ihre Truppen bereits entlang der Grenze zum Nordirak zusammengezogen. Seit einigen Tagen fliege die Luftwaffe Aufklärungsflüge über die Region.

PKK-Rebellen hatten am Sonntagabend einen Polizeiposten und eine Kaserne im äußersten Südosten der Türkei angegriffen und fünf Menschen getötet. Zeitungsberichten zufolge berief Regierungschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan daraufhin am Montag ein Dringlichkeitstreffen von zivilen und militärischen Verantwortlichen ein, um die Möglichkeit für einen Bodeneinsatz auszuloten.

Politik kompakt - Türkei erwägt Bodentruppen im Kampf gegen PKK - Politik - sueddeutsche.de
Kato Dağı'nda büyük operasyon



Şırnak'ın Beytüşşebap İlçesi yakınlarında bulunan Kato Dağı'ndaki PKK'lıların etkisiz hale getirilmesi için geniş çaplı operasyon başlatıldı. Hava destekli operasyonda, Kato'nun stratejik noktalarına özel eğitimli komandolar indirilirken, karadan da askerler sevkedildi.


Kuzey Irak sınırının karşısında bulunan Şırnak'ın Beytüşşebap ilçesi yakınlarındaki Kato Dağı'nda hareket halindeki bir grup PKK'lıyı tespit eden güvenlik güçleri geniş çaplı operasyon başlattı. Dün öğleden sonra başlayan ve halen süren operasyonlara bölgeye gelen Bolu Komando Tugay Komutanlığı'na bağlı özel eğitimli birlikler de destek veriyor. Sikorsky helikopterlerle Kato'nun Sedkar bölgesine komandolar indirildi. Kobra helikopterler PKK'lıların bulunduğu alanları bombaladı. Kato'ya karadan da asker sevkedildi.

Kato'da sayılarının 100'ü bulduğu tahmin edilen PKK'lıların geçiş güzergahlarını kesen güvenlik güçleri, derin vadileri ise termal kameralarla kontrol altına alıyor. Şu ana kadar sıcak bir temasın yaşanmadığı Kato Dağı'na çıkan yollarda ise jandarma ekipleri mayın taraması yapıyor.

Kurzbeschreibung : eine Großoffensive in der Region Sirnak gegen die Terroristischen anhänger der PKK