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Tourismusziel - Mazedonien

Da es bald Winter wird, gibt es hier einen kleinen Zusammenschnitt über die Skigebiete in Mazedonien:

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Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!
Wellnesshotel in Berovo

Also DAS sieht zur Abwechslung mal wirklich gemütlich aus!!! Lauter Naturmaterialien - Stein, Holz, Tondach,... Kein Beton und überschaubare Größe! Spannend wäre der Blick vom Pool den Hang hinunter. Wo liegt das und wie heisst das?

Aurora Resort in Berovo, Ost-Makedonien
[h=3]Ohrid and Popova Shapka to be linked with mountain track[/h]

New 184 mountain tracks will be marked across Macedonia, so that fans of nature will be able to pass the territory of the entire country through the mountains and connect with other countries’ mountain tracks, writes “Dnevnik”.

The project for organizing new mountain tracks in 2014 will be realized by the Government’s Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in Macedonia. Through the Programme for Rural Development , the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development within the Ministry of Agriculture provided around EUR 300,ooo for the project.

The longest, 200 km is the track from Skopje to Krusevo, and the toughest and the most beautiful, the whole above 2,000 m elevation is the one from Popova Shapka to Ohrid, 137 km long. Professional mountaineers can pass it for 7 to 10 days.
[h=3]Greek tourists take #1 spot for November[/h]

Over 20.000 foreign tourists visited Macedonia in November last year. Most of them came from Greece (3.765), followed by Turkey (2.750), Serbia (1.976), Bulgaria (1.715)...

According to the data of the State Statistical Office, the number of tourists in November 2013 was 34.113, and the number of nights spent by tourists was 79.025. Of those, 20.876 were foreign tourists spending 42.965 nights.

Skopje was the most visited city where 12.009 tourists were registered, followed by other tourist resorts, spas and mountains.
Meine letzte Reise ist leider nicht sonderlich gut verlaufen, sie war ehrlich gesagt ziemlich problematisch.
Nun plane ich allerdings meinen nächsten Urlaub, mit meinen Kindern.
Könnt ihr mir ein paar Anregungen geben, was meine Kinder in Mazedonien interessant finden könnten?