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Tourismusziel - Mazedonien

[h=3]Increased number of tourists in Macedonia[/h]

Macedonia in March was visited by 36,290 tourists, an increase of 5.5 percent over the same month last year. Ii is increased the number of overnight stays by 7.5 percents respectively, last year was 78,721, according to the State Statistical Office.

The number of domestic tourists in the same comparative period is increased by 20.6 percents and foreign, decreased by 2.7 percents. The number of nights spent by domestic tourists is increased by 16 percents, while of foreign by 1.8 percents.

In the period from January to March this year, compared to the same period last year, the number of tourists is increased by 2.8 percents.

For domestic tourists is increased by 6.9 percents, while foreign stayed at the same level. The number of overnight stays is increased by 2.9 percents, with domestic tourists by 3.7 and 2.3 in foreign.
[h=1]Macedonia Wins a Silver Plaque for Successful Promotion of Tourism[/h]
October 27, 2014, Monday @ 16:14 in Business » TOURISM | Views: 34
Macedonia wins a silver award for quality tourism. Photo: wordpress.com

Macedonia won a silver plaque for introducing a new degree of quality to its tourist offer at the International Fair on Winter & Spa Tourism, which was held in Novi Sad, Serbia on October 23-24.
"The award confirms the successful promotion of the Macedonian tourist product and the country as a new and attractive destination on the Balkans and wider, offering the world tourists an experience which unites the different tourist segments from culture and history and the various activities in nature," said the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in a press release.
During the fair, meetings with numerous participants from the tourist sector have been held, with which plans were made on future activities.

The international fair in Novi Sad was organized by "Turisticka Prizma", and besides the awards presented to the countries for introducing a new degree of quality in tourism, awards to the private sector were also given.

Tags: Macedonia, silver plaque, Winter & Spa Tourism, attractive destination, Meetings, private sector

[h=2]Donnerstag, 28. April 2016[/h][h=3]Sparkasse empfiehlt Skopje in der Reihe Unbekanntes Europa[/h]

Das Sparkassen Online Magazin "Das Leben inspiriert" empfiehlt Skopje als Reiseziel in seiner Reihe "Unbekanntes Eruopa - Städtetrips der etwas anderen Art". LINK

Skopje, die Hauptstadt von Mazedonien, überrascht den Besucher mit kontrastierenden Architekturstilistiken immer wieder aufs Neue. Und gerade das ist es, was den unverwechselbaren Charme der Stadt ausmacht. Der zentrale Makedonija-Platz wird von vielen historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten eingerahmt. Hoch über der Stadt herrscht auf dem Hausberg das Millenniumskreuz mit seiner beeindruckenden Stahlkonstruktion.
Tourismus in Mazedonien
Skopje ist die hässlichste Stadt Mazedoniens. Wie kann man nur in so nem Drecksloch investieren, wo wir doch den wunderschönen Westen( Debar, Mavrovo Nationalpark etc) und Süden (Bitola etc) haben. Was für eine Verschwendung! Da ist jede Zentralasiatische Drecksstadt schöner.