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Tourismusziel - Mazedonien

Typisch VMRO, was für eine Verschwendung. In einem Land in dem viele Leute keine Pension bekommen & die Spitäler in "Indischem Zustand" sind, so zu protzen, überall Goldene Löwen & auf den Bergen riesige beleuchtete Kreuze, was für ein jämmerlicher Scheiss. Wäre ich Slawisch-Orthodox, ich würde mich bis auf Grund & Boden schämen ab dennen. Unglaublich sowas, ihr seid manchmal wie die Rumänen, riesige Goldene Kirchen, während dem daneben kleine Kinder auf der Strasse verhungern. Ein echter Christ ist einer im Herzen & nicht wie bei euch mit riesigen Goldenen Kreuzen & solche 50m hohen beleuchteten, die man jeden Tag ertragen muss. Da bekommt man Augenkrebs, wirklich. Ihr tut mir manchmal wirklich leid. Ein Mensch, der nichts vorzuweisen hat, schwenkt seine Fahne, weil er nichts anderes hat, nur ist bei euch die Religion, mit der ihr am meisten protzt. Manchmal kommt es mir so vor, als ob ihr das Land einfach verwüsten wollt. Mit den Statuen habt ihr das schon lange getan, das Schlimme darann ist, dass wir alle darunter leiden müssen, nicht nur ihr Slawisch Orthodoxen Bewohner, aber das wird bald ein Ende haben.
Entweder ein respektvolles MITEINANDER oder dieses Land wird zu Grunde gehen. (Das habt ihr ja schon fast geschafft, es fehlt nicht mehr viel).
Ein wunderschönes Land, dass uns allen gehört, nicht nur euch orthodoxen Slawen!.
TUI Group Management Visits Macedonia for Talks with Tourism Officials

Mittwoch, Mai 25, 2016 English, News

Top managers of TUI Group, one of the largest international tour operators, will hold Tuesday talks in Ohird with officials of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism of Macedonia to discuss experiences acquired so far stemming from the successful cooperation and ways for additional cooperation as regards organized tourism turnover and ways to invest in Macedonian tourism, the Agency said in a press release.

Furthermore, Ohrid for the first time is hosting May 23-­28 an annual congress of the top 70 young tourism professionals, students of colleges of hospitality in the Netherlands. Macedonia has been chosen out of five shortlisted countries.

“It is a recognition of the quality of the country’s tourist offer and the efforts made by the government so as to improve the quality of services, standards and the overall tourism offer,” read the press release. The 2016 tourist season was launched on May 3 with the arrival of 189 tourists from the Netherlands.

The number of Dutch tourists is on the rise with the number being increased by 30 percent and that of nights spent by 20 percent, the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism of Macedonia said.
Macedonia Hosts Three-Day Info Tour for French Voyager Autrement

Mittwoch, Juni 15, 2016 English, News

The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism of Macedonia has organized a three-day info-tour for tour operator Voyager Autrement, which annually sends over 15,000 tourists all over the world.

The Agency informed that Macedonia has been included in the program for alternative tourism, as a new and undiscovered destination.

The press release read that Macedonia is ideal for vacation and relaxation, offering vivid villages, wine regions, mountains, beautiful lake resorts, pictorial landscapes, rich culture, sunny days, hospitable people and affordable prices for foreign tourists.

The tourist offer for Skopje and Ohrid and their cultural heritage have made a great impression, especially the monastery tourism.
Kloster Bigorski - Clip


Top Macedonia Tourist Attraction | Tikves Winery

Samstag, Juni 18, 2016 Clip, Tikvesh, Wein

Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and Negotino. Famous for its wine, Tikveš is the center of the Macedonian wine production which has been cultivated for more than 120 years. The region is also very famous f

Wine industry
A large fertile plain of about 2,000 square kilometers makes up the Tikveš district (part of Povardarie region), located in central Macedonia and enclosed by mountain highlands on three sides. It consists of gentle undulating hills at an average of 300 meters above sea-level. Its climate is characterized by long, hot summers and mild and rainy sub-mediterranean winters with an average of 460 mm of rainfall each year. Spring is shorter, some say fresher here and autumn is a bit longer and warmer.


Its altitude varies between 110 and 650 meters. The Vardar River, the country’s principal river, cuts the valley into western and eastern sections. These two sections are very different in their relief, climate, surface waters, soil quality and flora and fauna. The valley’s eastern section is arid and sparsely populated, while the western section is fertile and, compared to that of the east, much more densely populated. This area is also rich in forests, minerals and pastureland and resembles an oasis with a virtual Valhalla of vineyards and orchards.

District's wine growing characteristics
average sum of active temperatures during vegetation 42.84°C
absolute maximum temperature 44.8°C
absolute minimum temperature -23.2°C
average air temperature during the vegetation period 19.3°C
average late spring frosts occur to 23.03, early autumn frosts from 04.11
average rainfall per year 483 mm
average rainfall in the period of vegetation 262 mm
sum of sunny hours during vegetation 1750.8
As a result of a harmonious climatic and geographic convergence, the Tikveš region is a perfect place for the cultivation of wine (which is locally popular). The region has produced wine for over 2,500 years.

Today, there are predominantly 20 different grape varieties grown in the Tikveš region. The local Smederevka, Vranec and Temjanika comprise 80% of the total grape production. As wine consumers' preferences change globally, the region keep paces with current trends and adjusts its vine varieties accordingly.

This is a production of Hotel Internet Marketing | Digital Marketing for Hotels | Travel Media Group and is broadcast through the www.worldpressmedia.com network, Press Fams are organized courtesy of Welcome

Its altitude varies between 110 and 650 meters. The Vardar River, the country’s principal river, cuts the valley into western and eastern sections. These two sections are very different in their relief, climate, surface waters, soil quality and flora and fauna. The valley’s eastern section is arid and sparsely populated, while the western section is fertile and, compared to that of the east, much more densely populated. This area is also rich in forests, minerals and pastureland and resembles an oasis with a virtual Valhalla of vineyards and orchards.

District's wine growing characteristics
average sum of active temperatures during vegetation 42.84°C
absolute maximum temperature 44.8°C
absolute minimum temperature -23.2°C
average air temperature during the vegetation period 19.3°C
average late spring frosts occur to 23.03, early autumn frosts from 04.11
average rainfall per year 483 mm
average rainfall in the period of vegetation 262 mm
sum of sunny hours during vegetation 1750.8
As a result of a harmonious climatic and geographic convergence, the Tikveš region is a perfect place for the cultivation of wine (which is locally popular). The region has produced wine for over 2,500 years.

Today, there are predominantly 20 different grape varieties grown in the Tikveš region. The local Smederevka, Vranec and Temjanika comprise 80% of the total grape production. As wine consumers' preferences change globally, the region keep paces with current trends and adjusts its vine varieties accordingly.

This is a production of Hotel Internet Marketing | Digital Marketing for Hotels | Travel Media Group and is broadcast through the www.worldpressmedia.com network, Press Fams are organized courtesy of Welcome
"Kulturhauptstadt 2016" Dojran fast ausgebucht

Montag, Juni 27, 2016 Dojran, Veranstaltungen

Die makedonische Kulturhauptstadt 2016 ist die kleine Stadt Dojran am gleichnamigen See. Am kommenden Wochenende finden zahlreiche Veranstaltungen statt: Konzerte, Theater Aufführungen, Ausstellungen, Kunst Kolonien und weiteres.
Man hatte das Datum für die Veranstaltungen in der Kulturhauptstadt bewusst auf die "Frühe Hauptsaison" gelegt, da Erfahrungsgemäß zu dieser Zeit etliche Kapazitäten in Dojran frei bleiben. So wird dieses Jahr die Hauptsaison früher starten und auch wohl länger anhalten, mittlerweile sind fast 90% der Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für das folgende Wochenende in Dojran belegt.
Die Urlauber können sich auf über 100 Events in der diesjährigen Hauptstadt der Kultur freuen.
[h=1]Neue Sehenswürdigkeit in Skopje - Das Makedonische Dorf[/h]
Donnerstag, Juni 30, 2016 Dorf, Hotel, Skopje, Vodno

Eine neue Sehenswürdigkeit wurde am vergangenen Wochenende in Skopje eröffnet. Der neue Tourismuskomplex "makedonisches Dorf" (makedonsko selo) eröffnete seine Pforten, auf 12.000 m² ist dort ein "kleines Makedonien" entstanden.
Baustile aus alle Regionen Makedoniens sind dort zu bewundern, natürlich auch alle kulinarischen Genüsse aus diese Regionen.
Oberhalb des Klosters Sveti Pantelejmon bei Gorno Nerezi auf dem Hausberg von Skopje Vodno liegt die neue Anlaufstelle für Touristen und Einheimische.
16 authentische Häuser stehen in dem Komplex die auch Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für 100 Touristen bieten. Desweiteren können Touristen das makedonische Handwerk kennen lernen, etliche kleine Werkstätten wurden eingerichtet in dem traditionelles makedonisches Handwerk betrieben werden soll.





