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Völkermord an den Assyrern

SAYFO STORY 3, Midyat 1915 | Ms. Zahre Oztas (photo) remembers: "When I was around 10 years old, I faced the Sayfo against the Aramean people.
I remember that we went from Mzizah to Midyat to do some work. We were walking on the hills when all of a sudden Turkish soldiers appeared and attacked us. We were a group of about 30 persons.

They took 3 young girls and all others were taken, tied and lined up. We had to take off our clothes so that they would not be stained by blood. They shot all of the men, women and children. When they were gunned down, they fell on me and I found myself under the dead bodies of my family and friends. I was so shocked that I could not move or even feel anything, not one part of my body.

After a while I came to realize that the bullets had not hit me and that I was not injured. I stood up to see whether the soldiers had left. When I discovered that I was the only person that had survived this attack, I started to walk. I did not know where I was going to, but as I was crying for help I kept walking and walking. Finally, I arrived to a village named Iwardo and heard them speaking my language. I told them what had happened to us and stayed there for a few days until they found out who my parents were."

Recognize the Aramean-Syriac Genocide, Turkey!!!



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