Haha ich bin ruhig
Qulle mal dazu und von wo sind die alle gekommen. Und was soll daran richtig sein? Jeder kennt die zahlen vom bevölkerungsaustausch und jeder kann sie sich auch anschauen.
Zu den 7'000'000 habe ich leider die Quelle nicht gefunden. Hatte das mal irgendwo gelesen und eigl. könnte es auch Bullshit sein, vergiss das wieder.
Hier aber was anderes:
Muslim Chams in Turkey form the second largest community of Chams, after Albania.[SUP]
[7][/SUP] This community was established after the two World Wars. After the
First World War,
Chams were forced to leave for Turkey during the population exchange,[SUP]
[9][/SUP] and another migration wave followed after the Second World War, when a minority of the Chams expelled from Greece chose Turkey over Albania because of their anti-communist sentiments.[SUP]
The exact number of Muslim Chams in Turkey is unknown, but various estimates conclude that they number between 80,000 to 100,000,[SUP]
[5][/SUP] from a total population of 150,000 to 1.3 million Albanians that live in Turkey.[SUP]
[10][/SUP] The Chameria Human Rights Association declares that most of them have been linguistically assimilated, although they maintain Albanian consciousness and regional Cham traditions.[SUP]
[11][/SUP] A considerable number of Chams in Turkey have changed their surnames to
Cam or
Cami, which in Turkish means pine, in order to preserve their origin.[SUP]
[5][/SUP] They are organized within the "Albanian-Turkish Brotherhood Association" (
Shoqëria e Vllazërisë Shqiptaro-Turke,
Türk-Arnavut Kardeşliği Derneği), which fights for the rights of Albanians.[SUP]
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