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Wahrheit über die Sonne von Vergina

[h=1]Kein Verbot für den Stern von Vergina in Mazedonien[/h]Aleks Dezember 30, 2013 Namensstreit No Comment

Mazedonische Basketball-Fans mit der ersten Flagge der Republik Mazedonien, auf der der Stern von Vergina abgebildet ist (Bildquelle: ww.dalmacijanews.com)

Alleinig Ivan Velickovski von der LP (Liberalna Partija) stimmte für den eingebrachten Vorschlag in der 77. Sitzung des mazedonischen Parlaments, die Verwendung des antiken makedonischen Symbols, den Stern von Vergina, in der Republik Makedonien zu verbieten. Mit dem Verbot wollte er die Initiative im sog. Namenstreit mit Griechenland ergreifen und einen Teil von Forderungen der griechischen Seite zu erfüllen. Alle anderen großen Parteien, die regierende VMRO-DPMNE und die größte Oppositionspartei SDSM stimmten gegen den Vorschlag. Die größte albanische Partei DUI enthielt sich.
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Denko Maleski beschreibt die Entstehung der slawisch-politischen Erfindungen

Mr Denko Maleski about the Name Issue - Macedonia
Mr Denko Maleski - FYROM is rather NOT 'Macedonia' 1.

There is nothing atypical here for the process of the creation of any modern nation, except when falsification from the type of substitution of the word "Bulgarian" with the word "Macedonian" were made.

The creation of the "Macedonian" nation, for almost half of a century, was done in a condition of single-party dictatorship. In those times, there was no difference between science and ideology, so the "Macedonian" historiography, unopposed by anybody, comfortably performed a selection of the historic material from which the "Macedonian" identity was created.

It has been claimed that from 1944 till the end of the 1940s people espousing a Bulgarian ethnic identity had been oppressed. According to Bulgarian sources more than 100,000 men were imprisoned under the new "Law for the protection of Macedonian national honor" for refusing to declare they were ethnic Macedonians. Some 1,200 prominent Bulgarians were sentenced to death in the towns of Skopje, Veles, Kumanovo, Bitola and Stip. In 1946 two Bulgarian

politicians were sentenced to death and another 74 men jailed for attempting to detach SR Macedonia from Yugoslvaia and join it with Bulgaria. The Communist authorities were successful in removing all Bulgarian influence in the region. In Macedonia the Bulgarophobia increased almost to the level of state ideology.".

(Denko Maleski, Minister of foreign affairs of the FYROM from 1991 to 1993 in an interview to FYROM newspaper Utrinski Vesnik October 16, 2006)

Aber stumpf und dumpf wie die ex-yugo-slawischen und die anderer Minderheiten, wie Zoraner, beim Thema sind, werden sie hier weiter von ihren ex-yugoslawischen Stammesbrüdern in Schutz genommen.

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Denko Maleski beschreibt die Entstehung der slawisch-politischen Erfindungen

Mr Denko Maleski about the Name Issue - Macedonia
Mr Denko Maleski - FYROM is rather NOT 'Macedonia' 1.

There is nothing atypical here for the process of the creation of any modern nation, except when falsification from the type of substitution of the word "Bulgarian" with the word "Macedonian" were made.

The creation of the "Macedonian" nation, for almost half of a century, was done in a condition of single-party dictatorship. In those times, there was no difference between science and ideology, so the "Macedonian" historiography, unopposed by anybody, comfortably performed a selection of the historic material from which the "Macedonian" identity was created.

It has been claimed that from 1944 till the end of the 1940s people espousing a Bulgarian ethnic identity had been oppressed. According to Bulgarian sources more than 100,000 men were imprisoned under the new "Law for the protection of Macedonian national honor" for refusing to declare they were ethnic Macedonians. Some 1,200 prominent Bulgarians were sentenced to death in the towns of Skopje, Veles, Kumanovo, Bitola and Stip. In 1946 two Bulgarian

politicians were sentenced to death and another 74 men jailed for attempting to detach SR Macedonia from Yugoslvaia and join it with Bulgaria. The Communist authorities were successful in removing all Bulgarian influence in the region. In Macedonia the Bulgarophobia increased almost to the level of state ideology.".

(Denko Maleski, Minister of foreign affairs of the FYROM from 1991 to 1993 in an interview to FYROM newspaper Utrinski Vesnik October 16, 2006)

Denko Maleskis Aussagen sind ohne Bedeutung.

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Denko Maleski beschreibt die Entstehung der slawisch-politischen Erfindungen

Mr Denko Maleski about the Name Issue - Macedonia
Mr Denko Maleski - FYROM is rather NOT 'Macedonia' 1.

There is nothing atypical here for the process of the creation of any modern nation, except when falsification from the type of substitution of the word "Bulgarian" with the word "Macedonian" were made.

The creation of the "Macedonian" nation, for almost half of a century, was done in a condition of single-party dictatorship. In those times, there was no difference between science and ideology, so the "Macedonian" historiography, unopposed by anybody, comfortably performed a selection of the historic material from which the "Macedonian" identity was created.

It has been claimed that from 1944 till the end of the 1940s people espousing a Bulgarian ethnic identity had been oppressed. According to Bulgarian sources more than 100,000 men were imprisoned under the new "Law for the protection of Macedonian national honor" for refusing to declare they were ethnic Macedonians. Some 1,200 prominent Bulgarians were sentenced to death in the towns of Skopje, Veles, Kumanovo, Bitola and Stip. In 1946 two Bulgarian

politicians were sentenced to death and another 74 men jailed for attempting to detach SR Macedonia from Yugoslvaia and join it with Bulgaria. The Communist authorities were successful in removing all Bulgarian influence in the region. In Macedonia the Bulgarophobia increased almost to the level of state ideology.".

(Denko Maleski, Minister of foreign affairs of the FYROM from 1991 to 1993 in an interview to FYROM newspaper Utrinski Vesnik October 16, 2006)

Aber stumpf und dumpf wie die ex-yugo-slawischen und die anderer Minderheiten, wie Zoraner, beim Thema sind, werden sie hier weiter von ihren ex-yugoslawischen Stammesbrüdern in Schutz genommen.

Es gibt Belege/Beweise ethnischer Makedonier die Landesverrat für ein "kleines Taschengeld" an der eigenen Nation begangen haben, dieser Herr gehört auch zu diesen Kandidaten :fts: