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Wieso kehrt sich die Welt immer mehr zur Islamskepsis? [Sammelthread]

Habt ihr Bock auf solche Nachbarn?

Du bist auf dem Bild zu sehen, also eher nein :lol:
If Zionism is going to build a country for me like this one in the picture...then I am a Zionist from this moment on.If Zionism will build shelters for me and defend me with defense systems and missiles worth millions of dollars so that I and my children will not be harmed, then I am a Zionist...If Zionism provides my children with an education that ranks fourth in the world, as education is in Israel...then I am a Zionist from today.If Zionism provides me with a minimum salary of 4,000 dollars... and a respectable passport with which I can travel around the entire world, with my head held high, without the humiliation of queues standing for hours in the sun for a visa... then I am a Zionist from today.If Zionism builds hospitals for me with the latest equipment and the best doctors, and treatment for me and my children is almost free, then I am a Zionist from this moment on.If Zionism guarantees me my right to freedom and expression then welcome to Zionism.I look at this picture of Tel Aviv...and I say to the Arab rulers...be Zionists, for God's sake...what you have been doing for 1500 years has benefited us nothing and has not achieved anything for us except poverty, backwardness, destruction, corruption, fighting, sexual harassment, and repressed, backward, ignorant peoples destroying their homelands with their own hands. People who hate everything...hate life...and only talk about death.

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Empfehlenswert... Christian Prince ist eine Atombombe von ihm rennen die bekanntesten Imame und sheiks davon wollen keine Debatten führen weil sie Angst haben 🤣 ... Ein richtig bekannter Imam und apologet des Islam sagt erst zu zu einer Debatte kaufe Christian Prince seine Bücher liest und sagt dann ab und schau was er sagt über Christian Prince ...

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