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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Ich hatte schon mal gesagt das ich glaube das das nur Theater ist damit man von EU entsprechende Fördergelder kriegt und man dies auch als Argument verwenden könnte "ohne EU Aufnahme hohe Arbeitslosigkeit". Mittlerweile ist viel Zeit vergangen, ich weiß nicht warum die Zahlen nicht bereinigt werden. Das schlimme sind nicht diese Zahlen sondern die Schattenwirtschaft die in dem Link mit 40% geschätzt wird. Und das ist hoch, sehr hoch.

Wieso denn? Dass Mazedonien die Beschäftigten in der Subsistenzwirtschaft auch als Arbeitslose zählt, ist doch gut. Es geht um die Veranschaulichung der Lage. ;)

Jeder Zweite, den ich kenne, arbeitet in der Schattenwirtschaft. :D Das ist schon fast "normal" dort...
Wieso denn? Dass Mazedonien die Beschäftigten in der Subsistenzwirtschaft auch als Arbeitslose zählt, ist doch gut. Es geht um die Veranschaulichung der Lage. ;)

Jeder Zweite, den ich kenne, arbeitet in der Schattenwirtschaft. :D Das ist schon fast "normal" dort...

Gut fände ich eher die Schattenwirtschaft mehr zu "bekämpfen".

Mehrwertsteuer für Schul-Artikel, Kinder und Baby Artikel von 18 auf 5% reduziert

Gruevski: Reduced VAT will be of direct assistance to citizens


At today’s government meeting were accepted amendments to the Law on for VAT.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that it is adopted decision to reduce VAT for few products, from 18 to 5 percents.
Value added tax would be reduced for feed additives, livestock, baby products, and school supplies.
- With the reduction of VAT we expect to reduce the cost of products, which will be of direct assistance to citizens. The reduced VAT for baby products and school supplies will be of great help to parents of newborn babies and children. The VAT reduction will affect the prices of feed additives and livestock, which will influence the reduction of prices of meat and dairy products. This measure will improve the competitiveness of Macedonian products opposite to imported products, Gruevski said.
The level of financial implications for this measure is 380 million MKD annually.

Papierverarbeiter Diatec plant erstes Werk in Mazedonien

02.05.2014 − Die italienische Diatec Gruppe, ein Hersteller von beschichteten Papieren und Folien mit Sitz in Mailand, hat die Errichtung eines neuen Standortes in Mazedonien angekündigt.
Das Werk soll gleichzeitig Logistikstandort werden und planmäßig Südosteuropa und die Mittelmeerländer beliefern, teilt die Gruppe mit. Zunächst sollen Produkte für die Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie, wie Zuschnittpapier, Plotterpapier und perforiertes Papier gefertigt werden. Dem Plan zufolge wird der Standort später das gesamte Portfolio der Gruppe abdecken.
Diatec produziert Medien für den klein- und großformatigen digitalen Farbdruck sowie Spezialprodukte für technische und grafische Anwendungen und Materialien für die Bekleidungs-, Textil- und Verpackungsindustrie.
Papierverarbeiter Diatec plant erstes Werk in Mazedonien | EUWID Papier und Zellstoff

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PHOTO: The largest mall in western Macedonia “Palma Mall” opened its doors today


The largest mall in western Macedonia “Palma Mall” situated at 30 km from Skopje, today officially opens its doors to visitors and customers. It has content for all ages.

“Palma Mall” is made by all the world’s standards and extends on an area of ​​ over 32,000 m2 on 4 levels with underground free parking.
The owner of “Palma Mall” Neat Xheladini noted that the opening of this mall opened more jobs.
- Today we can proudly say that citizens will finally be able to perform their daily needs in this modern shopping center, Xheladini said.

The new modern shopping center “Palma Mall” contains a number of shops including: fashion boutiques of famous international, regional and local brands, such as Lc Waikiki, LTB, Eni Sweets, DM, Dioptra, Watch ID, Shatzi, Axel, Swatch, Tudors, Penti, Actual club, Kemofarm, TTK, IL Camino, Sport vision, Paolo Botticelli, Fashion Brand, Azzara, Student, Docato shoes, Glamur, Vasidora, Arena sport, Bugatchi, Big Star, Coincasa, Factory Mebel, Happy star toy story, great shop for appliances – Palma Trade, supermarket – Ramstore, Emporium restaurant and fast food corner, playroom – Happy Star Playground, 7D cinema and many other places of entertainment for all ages.

During the opening number of events were organized, and the day will end with a central performance in the evening. Famous music stars Adelina and Sara Mejs are Guests at the official opening and they are also the new faces of the campaign “Palma Mall”.

Palma Mall will be open seven days a week.

Macedonia advanced 10 places in the latest report of the World Economic Forum


In the latest Global Information Technology Report by the World Economic Forum, Macedonia has advanced for 10 places. In 2013, Macedonia was on the 67th place and this year the country is on 57th place out of 144 countries.

In the latest Global Information Technology Report by the World Economic Forum, Macedonia has advanced for 10 places. In 2013, Macedonia was on the 67th place and this year the country is on 57th place out of 144 countries.
The report shows the progress of countries not only in the development of information and communication technologies, but also in the economic and social impact and particular emphasis is placed on the strong points and weaknesses the country is facing.
Here are in detail analyzed the advantages and risks of working with large data and the benefits that can be extracted from the public and private organizations. The report is fullest and most authoritative of this type.

The thirteen edition of the report was published at time when economies need to strengthen and recover from last year, the worst economic and financial crisis in the past 80 years, it is written in the report.
Developed economies had to maintain their growth and to find new areas to be developed, while the young economies that are developing should find way to survive in the turbulent market and to enhance their innovation potentials to be able to cope with economic growth, which we had in the past decade.

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In the first quarter exports increased by 17 percents


In the first three months of this year exports of goods in Macedonia is $ 1.112.587.000, and imports $ 1,696,617,000. Exports in the first quarter of last year was increased by 17 percents and imports 13 percents.

As State Statistics Office reported the import coverage by export was 65.6 percents, and the trade deficit is $ 584.031 million.
Macedonia exports catalysts supporters with precious metals or their compounds, ferrosilicium, ferronickel, iron and steel (rolled products) and clothes, while imports platinum and platinum alloys, unwrought or in powder, electricity and other metals of the platinum group and their alloys, unwrought or in powder form.
Out of exported goods, 80.1 percents ended in the EU and 12.4 percent in the Western Balkans. Most or 63.2 percents was imported from the EU.
According to the total volume of foreign trade, the Republic of Macedonia’s most important trade partners are Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Serbia, and Italy. These countries carry 52.1 percents of the total foreign trade.

European Commission: Macedonia Has Third Highest GDP Growth in Europe

May 5, 2014, Monday @ 15:50 in Politics » MACEDONIA IN EU | Views: 42
Euro banknotes Photo: Wikipedia

The Republic of Macedonia has noted the third highest growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Europe and, according to this year's projections, it is expected to be fourth on European level, the European Commission says in today's Spring economic forecast.
Macedonia's GDP has grown for 3.1%, which is slightly lower than Romania (3.5%) and Lithuania (3.3.%), while the EU has noted GDP growth of only 0.1%, the EU area was in recession (-0.4%), the US has a surplus of 1.9% and Japan 1.5%, MIA reports from Brussels.
This year forecasts predicted Macedonia's GDP to mark an increase of 3.0%, Latvia of 3.8%, Lithuania of 3.3% and Poland of 3.2%.

Real GDP growth is expected to advance with moderation in 2014, at 1.6% and 1.2% respectively in the eurozone, before gaining some further speed in 2015.
In contrast to the sharp but short lived upturn in 2010, the current recovery in the EU and Eurozone is more balanced regionally as it involves most of the vulnerable member-states.
Real GDP growth is expected to accelerate next year. Substantial, but receding, differences in performance will remain. Among the largest economies, Germany's increase of GDP is expected to decline, while Spain is expected to fully recover and slowly gather pace in France and Italy. UK's growth is gaining stability.
Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President said: "The recovery has now taken hold. Deficits have declined, investment is rebounding and, importantly, the employment situation has started improving. Continued reform efforts by member-states and the EU itself are paying off. This ongoing structural change reminds me of the profound adjustment that the central and eastern European economies undertook in the 1990s and in subsequent years, linked to their joining the EU exactly 10 years ago. Their experience shows how important it is to embrace structural reforms early on and to stay on the course, whatever challenges may be faced along the way. In this spirit, we must not lessen our efforts to create more jobs for Europeans and strengthen growth potential."
A gradual pick-up in economic growth
Overall, domestic demand is expected to become the key driver of growth over the forecast horizon. Consumer spending should progressively add to growth as real income benefits from lower inflation and the stabilizing labor market. The recovery in investment should continue to support growth, with gains in both equipment and construction investment. The contribution of net exports is expected to diminish over the forecast horizon.
The gradual nature of this upturn is in line with previous recoveries, following deep financial crises. While financing conditions remain benign on average, substantial differences persist across member-states and across firms of different size.
Labor market conditions started to improve in the course of 2013 and more jobs, as well as a further decline in unemployment rates should follow (to 10.1% in the EU and 11.4% in the euro area in 2015).
Inflation is expected to remain low, both in the EU (1.0% in 2014, 1.5% in 2015) and in the euro area (0.8% and 1.2%).
Current account deficits in vulnerable member-states have been reduced in recent years, following continuous price competitiveness gains. In a number of these economies, surpluses are expected in 2014 and 2015.
The reduction in general government deficits is set to continue. In 2014, a decrease is projected to around 2½ % of GDP in both the EU and the euro area. The debt-to-GDP ratio will peak at almost 90% in the EU and 96% in the euro area before falling next year.
The largest downside risk to the growth outlook remains a renewed loss of confidence from a stalling of reforms. Also, uncertainty about the external environment has increased. On the other hand, further bold structural reforms could lead to a stronger-than-envisaged recovery.
While current price developments reflect both external factors and the ongoing adjustment process, a too prolonged period of low inflation could also entail risks. However, the gradually strengthening and increasingly broad-based recovery should mitigate these risks.

- See more at: European Commission: Macedonia Has Third Highest GDP Growth in Europe - Independent.mk
Carlos Slim notified the Macedonian authorities that he has taken over VIP


Carlos Slim has informed the Macedonian authorities that he has taken the Macedonian telecommunications operator VIP, informs ekonomski.mk. Richest man in the world on 24 of April take over Telekom Austria, the owner of the Macedonian telecommunications company VIP.

In the notice sent to the Macedonian Commission for Protection of Competition last week was stated that Carso Telecom BV based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands acquires control over Telekom Austria Aktiengelesshaft based in Vienna. Preliminary, the Commission conducted examination and the final response will be submitted within ten days.
The new owner of Telekom Austria yesterday appointed new director. Sigmund Majerhofer will be CEO of Telekom Austria for the next year replacing the current present Weird Chuden. The agreement with Chuden was terminated three years before its expiry, and he will leave office at the end of this month, according to Reuters.
Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, after marathon negotiations with the Austrian government last month made ​​agreement for taking over the Austrian Telekom. After signing contract with Austrian state holding company, the Slim company América Móvil said that they will offer 7.15 euro per share for buying the remaining stake in Telekom. For recapitalization, Slim will invest one billion euro, announced his company.
This agreement is the basis for future growth, innovation and solid investment in Telekom Austria, said CEO of América Móvil, Daniel Hajj. Thanks to the new agreement, the Slim Company did penetration in the Europe, considering their aims to expand operations outside of Latin America.

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It will be restarted the plant “Ruen Inox Automobile” from June 1 begin with work


Package No. 1 from “Ruen IT” that in bankruptcy procedure was sold at auction and was bought by consortium “King Inox and Office Express” from Kochani worth 1.5 million euro, from June 1 starts with work.

- We will begin with service provision department for repairing clutches, heat treatment of parts and mint, and then with 120 employees will start the production of parts – joints for the automotive industry worldwide. The reconstruction of the machines and rebuilding infrastructure company “King Inox Automobile” will be invested 350,000 euro of own assets that will produce clutches and other parts for the automotive industry of stainless steel, said at a press conference Slave Jordanov, director of the company.
For a start, “Ruen Inox Automobile” will hire the professional staff of the former industry “Ruen” to animate the production. It is planned to conquest new markets and hiring young professionals.

Increase in Export Value from Industrial Zones in Macedonia

Labels: Export, Wirtschaft

In the first four months of 2014, the value of export from the free economic zones is EUR 350 million. Export value in the first quarter, standing at EUR 250 million registers a 95% rise compared to the same period last year.

If this tempo is maintained the Directorate for Technological and Industrial Development Zones expects the planned figure of EUR 1.2 million export to be exceeded this year. Total export value from Macedonia in the first three months rose by 17%.

"There has been a huge increase in export compared to last year. Only within a month, the value of exported goods from the zones is approximately EUR 100 billion and we are on the right path to achieve or even surpass the overall planned export from the zones of EUR 1.2 billion annually, the Head of TIDZ Directorate, Viktor Mizo, stated.

According to Mizo, the rise comes as a result of the second stage activity of Johnson Matthey which actively adds value, followed by Van Hool which is functional, then Johnson Controls and Kemet electronics.

He further added that he expects the overall export to reach an increase of 30%, if this pace is maintained.

"In the first three months, the growth was EUR 250 million i.e. 95% compared to the first three months of the previous year. In 2013, the export from the zones was close to 25% of Macedonia's total export", Mizo noted.

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Gruevski: The number of employees in ?Van Hall? will reach 600 | Macedonian News Agency | Kurir.mk