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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)
[h=1]“Forbes”: Macedonia at 31 place in the world for doing business, a jump of 5 places[/h]
The official site of the prestigious financial magazine “Forbes” has published report on the best countries for doing business. Macedonia this year is ranked 31 among 146 countries, representing improvement of five places compared to 2013, when our country was 36 place and improvement of six places compared to 2012. Magazine annual compiles the list according to several criteria, i.e. the results achieved by the countries in terms of property rights, innovation, tax burden, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), red tape, investor protection and market efficiency securities. In the region, the better ranked than Macedonia is only Slovenia at 14 place. Behind our country are Bulgaria 42 at place, Montenegro at 48, Croatia at 46, Greece at 51, Turkey at 50 and Albania at 51 place. In the second half of the list are Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, who share the 84th place. Macedonia has achieved the best results in bureaucratic procedures for which is ranked at 3rd place, in monetary freedom on 6 place and the protection of investors at 21st place. In terms of tax burden, Macedonia is ranked at 7th place, market performance at 17th place, trade freedom at 41st place, while for the technology at 61 place. -Once gained independence in 1991, Macedonia has made significant progress in the liberalization of the economy and improving the business climate and prompted the Balkans to attract foreign investment. Unemployment is still high, at over 30% by 2008, but due to the “black market”, which is contributing to 20% -45% of GDP, the figure is probably lower, it is written in the description of “Forbes” for Macedonia. It is emphasized that the Macedonian economy is closely tied to Europe in the field of exports, and due to the lengthy weakness in the euro zone, economy suffered. -Macedonia maintained macroeconomic stability during the global financial crisis with the implementation of monetary policy, keeping the domestic currency and limiting the fiscal deficit. Government released fiscal policy and the budget deficit in 2013 reached 4.2% of GDP. Macedonia achieved modest growth of GDP in 2013, and inflation is under control, it is written in the description. Best country for business this year is Denmark, followed by Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ireland, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, and Finland.
[h=1]Two Chinese companies seriously interested in investing in Macedonia[/h]
Two Chinese companies are serous interested in building large slaughterhouse and cement factory in Macedonia, and there is interest in the implementation of energy projects, announced Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today at the bilateral meeting with Chinese colleague Lee Kechijang in Belgrade within the summit of heads of governments China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, MIA reports. - At the meeting we reaffirmed the projects that were opened last year, one of which is the construction of large farms and slaughterhouses and since that moment, the major Chinese company came three times in Macedonia and reviewed all options. Analyzes are done and so far, the impression is positive, but it remains to see whether we will come to its completion. Last year, especially now, they showed great interest for the construction of cement plant. Prime Minister asked to speed up talks about it, stated Gruevski after the bilateral meeting, stressing that he thanked for support of China for construction of highways Kichevo-Ohrid and Skopje – Shtip. He pointed that at the meeting also discussed the projects in the field of energy and tourism, as well as industry and industrial zones. - We discussed the construction of fast track. We have agreed, Minister Finance Zoran Stavreski and Minister for Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski to start talks within their ministers, i.e. to discuss the finances, way of financing and building. In principle, we are very interested but want to see the details and the manner and conditions for financing, Gruevski said. They have discussed about signing agreement on air transport for which, as he said, Chinese companies have, already shown interest. - With Chinese, and other financial institutions we talk for overall closing financing package for construction of primary pipeline inside the Republic of Macedonia and I hope that soon we will close it, with their Exim Bank or the EBRD or with another financial institution, Gruevski said, expressing hope that some of the projects are successfully implemented. At the bilateral meeting with Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vuchikj, however, we confirmed the good relations between the two countries and discussed the promotion of economic cooperation through the implementation of infrastructure projects of regional character.
The new US investment in Macedonia worth eighteen million dollars will open 400 new jobs.
Following today’s signing of the contract with the American company “Capcon”, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski said that this reputable company from the automotive industry will produce for inflating for airbags designed for the European market. -This investment fits into the government’s efforts to attract global, reputable companies to make significant changes in the economy and they happen. In the zones are open 11,000 jobs and for the next period is expected another 13,000 jobs, said Stavreski. He added that the company that today entered in Macedonia is on the map of the production centers, the investment that will be realized in the area in Skopje and the facility is expected to be operational in the second quarter of 2015. Finance Minister added that with the investments are noticed positive changes in the Macedonian industry. -Cumulative export from the factories in the zones until the end of November are billion and sixty-two million euro, which is major contribution to the growth of exports. Exports from the zones are in rapid growth and Macedonia with it will achieve good results at time when the economy in Europe is not so good, said Stavreski.
[h=3]Deutsches Unternehmen Kostal investiert in Makedonien[/h]Labels: Industrie, Investitionen
Premierminister Gruevski machte bekannt, dass in der Ohrid-Struga Region das deutsche Unternehmen Kostal investieren wird. Gruevski verweist auf neue 1000 Arbeitsplätze die geschaffen werden.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, few minutes ago on his Facebook profile announced new investment with 1,000 new jobs.
It is the investment of the German company “Kostal” that Gruevski promised in March this year.
-What I promised to the public on March 25, 2014, that there would be investment in Ohrid and Struga region is finally made official. German company “Kostal” announced investment and 1,000 new jobs. 1,000 new jobs for citizens of Ohrid and Struga. You know you can trust our word, that is reality and benefit for the people. After Gentherm, Capcom, Kostal is the third investment in just seven days. Announcement of 2,500 new jobs in just one week. Our struggle for each new job continues, announced Gruevski.
Kostal independent company based in Germany, is global leader in the supply of technologically advanced electronic, electromechanical and mechatronic products for major industrial organizations. 38 locations worldwide in 17 countries on 4 continents, and staff of over 15,000 people, is offering competitive and competent product development and production needs.
-It is our pleasure to publish our plans for increasing production capacity in Europe through investment in Macedonia. Both sides are committed to finalize the deal, which is expected to be completed in January 2015, said from the company.
According to the plan, at the beginning of 2015 will start with brown field investment and then Greenfield between 2017-2018. The location will be located in Ohrid and Struga region. The first phase of the investment is focused on producing mechatronic products and is expected to open up to 1,000 jobs, while in future is expected significant expansion of the potential.
-The Kostal plan for investment in Ohrid follows our growth strategy and our commitment to serve customers globally with offering them products of the highest quality, technology, and price, said Christopher Sanders, Kostal Vice President.
Die Exportquote sei das Ergebnis der verbesserten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der mazedonischen Wirtschaft. Darin spiegelten sich die vernünftigen Regierungsstrategien wider. Vor allem rühre diese positive Entwicklung von der Einführung der niedrigsten Steuern in Europa, der Anziehung ausländischer Investitionen sowie dem soliden Geschäftsklima für inländische und ausländische Unternehmen. Mit diesen Worten kommentierte der makedonische Vizepremier und Finanzminister Zoran Stavreski die statistischen Daten über die Exportrate in den ersten neun Monaten 2014.
Macedonia's 2014 Exports stand at €3.8B, Imports at €5.6B
In the first 11 months of 2014, Macedonian exports amounted to 3,8 billion Euros, while the imports came to 5.6 billion Euros, the State Statistics Bureau informed. Total trade deficit was 1.8 billion Euros.
Macedonian main export remain car catalysts from the Johnson Matthey plant near Skopje, ferroalloys, ignition conductor sets for vehicles, iron and steel and clothing. On the other hand, imports are dominated by oil, platinum used in catalysts and electric energy.
The European Union remains by far the most important market for Macedonia, with 76,9 percent of the total trade exchange. Nearly 14 percent of Macedonia's trade is with other non-EU Balkan countries. Individually, top trade partners for Macedonia are Germany, Britain, Greece, Serbia and Italy, who combine for 51,9 percent of Macedonian foreign trade.
Die Exportquote sei das Ergebnis der verbesserten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der mazedonischen Wirtschaft. Darin spiegelten sich die vernünftigen Regierungsstrategien wider. Vor allem rühre diese positive Entwicklung von der Einführung der niedrigsten Steuern in Europa, der Anziehung ausländischer Investitionen sowie dem soliden Geschäftsklima für inländische und ausländische Unternehmen. Mit diesen Worten kommentierte der makedonische Vizepremier und Finanzminister Zoran Stavreski die statistischen Daten über die Exportrate in den ersten neun Monaten 2014.
Macedonia's 2014 Exports stand at €3.8B, Imports at €5.6B
In the first 11 months of 2014, Macedonian exports amounted to 3,8 billion Euros, while the imports came to 5.6 billion Euros, the State Statistics Bureau informed. Total trade deficit was 1.8 billion Euros.
Macedonian main export remain car catalysts from the Johnson Matthey plant near Skopje, ferroalloys, ignition conductor sets for vehicles, iron and steel and clothing. On the other hand, imports are dominated by oil, platinum used in catalysts and electric energy.
The European Union remains by far the most important market for Macedonia, with 76,9 percent of the total trade exchange. Nearly 14 percent of Macedonia's trade is with other non-EU Balkan countries. Individually, top trade partners for Macedonia are Germany, Britain, Greece, Serbia and Italy, who combine for 51,9 percent of Macedonian foreign trade.
Laut dem Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex 2014 (CPI) von Transparency International sind Kosovo und Albanien nach wie vor die korruptesten Länder in Südosteuropa und teilen sich gemeinsam Rang 110. Makedonien liegt in der Region nach Slowenien und Kroatien auf Platz 64, insgesamt wurden 174 Staaten untersucht.
Slowenien ist das am wenigsten korrupte Land in der Region und nimmt Platz 35 ein. Es folgen Kroatien auf dem 61. Platz, Makedonien auf Rang 64. Bulgarien und Rumänien teilen sich den 69. Platz. Weniger gut schnitten Montenegro (Rang 76), Serbien (Rang 78) und Bosnien und Herzegowina (Rang 80) ab.
„Der Korruptionsindex 2014 zeigt, dass das Wirtschaftswachstum schwächelt und die Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung der Korruption nachlassen, wenn Führungskräfte und hochrangige Beamte ihre Macht missbrauchen, um öffentliche Mittel für private Zwecke zu nutzen“, sagte der Vorsitzende von Transparency International José Ugaz.