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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Ausländische Investitionen in FYROM im Vergleich zu Nachbarländer am Tiefsten.
Serbien am Höchsten, dann Albanien, FYROM zu letzt.
New foreign investment will open 3,000 jobs in Tetovo


Four new foreign investments will be realized in Tetovo. Prime Minister and leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski at yesterday’s rally in Tetovo announced new investments, the Italian company specializing in the production of minibuses, the company from Belgium, supplier of metal processing sector, and the Italian company producing stoves and American company from automotive sector.

- Italian company, which specializes in production of minibuses, has informed us that it has decided to invest 10 million euro in capacity in Tetovo and create 500 new jobs. According to the announcement, somewhere around June-July they plan to sign the contract and to start. And this is good news, added Prime Minister that the Belgian company INA adopted internal decision on investment of five million and creating 100 jobs. Official announcement is expected and to sign the investment agreement in June or July.
He pointed out that in Tetovo area on ​​95 acres will be build technological industrial zone, where the Italian company through their company in Macedonia Pro-comp, which specializes in the production of stoves, appliances and heating and drying technology and mechanical design has already started construction factory for composite materials, worth 5 million euro.


As he said, their announced plant, which will cover 6,000 square meters, will be opened in the summer, and will create over 150 jobs, and first 100 jobs will be implemented in the 2015.
Three weeks ago, the Prime Minister announced that the US company will invest 16 million euro in TIRZ Tetovo, in a factory for the production of components for the automotive industry, investment which envisages opening of 2,500 direct jobs.
He noted that the company has already started procedures to start work and test production in brown field facility and will soon begin training with the first staff. – And that is great news for the region, he said, 2500 jobs for Tetovo, Gostivar, Jegunovce, Brvenica and for the entire region.
At the meeting said they are continuing to fight for each new job, for all citizens, the Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Vlachs, Serbs, Bosniaks, for everyone.
In the last three weeks, he said, we announced the construction of more than 10 factories around the country, in which there are about 6 thousand new jobs

“Technical Textiles” begins with work- provided 1,000 new jobs

German company Technical Textiles in May starts working in the Technological Industrial Development Zone – Shtip. This is investment worth 12 million euro, which is scheduled to open 1,000 new jobs.

The company owner Jans Vendler held meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the Director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones Viktor Mizo and signed Agreement on investment in Macedonia.
The plant will produce fiberglass for the industrial market, the construction, automotive, aviation, and shipping industry.


Vandler said they wanted to start work as soon as possible and as planned plant will be open in four weeks.
He said they plan to employ around 1000 people who will be required to have experience mainly in the business of printing. The first 50 employees are already being trained in their factory in Slovakia, and now require additional 300 to 400 people to be engaged in the factory in Shtip.
He noted that the conditions for investment in Macedonia are far better than in Abu Dhabi where they initially planned to open the factory. If it is functioning properly announced that they are planing to expand investment and production of aluminum and plastic, and other investments of their partners.
Director of the TIRZ Mizo said that the plant will be extended to 13,000 square meters and will have the same process as output ratio in their factory in Slovakia.

[h=1]Construction of Marquardt Plant Nears Completion[/h]
April 20, 2015, Monday @ 17:30 in Business » INDUSTRY | Views: 19
Marqaurdt is to open its plant near Veles very soon. Photo: MIA

The construction of the Marquardt plant near Veles, a German investment worth EUR 35 million, is approaching its end.
Veles Mayor Slavco Cadiev said on Monday that intensive preparations are underway for the launch of the production process.
"Timely realization of activities is a proof of the favorable business environment," Cadiev said, who visited the site alongside Marquardt country manager Wolfgang Aicher.

Marquardt will produce electronic components for automobile giants Mercedes, BMW, Audi and others. It has announced the opening of at least 600 jobs.

- See more at: Construction of Marquardt Plant Nears Completion - Independent.mk
Mazedonien macht Ernst

Mazedonien hat die Banken des Landes angewiesen, ihre gesamten Einlagen bei griechischen Geldhäusern abzuziehen. Zudem wurden «vorbeugende Massnahmen» beschlossen, die den Abfluss von Geldern Richtung Griechenland eindämmen sollen.Die Zentralbank in Skopje teilte am späten Sonntagabend mit, die Schritte seien nur vorübergehend. Es gehe darum, einen möglicherweise signifikanten Geldabfluss zu verhindern, der in Mazedonien zu Problemen im Finanzsektor führen könne.Die mazedonischen Banken sollten dabei alle Einlagen zurückholen, die sie bei griechischen Instituten oder deren weltweiten Ablegern hätten. Der Schritt Mazedoniens ist das erste konkrete Anzeichen dafür, dass sich ein Land gegen eine Ansteckung möglicher griechischer Finanzmarktturbulenzen zu schützen sucht. (sda)
[h=3]Mazedonien beschließt Schuldenerlass für die ärmsten Bürger[/h]Labels: Finanzen

Die mazedonische Regierung hat nun eines ihrer wichtigen Wahlversprechen aus dem vergangenen Jahr umgesetzt: 13.100 Bürgern wurden ihre Schulden von insgesamt rund 25 Mio. Euro erlassen. In den kommenden Wochen sollen noch weitere 1.500 Menschen in den Genuss des Schuldenschnitts kommen, kündigte Regierungschef Nikola Gruevski am Montag an.

Anspruch auf Schuldenerlass haben laut früheren Medienberichten Menschen, deren Jahreseinkommen 1.700 Euro nicht übersteigt. Ihre Verbindlichkeiten für Strom- und Heizungskosten sowie Bankkredite werden auf Null gestellt.