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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

300.000 Dollar für die Renovierung von 3 Kindergärten in der Gemeinde Gazi Baba

Со 300.000 долари ќе се реконструираат три градинки во Гази Баба

Со помош од Светска банка преку Министерството за економија, општина Гази Баба доби 300.000 долари за реконструкција на три градинки од областа на енергетската ефикасност.
Работите околу реконструкцијата треба да завршат до крајот на годината, а целиот процес ќе вклучува промена на фасада со стиропор, ќе се ставаат нови ПВЦ прозорци, комплетно ќе се реконструираат системите за парно греење, ќе се постават сончеви колектори за топла вода, ќе се постават штедливи светилки, а во една градинка ќе се замени кровната конструкција.
- Со свои средства во овој проект учествуваме за комплетно варосување на објектите, за поставување на еден сончев колектор за топла вода и за изградба на пешачки патеки од павер елементи во дворовите на градинките кои хортикултурно ќе се уредат - информираат од општината.


Macedonia will borrow USD5m from the World Bank to invest in the capital increase for Europa Re

Macedonias government will borrow USD5m from the World Bank to invest in the capital increase for Europa Re, a regional company specialized in reinsurance. The draft bill for the loan sent to the Macedonian parliament says its purpose is to develop the insurance market and enable access of households and companies - especially farmers and SMEs - to insurance against natural disasters, Media Net reports.

Macedonia will use the loan to acquire 19.89% of the shares in Europa Re. According to the Ministry of Finance Europa Re will be owned by countries from South-eastern Europe and Caucasus region. The project, which has been proposed by the World Bank, envisages that the company operates in accordance with the Swiss law.

Macedonia - Air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, Chargé d'Affairs of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, Robin Liddell, and Centar Municipality Mayor Vladimir Todorovic put into use an air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown on Wednesday.

According to Minister Ademi, the purpose of the monitoring stations is to follow the state of air quality. Similar station has been set in Karpos municipality, totaling 17 nationwide, whereas another three are planned in eastern Macedonia.

"The air quality depends on weather conditions, with indicators rising in autumn and winter, but within the normal limits", said Ademi, adding that cars and construction sites are the biggest polluters.

EU official Liddell stressed the issue of environment protection is important, but also a difficult one that cannot be solved overnight.

"This is a long-term effort in which we should all contribute. Let's not drive old vehicles that pollute, let's not smoke, let's do everything to protect the environment", said Liddell.

He added that air quality monitoring and amendments to regulations move the country towards the highest European standards, whereas the activities involve the Government, the municipalities and all citizens.

Mayor Todorovic said the air quality monitoring station means a lot in the environment protection field.

"If air pollution exceeds the allowed limit, the municipality and the Ministry of Environment can undertake measures of reducing the number of vehicles in the downtown", emphasized Todorovic.

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, Chargé d'Affairs of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, Robin Liddell, and Centar Municipality Mayor Vladimir Todorovic put into use an air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown on Wednesday.

According to Minister Ademi, the purpose of the monitoring stations is to follow the state of air quality. Similar station has been set in Karpos municipality, totaling 17 nationwide, whereas another three are planned in eastern Macedonia.

"The air quality depends on weather conditions, with indicators rising in autumn and winter, but within the normal limits", said Ademi, adding that cars and construction sites are the biggest polluters.

EU official Liddell stressed the issue of environment protection is important, but also a difficult one that cannot be solved overnight.

"This is a long-term effort in which we should all contribute. Let's not drive old vehicles that pollute, let's not smoke, let's do everything to protect the environment", said Liddell.

He added that air quality monitoring and amendments to regulations move the country towards the highest European standards, whereas the activities involve the Government, the municipalities and all citizens.

Mayor Todorovic said the air quality monitoring station means a lot in the environment protection field.

"If air pollution exceeds the allowed limit, the municipality and the Ministry of Environment can undertake measures of reducing the number of vehicles in the downtown", emphasized Todorovic.

Macedonia - Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes

Macedonia - Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi and UNDP Resident Representative to Macedonia, Deirdre Boyd signed Wednesday agreement for preparation of a third national report on climate changes and for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential for the effective operation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).

The third national report on climate change should be drafted in the next couple of years with finances in amount of 500.000 dollars from the Global Environment Fund.

Report's goal, according to Ademi, is to include the issue of climate changes in institutions, priorities to be established with a time-frame as well as necessary finances required by conditions stemming from future membership to EU to be determined.

"Preparing of national reports on climate changes is an obligation for Macedonia, being a member country into the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change," minister Ademi said, adding that the previous two reports had been drafted in 2003 and 2008.

The project for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emission is funded by the Bulgarian government with 40.000 euros and will be implemented in 2012.

Macedonia has made headway in tackling climate changes and in adapting the most vulnerable sectors, Ademi stated after signing the documents.

"The Environment Ministry, in its capacity as a national coordinator, incorporates the climate change issue in relevant strategic national documents, adopts legislation as stipulated by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and fosters bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation in connection to climate changes," the minister noted.

The Ministry implements and is involved in many activities backed by the international community for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and for combating climate changes.

UNDP's Deirdre Boyd stated that climate changes and other risks related to the environment were vital challenges affecting everything that was surrounding us - water supply, eco systems and food production.

Countries from all over the world are obliged to address climate change issues, according to her. "The two projects, which will guide the government to take measures on the matter, pave the way towards establishing a national consensus to address issues related to climate changes in the short and long-term," Boyd noted.

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi and UNDP Resident Representative to Macedonia, Deirdre Boyd signed Wednesday agreement for preparation of a third national report on climate changes and for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential for the effective operation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).

The third national report on climate change should be drafted in the next couple of years with finances in amount of 500.000 dollars from the Global Environment Fund.

Report's goal, according to Ademi, is to include the issue of climate changes in institutions, priorities to be established with a time-frame as well as necessary finances required by conditions stemming from future membership to EU to be determined.

"Preparing of national reports on climate changes is an obligation for Macedonia, being a member country into the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change," minister Ademi said, adding that the previous two reports had been drafted in 2003 and 2008.

The project for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emission is funded by the Bulgarian government with 40.000 euros and will be implemented in 2012.

Macedonia has made headway in tackling climate changes and in adapting the most vulnerable sectors, Ademi stated after signing the documents.

"The Environment Ministry, in its capacity as a national coordinator, incorporates the climate change issue in relevant strategic national documents, adopts legislation as stipulated by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and fosters bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation in connection to climate changes," the minister noted.

The Ministry implements and is involved in many activities backed by the international community for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and for combating climate changes.

UNDP's Deirdre Boyd stated that climate changes and other risks related to the environment were vital challenges affecting everything that was surrounding us - water supply, eco systems and food production.

Countries from all over the world are obliged to address climate change issues, according to her. "The two projects, which will guide the government to take measures on the matter, pave the way towards establishing a national consensus to address issues related to climate changes in the short and long-term," Boyd noted.

Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes |
Welche große Unternehmen haben bisher in Mazedonien eigentlich investiert?
Aus meiner gemeinde Derventa gibt es eine großes Unternehmen namens Unis,der Bestizer ist BalkanSteel und ich hab mir ein video angesschaut und sie sagen,dass sie In skopje eine Fabrik haben für die Metallherstellung,hab ihr von dem etwas gehört?
Welche große Unternehmen haben bisher in Mazedonien eigentlich investiert?
Aus meiner gemeinde Derventa gibt es eine großes Unternehmen namens Unis,der Bestizer ist BalkanSteel und ich hab mir ein video angesschaut und sie sagen,dass sie In skopje eine Fabrik haben für die Metallherstellung,hab ihr von dem etwas gehört?

Ja das ist richtig, die hatten glaube ich auch ein nieder klassiges Basketball Team gesponsort.

Google hat mir das ausgespuckt

Since 1977, Balkan Steel Int.Est has operated a hot and a cold strip mill in Skopje,

Ja das ist richtig, die hatten glaube ich auch ein nieder klassiges Basketball Team gesponsort.

Google hat mir das ausgespuckt

Since 1977, Balkan Steel Int.Est has operated a hot and a cold strip mill in Skopje,

Ja das ist es,dieses Unternehmen beschäftigt in meiner heimatstadt direkt 600 Arbeiter+ indirekte arbeiter,wie die lkw-fahrer,...
Dieses Jahr wird angestrebt 200 Mio KM(bisschen her wie 100Mio€) in die EU zu exportieren.
Russland und Mazedonien kündigen verstärktes zusammenarbeiten an!

TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????

Засилена економската соработка меѓу Македонија и Русија

Економската соработка меѓу Република Македонија и Руската Федерација полека, но сигурно се движи по нагорна линија. Само за девет месеци од годинава трговската размена е близу 600 милиони долари, оценува Дејан Бешлиев, директор на Македонско-руската стопанска комора во интервју за ИТАР-ТАСС.

- Пред кризната 2009 година, трговската размена достигна вкупен обем од 960 милилони долари, иако да напоменам дека односот беше апсолутно во дебаланс, македонската страна учествуваше само со 30 милиони долари извоз. Потоа следеше светската економска криза која предизвика огромен пад во обемот на трговска размена. Но, во последните две години соработката повторно е на вистинскиот колосек и само за десет месеци од оваа година дојде до размена од близу 600 милиони долари. Тоа што радува е податокот дека е забележително зголемен извоз на земјоделски производи од Република Македонија, стопанска гранка каде Македонија има компаративна предност во однос на Руската Федерација, вели Бeшлиев.

Според него, круцијална улога во создавањето на услови за соработка има меѓувладината комисија за трговско-економска и научно-техничка соработка со чија помош се создаваат предуслови за одржување и проширување на бизнис релациите меѓу стопанствениците од двете земји.

Бeшлиев нагласува дека Македонија има направено значаен прогрес во создавањето услови за привлекување на инвестиции.

- Програмата за привлекување на странски инвестиции од ден на ден дава се повеќе резултати и тоа доведува до зголемување на бројот на нови инвеститори. Секако меѓу нив е и рускиот ПРОТЕК, покрај веќе постојните ЛУКОИЛ, СИНТЕЗ ГРУП, КАМЕЛОТ ГРУП итн. Сакам да ги охрабриме и потенцијалните нови руски инвеститори да размислат за вложување во Република Македонија во туризмот, винскиот и земјоделскиот сектор, енергетиката, но и во индустриското производство, кое има своја успешна традиција во соработка со руски партнери, вели Башлиев.

Македонско-руската стопанска комора постои од 2005 година. Партнери се на Стопанската комора на Руската Федерација, коморите на Ростов, Сочи, Вороњеж, Липецк и Самара. Главни потешкотии со кои се соочуваат се континуираната размена на податоци со руките партнери во однос на информираноста за законската регулатива, бизнис побарувањата и понуда од компаниите од двете земји. За идниот период планирано е учество на винопроизводителите членки на Комората на саемот ПРОДЕКСПО 2012 во Москва и учество на производителите на свежо овошје и зеленчук и за преработувачко конзервната индустријана на саемот МИР ПИТАНИЕ 2012 во Москва. Предвидена е посета на македонски бизнисмени на Ростов и Калуга и посета на претставници на партнерските руски регионални комори во Македонија.
Austrian 'Texport' To Build Workwear Plant in Vinica
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Austrian company Texport will invest 1.0 million euro ($1.35 million) in the construction of a plant for protective workwear in eastern Macedonia next year, Skopje-based media reported today.

This is Texport's second investment in Macedonia, already having a plant in Skopje. The factory will be located in the town of Vinica and will employ around 200 people, local media reported.

MINA Breaking News - Austrian 'Texport' To Build Workwear Plant in Vinica

Numbers of Hotels in Macedonia Increased by 51.2%
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

In the period of 12 years, from 1999 to 2010, the number of hotels in Macedonia increased by 51.2 percent, from 82 to 124 hotels.

On the other hand, the number of hotel rooms dropped by 4.5 percent, from 5,916 to 5,651, in the same period, while the number of beds decreased by 13 percent, from 14,564 to 12,734, show the data of the analysis on Macedonian hotels in terms of change, which was carried out by Mitre Avramovski of Ohrid Tourism Faculty.

Reasons for such a situation are a chaotic transition and shutting down of numerous hotels built during the period of former Yugoslavia as well as construction and opening of smaller hotels.


Macedonia, Russia sign railway transport cooperation agreement
Moscow, 23 November 2011 (MIA) - Macedonia and the Russian Federation signed Wednesday a cooperation agreement in the field of railway transport of passengers and commodities, MIA reports from Moscow.

The agreement simplifies border, customs and other formalities related to transport of passengers and commodities. Competent bodies and organizations are expected to additionally conclude agreements on regulating issues over technologies for arranging the transport.

"This agreement opens the doors for increased bilateral cooperation, since Russia is a country that can absorb large quantities of commodities from Macedonia. I see this as the first step towards improvement of the cooperation in the bilateral transport sector", said Minister Janakieski after the agreement's signing.

His Russian counterpart Igor Levitin voiced satisfaction from the accord, which "will have an effect on the increase of passenger and commodity transport between the two countries."

This is the first Macedonia-Russia accord in railway traffic, scheduled to enter into force 30 days after its ratification by the two countries.

The meeting also focused on developments in Macedonian air traffic, with Russian interlocutors saying they would contemplate the opening of direct air routes between the two countries.

Minister Janakieski briefed Russian colleague Levitin on the Government's decision to subsidize airlines that open new routes, inviting Russian airlines to review the possibilities of such routes.

Janakieski also requested for support and faster realization of the South Stream project, as well as completion of all talks regarding the launch of a national gas network in Macedonia.

Minister Janakieski, who attends the 5. International Forum "Transport of Russia" in Moscow, is set to tackle the issue later today with Deputy-Minister for Regional Development and co-chair of the inter-governmental commission for commercial-economic and scientific-technical cooperation Maxim Travnikov, as well as leadership of company "Stroytransgaz"

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Chinese to smoke cigarettes from Prilep
Friday, 25 November 2011

Production of two cigarette brands for the Chinese market will start in two weeks, announced the head of tobacco company Tutunski kombinat Prilep, Aleksandar Dermendziev.

The Macedonian company signed an agreement with Chinese company Konge-Konge in July. This is very good news for the Macedonian tobacco industry.

"We expect to increase the production by three times. We have already received orders for 20,000 bags, which is some 200 tons.
In this way,the use of capacities, which is at 20 percent now, will increase," Dermendziev said.
He also revealed that a container with cigarettes has already been sent to the UAE. Export of cigarettes to this country is expected to grow.
MINA Breaking News

Macedonian PM at a Business Forum in Munich
Friday, 25 November 2011

Recovery of the German economy is of great importance for Macedonia.
In terms when the Eurozone is affected by the debt crisis and when all countries are under the pressure of debts of Greece, Italy and Spain, the improvement of the economy in Germany will have a significant influence on the Macedonian export, said PM Nikola Gruevski at the business forum in Munich.

"Eyes of the Macedonian political and business communities are directed at Germany. Fast recovery of the German economy is one of the most important conditions for the increase of the Macedonian export and maintenance of high rates of the economic growth between 4 and 6 percent, which was recorded before the crisis and was reported again in the first six months of 2011," Gruevski said.
MINA Breaking News - Macedonian PM at a Business Forum in Munich
Kromberg & Schubert in Bitola
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Germany-based company Kromberg&Schubert will start building a plant in Bitola in December. The long awaited plant for production of car cables will start employing workers as of May. At first, it will hire 500 people and then the number will grow to 2,500 people.

Moreover, another six investments in Bitola are expected. They pertain to construction of hotels, but some investors are also interested in timber, food and milk industry. In the meantime, the government’s team presented investment possibilities in Macedonia last week.

Several Austrian and German companies have already announced that they are interested in investing in Macedonia. Allegedly, Siemens and BMW are among the interested investors. Moreover, the government team has already agreed cooperation with Teksport, which already has two plants in Macedonia.

Macedonian Businessmen Investing in Greece
Monday, 28 November 2011

Would you like a commercial property in Athens? Or are you more interested in owning a hotel in Corfu? Maybe you're more interested in something smaller in Zakynthos?

This is the perfect time to buy residential and commercial properties in Greece. If you have the money and are in the mood to expand your business to Greece or simply own a second home there, this is the time to do so.

And it's precisely what wealthy Macedonian businessmen are doing. For 250,000 euros, a Skopje businessman bought 3 very nice apartments in Halkidiki, on the beach.

For half a million euros, you may get your hands on a decent size hotel. Greek agencies for Skopje based media confirmed there is an increasing interest from Macedonian businessmen.

Greek agencies charge around 3,000 euros provision for their services which include making sure your name is registered with the state as the owner of the property.
Macedonian passports are treated as any EU passport. Although politically Athens plays hard ball, Macedonian businessmen who have purchased commercial properties in Greece claim their transactions were smooth, if not faster than ordinary.

German Companies to invest in Macedonia
Saturday, 26 November 2011

Several companies from Germany have announced their investments in Macedonia. The agreements are being finalized, but the Macedonian government team has not revealed the names of the German companies yet.

Allegedly, they operate in automobile industry. As soon as the agreements are completed, it will be known which companies responded positively to the government promotion of Macedonia as an attractive business destination.

Interest of German investors has been steadfast and Macedonia can expect more investments from Germany in the coming period, says Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski.

The coming period is very important for the country. Two corridors, Corridor 8 and Corridor 10 have to be completed, economy minister Vladimir Pesevski said.

MINA Breaking News

Macedonian products at Euro Gusto fair in France
29. November 2011. | 07:06

Macedonian products were presented at Euro Gusto - European biennale of taste, biodiversity and food culture - held in Tours, France.

Euro Gusto is the European rendezvous for the Slow Food movement. Gusto (taste) is the name of the game, but Slow Food is all about taste combined with ethical consumption.

The Slow food network in Macedonia says products were well-accepted by visitors.

"Numerous contacts were established in the course of Euro Gusto, which we hope will produce concrete collaboration, joint ideas and projects", they say.

The fair also included a conference of Slow Food leaders, focusing on the movement's future, its development and active involvement in food-related issues on the global scale.

Skopje ist in Europa die Nummer eins in Sachen Attraktivität im Immobilienkauf. Weltweit liegt die Hauptstadt Mazedoniens auf Platz 6.

Скопје најатрактивна европска дестинација за купување недвижнини
четврток, 01 декември 2011

Македонија е рангирана на прво место во Европа во однос на купување на недвижен имот, додека во светски рамки e на шестото место

На врвот на светската листа е Лима, главниот град на Перу, покажува последниот извештај на организацијата Global Property Guide.
Освен Перу, според извештајот, земјите од Латинска Америка се на првите 10 места бидејќи на овие позиции се Панама, Колумбија, Уругувај, Бразил и Чиле.

Три други европски земји кои се во првите 10 најдобри се Турција, Холандија и Молдавија.

Дваесетте најдобри места за купување на имот се:

1. Лима, Перу;
2. Панама Сити, Панама;
3. Аман, Јордан;
4. Богота, Колумбија;
5. Монтевидео, Уругувај;
6. Скопје, Македонија;
7. Сао Паоло, Бразил;
8. Будимпешта, Унгарија;
9. Сантијаго, Чиле;
10. Бахамски Острови;
11. Куала Лумпур, Малезија;
12. Маракеш, Мароко;
13. Бангкок, Тајланд;
14. Мангава, Никарагва;
15. Голем Кајман, Кајмански Острови;
16. Оукланд, Нов Зеланд;
17. Истанбул, Турција;
18. Амстердам, Холандија;
19. Кишињев, Молдавија;
20. Џакарта, Индонезија.

| - kirilica.com.mk

Neue Investition in der Gemeinde Ilinden, dass dürfte wohl Mazedoniens vorzeige Gemeinde im Moment sein. Zika Stojanovski ist ein absoluter Top Mann, der sich in seinem Team Rücksiedler aus dem Ausland geholt hat. Sollte ein Vorbild für mehr Gemeinden sein!

EUR 2 million investment in Ilinden municipality
Skopje, 1 December 2011 (MIA) - Dutch company "HaVeP" will invest EUR 2 million in the production of workwear and protective wear in Ilinden municipality near Skopje.

The company purchased the land for the plant's construction at an e-public bidding for state-owned construction land. The agreement will be signed on Thursday with Ilinden Mayor Zika Stojanovski.

"HaVeP" is set to invest EUR 2 million in the Ilinden plant, initially employing 100 people, with a perspective of doubling the capacities.


Во Илинден ќе се шие заштитна облека
Објавено: пред 39 минути | Прочитано: 76 | Печати |

Холандската компанија „Хавеп Импех“ ќе инвестира два милиони евра во производство на професионална, индустриска и заштитна облека во општината Илинден, кај Скопје. Земјиштето, со површина од 7.239 метри квадратни, на кое ќе се гради фабриката, компанијата го купи на електронско јавно наддавање за градежно земјиште сопственост на Македонија. Договорот денеска ќе биде потпишан со градоначалникот на општината Жика Стојановски.
Фирмата „Хавеп Импех“ се занимава со производство на професионална, индустриска и заштитна облека изработена од високо квалитетни текстилни ткаенини. Оваа компанија наредниот период во општина Илинден ќе реализира инвестиција од 2 милиона евра, во првата фаза, при што ќе бидат отворени сто нови вработувања, со перспектива за двојно зголемување на капацитетите.


Macedonia's business community protests against Greek transport blockades

Skopje, 30 November 2011 (MIA) - Macedonia's business community sent a note of protest to international institutions, asking them to put an end to frequent transport blockades Greece has been setting at border crossings, thus bringing large financial loses to Macedonia and entire region.

The note, initiated by Association of Macedonian Enterprises for International Road Transport – AMERIT, is signed by Macedonian International Freight Forwarding and Logistics Operators Association (MIFA), Association of Independent Unions of Transporters of Republic of Macedonia 'MAKAMTRANS', Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia (ECNWM), Macedonian ICT Chamber of Commerce (MASIT) and German Macedonian Business Association (DMWV).

The note is being sent to the European Commission, Greek PM Lucas Papademos, UNECE, IRU, Greek Customs Administration, World Customs Organization, as well as relevant bodies of the World Trade Organization and the World Bank.

The note signatories express their understanding for the difficult situation in Greece due to the austerity measures, which stir up frequent strikes. Such activities, especially the ones at the three Macedonia-Greece border crossings, and the ones at Thessaloniki Port - Macedonia's main import-export artery - present a severe blow to Macedonia's economy and companies that suffer enormous loses.

The note also lists numerous international legal acts, being violated by Greek transport blockades, which 'hamper the free movement of people and goods.'

"Not only Macedonia's, but also the transport and economy of the entire Balkan region, suffers loses due to the Greek strikes and we fiercely protest against the blockades at border crossings," the note reads.


Businessmen send Protest Letter over Greek Border Closures
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Macedonian business unions and CEOs of over twenty companies sent out a protest letter to international institutions in Europe as well as to Greece's new prime minister over the frequent border closings initiated by Athens.
The EU Commission, the international transport union (IRU) also received copies of these protest letters.

In it, it is claimed that Greece continues to prevent the freedom of travel of people as well as the transit of goods not just to Macedonia, but other nations in the region who use the Macedonian corridors to transport their goods.
With this, Greece breaks the TIR convention and article 5 of the GATT agreement for "freedom of movement".
On several occasions, Athens has allowed the transit of Serbian and other goods, but at the same time prevented the transit of Macedonian goods creating additional chaos at an already chaotic border crossings.

The letter states Greece is breaking the UN's Almaty convention which strictly ensures countries with no access to sea ports to be given easier and immediate access to transportation corridors.
Athens also breaks (again) the Interim Agreement signed between the two countries in 1995 which calls for Greece to respect international transit regulations.
Macedonian CEOs claim Greece knowingly breaks the above laws despite being a signatory in all of them.
"Greece has obstructed and continues to obstruct the international corridor 10 between Athens and Salzburg which passes through Macedonia causing great financial damages to Macedonia and the region"

"This is not an urgent call for the Macedonian transport and economy, rather for the economy in the entire region who constantly lose millions of euros because of one country. We strongly protest perpetual Greek strikes and border closures and urge the international community and relevant factors to ensure freedom of movement of people and goods in this part of the world," it's stated in the letter.

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Macedonia first in the region in using IPARD funds
Macedonia first in the region in using IPARD funds
Macedonia has marked an evident headway in IPARD implementation and is considered a leader in the region in terms of using finances from pre-accession funds, European Commission official in charge of monitoring the IPARD implementation Gerard Kiely said after Friday's meeting.

Possibilities are being discussed for expanding the program with new measures which will allow better realisation, according to him.

"We're satisfied with the implementation of the IPARD program in the country. If all of the applications submitted were approved, nearly 43 million euros would have been used, which is a favourable level of realisation. Problems that arise while submitting requests must be detected and eliminated," Kiely said.

He stated that IPARD funds for 2010 hadn't been entirely used, but would not be lost. The projected amount may not be even used in 2012, however Macedonia is definitively heading in the right direction.

"There's interest for IPARD and it can be only increased. I believe there will be a point when funds will be used fully," Kiely urged.

Thus far, a total of five IPARD public calls have been announced that resulted in 100 approved applications in amount of 12 million euros intended for investments in agriculture, food industry and rural development.

"We have shown that IPARD funds are a reality in Macedonia and that its agricultural sector is prepared to address challenges in using future structural EU funds. But at the same time, we must be aware that this is only the beginning. A lot of work is ahead of us - implementation of reforms and measures as well as long-term planning and interventions in order to build capacities and better conditions for farmers," said Zoran Konjanovski - Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.

Agroecology and local development strategies through a so called leadership approach are the two new measures due to be incorporated into IPARD.

EU's officials urged attention to be paid to establishing a system of control and monitoring i.e. cutting down of risks from potential abuse of the funds.