Μακεδоν τ
300.000 Dollar für die Renovierung von 3 Kindergärten in der Gemeinde Gazi Baba
Macedonia - Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes
Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes |
Со 300.000 долари ќе се реконструираат три градинки во Гази Баба
Со помош од Светска банка преку Министерството за економија, општина Гази Баба доби 300.000 долари за реконструкција на три градинки од областа на енергетската ефикасност.
Работите околу реконструкцијата треба да завршат до крајот на годината, а целиот процес ќе вклучува промена на фасада со стиропор, ќе се ставаат нови ПВЦ прозорци, комплетно ќе се реконструираат системите за парно греење, ќе се постават сончеви колектори за топла вода, ќе се постават штедливи светилки, а во една градинка ќе се замени кровната конструкција.
- Со свои средства во овој проект учествуваме за комплетно варосување на објектите, за поставување на еден сончев колектор за топла вода и за изградба на пешачки патеки од павер елементи во дворовите на градинките кои хортикултурно ќе се уредат - информираат од општината.
Macedonia will borrow USD5m from the World Bank to invest in the capital increase for Europa Re
Macedonias government will borrow USD5m from the World Bank to invest in the capital increase for Europa Re, a regional company specialized in reinsurance. The draft bill for the loan sent to the Macedonian parliament says its purpose is to develop the insurance market and enable access of households and companies - especially farmers and SMEs - to insurance against natural disasters, Media Net reports.
Macedonia will use the loan to acquire 19.89% of the shares in Europa Re. According to the Ministry of Finance Europa Re will be owned by countries from South-eastern Europe and Caucasus region. The project, which has been proposed by the World Bank, envisages that the company operates in accordance with the Swiss law.
Macedonia - Air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, Chargé d'Affairs of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, Robin Liddell, and Centar Municipality Mayor Vladimir Todorovic put into use an air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown on Wednesday.
According to Minister Ademi, the purpose of the monitoring stations is to follow the state of air quality. Similar station has been set in Karpos municipality, totaling 17 nationwide, whereas another three are planned in eastern Macedonia.
"The air quality depends on weather conditions, with indicators rising in autumn and winter, but within the normal limits", said Ademi, adding that cars and construction sites are the biggest polluters.
EU official Liddell stressed the issue of environment protection is important, but also a difficult one that cannot be solved overnight.
"This is a long-term effort in which we should all contribute. Let's not drive old vehicles that pollute, let's not smoke, let's do everything to protect the environment", said Liddell.
He added that air quality monitoring and amendments to regulations move the country towards the highest European standards, whereas the activities involve the Government, the municipalities and all citizens.
Mayor Todorovic said the air quality monitoring station means a lot in the environment protection field.
"If air pollution exceeds the allowed limit, the municipality and the Ministry of Environment can undertake measures of reducing the number of vehicles in the downtown", emphasized Todorovic.
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, Chargé d'Affairs of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, Robin Liddell, and Centar Municipality Mayor Vladimir Todorovic put into use an air quality monitoring station in Skopje downtown on Wednesday.
According to Minister Ademi, the purpose of the monitoring stations is to follow the state of air quality. Similar station has been set in Karpos municipality, totaling 17 nationwide, whereas another three are planned in eastern Macedonia.
"The air quality depends on weather conditions, with indicators rising in autumn and winter, but within the normal limits", said Ademi, adding that cars and construction sites are the biggest polluters.
EU official Liddell stressed the issue of environment protection is important, but also a difficult one that cannot be solved overnight.
"This is a long-term effort in which we should all contribute. Let's not drive old vehicles that pollute, let's not smoke, let's do everything to protect the environment", said Liddell.
He added that air quality monitoring and amendments to regulations move the country towards the highest European standards, whereas the activities involve the Government, the municipalities and all citizens.
Mayor Todorovic said the air quality monitoring station means a lot in the environment protection field.
"If air pollution exceeds the allowed limit, the municipality and the Ministry of Environment can undertake measures of reducing the number of vehicles in the downtown", emphasized Todorovic.
Macedonia - Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes
Macedonia - Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi and UNDP Resident Representative to Macedonia, Deirdre Boyd signed Wednesday agreement for preparation of a third national report on climate changes and for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential for the effective operation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
The third national report on climate change should be drafted in the next couple of years with finances in amount of 500.000 dollars from the Global Environment Fund.
Report's goal, according to Ademi, is to include the issue of climate changes in institutions, priorities to be established with a time-frame as well as necessary finances required by conditions stemming from future membership to EU to be determined.
"Preparing of national reports on climate changes is an obligation for Macedonia, being a member country into the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change," minister Ademi said, adding that the previous two reports had been drafted in 2003 and 2008.
The project for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emission is funded by the Bulgarian government with 40.000 euros and will be implemented in 2012.
Macedonia has made headway in tackling climate changes and in adapting the most vulnerable sectors, Ademi stated after signing the documents.
"The Environment Ministry, in its capacity as a national coordinator, incorporates the climate change issue in relevant strategic national documents, adopts legislation as stipulated by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and fosters bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation in connection to climate changes," the minister noted.
The Ministry implements and is involved in many activities backed by the international community for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and for combating climate changes.
UNDP's Deirdre Boyd stated that climate changes and other risks related to the environment were vital challenges affecting everything that was surrounding us - water supply, eco systems and food production.
Countries from all over the world are obliged to address climate change issues, according to her. "The two projects, which will guide the government to take measures on the matter, pave the way towards establishing a national consensus to address issues related to climate changes in the short and long-term," Boyd noted.
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi and UNDP Resident Representative to Macedonia, Deirdre Boyd signed Wednesday agreement for preparation of a third national report on climate changes and for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential for the effective operation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
The third national report on climate change should be drafted in the next couple of years with finances in amount of 500.000 dollars from the Global Environment Fund.
Report's goal, according to Ademi, is to include the issue of climate changes in institutions, priorities to be established with a time-frame as well as necessary finances required by conditions stemming from future membership to EU to be determined.
"Preparing of national reports on climate changes is an obligation for Macedonia, being a member country into the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change," minister Ademi said, adding that the previous two reports had been drafted in 2003 and 2008.
The project for using Bulgaria's experience in monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emission is funded by the Bulgarian government with 40.000 euros and will be implemented in 2012.
Macedonia has made headway in tackling climate changes and in adapting the most vulnerable sectors, Ademi stated after signing the documents.
"The Environment Ministry, in its capacity as a national coordinator, incorporates the climate change issue in relevant strategic national documents, adopts legislation as stipulated by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and fosters bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation in connection to climate changes," the minister noted.
The Ministry implements and is involved in many activities backed by the international community for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and for combating climate changes.
UNDP's Deirdre Boyd stated that climate changes and other risks related to the environment were vital challenges affecting everything that was surrounding us - water supply, eco systems and food production.
Countries from all over the world are obliged to address climate change issues, according to her. "The two projects, which will guide the government to take measures on the matter, pave the way towards establishing a national consensus to address issues related to climate changes in the short and long-term," Boyd noted.
Agreement signed for preparation of third national report on climate changes |