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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Slowenisches Unternehmen "Merkator" baut in Skopje, wenn ich das Foto richtig deute, ist das unmittelbar an der Ilindenska, im Hintergrund sieht man das Sport Zentrum Boris Trajkovski.

Словенечки „Меркатор“, конечно, во Скопје


Словенците почнаа да го оградуваат земјиштето од безбедносни причини, но се' уште не се формира градилиште

Деспина Трајковска

Словенечката компанија „Меркатор“ дефинитивно ќе гради трговски центар во Скопје. Неодамна ги расчистила имотно-правните проблеми на парцелата за градба со површина од околу 28.000 квадрати. Овој проблем ги попречуваше Словенците да го реализираат проектот во изминативе пет години откако по нивна нарачка се изработи потребниот урбанистички план.

Парцелата за градба, на местото на хелиодромот во Карпош, деновиве се оградува. Сепак, тоа не значи дека наскоро ќе почне и изградбата на објектот. Компанијата одлучила да ја заштити локацијата оти така им налагаат неколку закони. Во спротивно, за евентуалните диви депонии и други неовластени дејства од несовесни граѓани одговорноста ќе треба да ја понесат тие, па и да плаќаат казни.

„Точно е дека од неодамна поставуваме ограда, но се' уште не се подготвува градилиште. Просторот се оградува заради обезбедување и заштита на локацијата, која веќе во целост е во наша сопственост. Но, ова не значи дека наскоро ќе почнеме и со изградба на објектот. Кога ќе стартуваме со реализација на проектот и, воопшто, со каква динамика ќе се работи, ќе се дефинира наскоро со развојната програма на ‘Меркатор‘ за 2012 година“, ни изјави вчера Јордан Минов, директор на „Меркатор Македонија“.

Кога пред пет години Словенците го најавија влезот на македонскиот пазар, се шпекулираше дека инвестицијата ќе тежи 30 милиони евра. Повеќе од сигурно е дека и овој трговски центар, по концепција ќе биде речиси идентичен како и преостанатите центри на компанијата во Љубљана, Загреб, Белград, Сараево...

Според ДУП, површината на објектот во основа изнесува 20.000 квадратни метри, а од „Меркатор“ најавуваа дека ќе го градат на две нивоа иако урбанистичкиот план дозволува изградба до четири ката. Како и во трговските центри на „Меркатор“ во регионов, така и во овој, 20 отсто од просторот ќе биде наменет за хипермаркет, а остатокот за продавница за текстил од линијата „Модијана“, дуќан за спортска опрема „Интерспорт“, туристичка агенција во сопственост на компанијата, игротека, продавница за козметика... На приземјето, пак, ќе има продавница за опрема за домаќинство, а на истото ниво ќе се наоѓа и местото за паркирање.

Иако во јавноста повремено се шпекулираше дека Словенците ќе влезат во бизнисот со локален партнер, па дури се споменуваше соработка со „Тинекс“, и двете компании не сакаа да коментираат. Единствено напоменаа дека секогаш се отворени за соработка со други компании доколку најдат заеднички јазик и интерес.

TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????
Russian-Macedonian cooperation has enormous potential: analysis

Skopje, 20 December 2011 (MIA) - Gradual development of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Macedonia in a number of fields was one of the main traits of 2011. Macedonia's leadership voiced conviction on many occasions that the potential of Russian-Macedonian cooperation would resume for the well-being of countries' peoples, reads an ITAR-TASS analysis.

Russian Ambassador to Macedonia Oleg Shcherbak says commercial-economic ties represent one of the most important components in general bilateral relations.

"Political leaderships and business communities in both countries strive towards comprehensive development of bilateral ties, which has been confirmed by the dynamic development of trade relations", he adds.

The Russian Ambassador stresses the successful investment cooperation, including Lukoil's 16 gas stations in Macedonia, exploitation of mines Bucim and Sasa, construction of gas and heating plant TE-TO, reconstruction of REK Bitola etc, all worth hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Shcherbak says these projects create a real perspective in the development of Russia-Macedonia economic investment cooperation.

During a recent meeting of the inter-governmental commission for commercial-economic and scientific-technical cooperation, Russian Deputy-Minister for Regional Development Maxim Travnikov met with Macedonia's Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, focusing on joint activities in the fields of energy, railway ties, tourism and culture, with priority given to Macedonia's involvement in international gas pipeline South Stream.

Latest data of Macedonia's State Statistical Office show that volume of Russian-Macedonian commodity exchange up to the end of October amounted to US$576.4 million. Macedonia mostly exports medicines to Russia, with deliveries of vegetables, fruits and wines still at a low level.

Economic advisor at the Russian Embassy to Skopje, Alexandr Lesin told ITAR-TASS that participation of local wineries at international fairs in Moscow and other cities would represent a stimulus to the development of Macedonian wine export to the Russian federation.

This year was also marked by enhancement of the bilateral legal framework in the security field, with the countries signing an agreement for cooperation in the fight against illicit trade with narcotics and psychotropic substances, along with a bilateral cooperation agreement between countries' security institutions.

MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - Russian-Macedonian cooperation has enormous potential: analysis -

Macedonia will improve energy efficiency of hospitals by installing solar collectors

Macedonia's Ministry of Health will improve energy efficiency of hospitals by installing solar collectors and replacing windows with energy-efficient ones.

Specific activities on assessment of energy efficiency and application of renewable energy sources in two-pilot institutions - Gostivar General Hospital and Stip Clinical Hospital - have been implemented in the framework of the two-year agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO).

"We not only have energy-inefficient facilities, but also a large percentage of energy losses in the system, which represents an additional cost and environment pollution. By increasing energy efficiency in facilities we will directly contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions", said Health Minister Nikola Todorov at Monday's workshop titled "Energy Efficiency in Health Sector".

Head of the WHO Office in Skopje Marija Kisman stressed the increased use of renewable energy sources was significant for the future of mankind.

"Macedonia is one of the countries with the largest number of sunny days, which should be used, alongside thermal sources and wind. Awareness and reallocation of investments is required, both in homes and public institutions", said Kisman.
"Kromberg & Schubert" kicks off its investment in Macedonia
Skopje, 22 December 2011 (MIA) - A 20-million euro investment by the German company "Kromberg & Schubert" has begun to be formally realised. An agreement was signed Thursday at the Government envisaging the investment to be completed in the third quarter of 2012. The new plant, located in Bitola's Zabeni industrial zone, will launch its production process next year, initially opening jobs for 400 people. The number is expected to rise up to 2,000 in the first five years.

The document was signed by Minister for Foreign Investments Vele Samak and company representatives Wolfgang Tupy and Sami Zaghouani.

The plant in Zabeni zone will produce cable installations for automotive manufacturers in Europe, including Volkswagen, BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz.

Wolfgang Tupy said that professional workforce and competitive conditions were the decisive factor for the company to invest in Macedonia.

According to Premier Nikola Gruevski, the investment most importantly would open new jobs, around 2,000 direct employments as well as indirect engagements related to transportation, logistics and services early in the production process of the plant in Bitola.

"A significant number of new jobs are expected to be opened, which is of great significance for Bitola and the region of Pelagonija. It is an important move in addressing the challenge of unemployment There are no better moments such as these when new jobs are being opened," PM Gruevski said after signing the agreement.

He added that the investment would also bolster the balance of trade by 20 million euros and the GDP through an added value for Macedonia, which is expected to stand at 140 million euros in the first six years

The PM pledged the Government would keep on being focused on this issue, adding that the investment cycle in Macedonia was resuming.

"Macedonia with hard work amid complex conditions of economic challenges in Europe has managed to heighten its competitiveness and to be recognised as an attractive investment destination," Gruevski said voicing hopes that the incoming external economic challenges would be tackled with continuous reforms.

Minister Samak stressed that the German investment in Macedonia was opening the most employments so far. "A new page is being turned with the new plant in the history of Bitola and Prilep and thus we are leaving the unfortunate transition behind us," he said

Vice PM responsible for economic affairs, Vladimir Pesevski stated that the investment and its realisation had proved that Macedonia "is a country, which has so much to offer and knows how to do it."

"Kromberg & Schubert" is a German family firm with a 100-year-long history. With over 20 factories and thousands of employees around the world, the firm produces high-tech products, such as on-board networks, cables, plastic technology and mechatronics.

MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - "Kromberg & Schubert" kicks off its investment in Macedonia -

Macedonian, Swiss governments sign agreement on Bregalnica river basin management

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupco Dimovski, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi and Switzerland's Ambassador to Macedonia Stefano Lazzarotto signed Thursday a bilateral agreement on allocation of financial assistance within project "Bregalnica River Basin Management Plan".

The project, worth CHF 5,27 million (EUR 4,31 million), will help the Macedonian Government in the implementation of the new Law on Waters, but also support municipalities geographically tied or part of Bregalnica river basin in implementing small infrastructure water projects. Its direct beneficiaries will be 12 local self-government units, as well as the agriculture and environment ministries.

"The project will establish an appropriate management framework in line with the new EU-harmonized law. Improvement of water management will contribute to stable economic conditions", said Environment Minister Ademi after the agreement's signing.

According to Agriculture Minister Dimovski, the Bregalnica river basin is one of the most complex in Macedonia from all management aspects.

"The foundation for the agriculture's progress is the irrigation infrastructure. Besides dams and reservoirs, the Bregalnica system also includes the 140km-long main channels and distribution network of 1,050km", said Dimovski.

He added that the project should also help the construction of a section of the water cleansing infrastructure, as well as assist the realization of big cleansing facilities in the region.

The project, implemented in the next 3,5 years, has two main components: institutional development, i.e. establishment and successful operations of the body for management of Bregalnica river basin, as well as planning and implementation of small infrastructure water projects. The Swiss grant amounts to CHF 4,46 million (EUR 3,65 million), along with CHF 810,000 (EUR 662,000) co-financed by the Macedonian Government.

Macedonian, Swiss governments sign agreement on Bregalnica river basin management
Macedonian-Israeli Business Club held a one-day business forum in Skopje
Dec 27, 2011
PORT2PORT - Israel's Trade Portal
A one-day business forum organized by the Macedonian-Israeli Business Club, and featuring officials from Macedonia and other countries was held in Skopje.

The Macedonian Israeli Business Club, supported by HE Mr. David Cohen, Ambassador of Israel to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Albania, featured a premium B2B matchmaking event where participants were able to generate new business and partners.

Macedonian's Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Pesevski who represented the Macedonian's government pointed out that Macedonia has established “very good relations with MASHAV [the Israeli Agency for International Cooperation and Development], stating that “a MASHAV representative will be permanently present” in Skopje.

Until now, the most visible such organizations in Macedonia have been the American USAID followed by various smaller EU bodies, and Turkey’s TIKA.

The forum was designated for companies from the following sectors:
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
• Agriculture and food processing
• Renewable/Alternative energy
• Health and pharmaceutical
• Tourism
• Other (security, construction, education, finance, and services) Although Macedonian-Israeli business ties are already developed and date back to the 1990s, the event marked the first formal meeting of its type in Skopje.
fyroms wirschaft brummt:)))
Das Geschäft mit der Armut: Prostitution in Mazedonien

Die Frauen stammen aus Mazedonien aber auch aus Serbien und Bulgarien. Die meisten prostituieren sich wegen ihrer finanziellen Notlage.

Die Republik Mazedonien ist ein Staat in Südost-Europa, und war einmal Teil von Jugoslawien. Ein Meer gibt es nicht das Touristen anlocken könnte, aber es gibt ein paar Seen an der Grenze zu Albanien und Griechenland, die als Touristen-Hochburg gelten. Am Ohrid-See blüht dabei das Geschäft mit der Prostitution.
fyroms wirschaft brummt:)))
Das Geschäft mit der Armut: Prostitution in Mazedonien

Die Frauen stammen aus Mazedonien aber auch aus Serbien und Bulgarien. Die meisten prostituieren sich wegen ihrer finanziellen Notlage.

Die Republik Mazedonien ist ein Staat in Südost-Europa, und war einmal Teil von Jugoslawien. Ein Meer gibt es nicht das Touristen anlocken könnte, aber es gibt ein paar Seen an der Grenze zu Albanien und Griechenland, die als Touristen-Hochburg gelten. Am Ohrid-See blüht dabei das Geschäft mit der Prostitution.

das ist bestimmt der boom..der immer wieder von manch fyroms hochgejubelt wird.
fyroms wirschaft brummt:)))
Das Geschäft mit der Armut: Prostitution in Mazedonien

Die Frauen stammen aus Mazedonien aber auch aus Serbien und Bulgarien. Die meisten prostituieren sich wegen ihrer finanziellen Notlage.

Die Republik Mazedonien ist ein Staat in Südost-Europa, und war einmal Teil von Jugoslawien. Ein Meer gibt es nicht das Touristen anlocken könnte, aber es gibt ein paar Seen an der Grenze zu Albanien und Griechenland, die als Touristen-Hochburg gelten. Am Ohrid-See blüht dabei das Geschäft mit der Prostitution.

Artikel ist über ein halbes Jahr alt.

Dient wohl nur der Provokation.
fyroms wirschaft brummt:)))
Das Geschäft mit der Armut: Prostitution in Mazedonien

Die Frauen stammen aus Mazedonien aber auch aus Serbien und Bulgarien. Die meisten prostituieren sich wegen ihrer finanziellen Notlage.

Die Republik Mazedonien ist ein Staat in Südost-Europa, und war einmal Teil von Jugoslawien. Ein Meer gibt es nicht das Touristen anlocken könnte, aber es gibt ein paar Seen an der Grenze zu Albanien und Griechenland, die als Touristen-Hochburg gelten. Am Ohrid-See blüht dabei das Geschäft mit der Prostitution.

Wenn das stimmen würde, dann hättet ihr ja mehr Prostituierte als der ganze Ostblock zusammen wegen eurer missligen Lage.

Ich kann ja wenn ich im Sommer in Thesoluniki bin ein paar Fotos von Bordellen und Straßenstrichs dort machen, ihr habt diese ehrenlosen Fotzen genauso.
Gruevski: Macedonia considers Germany and Austria as friends and supporters of its strategic political, economic goals

MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - PM Gruevski: Macedonia considers Germany and Austria as friends and supporters of its strategic political, economic goals -
Skopje, 28 December 2011 (MIA) - Macedonia considers Germany, Austria, and other EU countries, as friends and significant supporters of its strategic goals, above all the EU integration, but also the economic development, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Wednesday at a working lunch with representatives of the 'Konrad Adenauer' Foundation, Macedonian-German, Macedonian-Austrian Business Associations and the European Business Association (EBA).

"The focus of Macedonia's political establishment and business community is directed towards Germany and Austria. Their stable economies are crucial for Macedonia to bolster its export and maintain the high economic growth rates in such a turbulent period," Gruevski said.

I encorage you to turn your enthusiasm into a business determination that will bring benefit to our countries, the PM said.

"I believe that boosting of the cooperation in spheres of economy, trade exchange, and especially in investments, is particularly significant for Macedonia's interest, but also for the interest of companies you are representing," Gruevski said.

German and Austrian companies are among top Macedonia's investors, Gruevski said.

"Austria is also a significant market for our products, while the management of Austrian companies is a role model for Macedonia's further development," the PM said.

As a result of advancing the business climate and promotion of Macedonia abroad, the interest of foreign companies to invest in the country is growing, Gruevski said, mentioning the favorable conditions of domestic Technological–Industrial Development Zones (TIDZs).

Several foreign companies have been already working in Skopje TIDZ, and as a result of investors' interest a construction of new zones across Macedonia is either underway or is going to commence next April, the PM said.

He also mentioned that this year the World Bank ranked Macedonia among the top reformers.

Highlighting the country's advantages for foreign investments, Gruevski said that Johnson Controls was opening another production plant in the Macedonia. The investments of Italy's company 'Technohose', US 'Kemet Electronics Corporation', Russia's 'Prodis' - part of the pharmaceutical holding 'Protek Group', India's 'Maderson Group' and Germany's 'Kromberg & Schubert' have already arrived to the country, he added.

German Ambassador to Macedonia Gudrun Elisabeth Steinacker expressed satisfaction with the bilateral business relations, saying that everything good could be better.

"Macedonia has done a lot to improve its business climate and I am pleased that 'Kromberg & Schubert' has recently kicked off the realization of its investment in your country," she said.

It seems that Germany will avoid the recession next year, which means a recovery for whole Europe, Steinacker said.

She announced that a group of German businessmen would pay a visit to Macedonia soon and expressed hope for it to be crowned with their investments in the country.

Don't be afraid of the crisis, it is a financial one and presents a problem to banks, said former EBA president Gunter Offner.

"In spite of the crisis, companies in Europe will seek opportunities for investing. Don't be frustrated as you are going to be rather successful eventually. The second half of 2012 will bring positive surprises in regard to the economic development," he said.

Austrian Ambassador to Macedonia Thomas Michael Baier underlined the significance of powerful economic partners for each country in time of crisis.

In a period of global economic turmoil it is really important to have strong economic partners, he said.

"Austria is among Macedonia's five top trade partners and over 20 Austrian companies are present here. For us it means that we are obliged to keep contributing to the mutual economic ties and to making Macedonia more attractive investment destination," Baier said.

Во Германија и Австрија гледаме пријатели!
TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????

Македонија во Германија и во Австрија, и во земјите од ЕУ, гледа пријатели и значајни поддржувачи на стратешките цели и темелни определби, пред се во реализацијата на интеграциите и ЕУ, но не помалку и во економскиот раст и развој, порача премиерот Никола Груевски на работниот ручек со Европската бизнис асоцијација, Фондацијата "Конрад Аденауер", Македонско-германското стопанско здружение, Македонско-австриската бизнис-асоцијација и Европската бизнис-асоцијација.
- Фокусот на македонската политичка и бизнис-заедница е насочен токму во Германија и Австрија. Овие стабилни стопанства се едни од најважните услови за зголемување на македонскиот извоз и задржување на високите стапки на економски раст и тоа во едно турбулентно време - истакна Груевски.

Германската амбасадорка Гудрун Елизабет Штајнакер истакна дека германско-македонските стопански односи се добри, но додаде дека се што е добро може да биде уште подобро.
-Ме радува што Македонија извезува многу повеќе во Германија отколку Србија... Македонија направи многу за подобрување на бизнис-климата и ме радува што овие Кронберг и Шуберт почнаа со инвестицијата во вашата земја - рече Штајнакер.
Австрискиот амбасадор во Македонија, Томас Михаел Баер, пак, го истакна значењето на силните економски партнери за секоја земја во услови на економска криза.
Macedonian mine produces first cathode copper
02. January 2012. | 09:26

Source: MIA
Macedonian mine produces first cathode copper :: EMG :: SEE news
Macedonia's first cathode copper was produced Friday by the plant for processing and production of cathode copper in the Radovis-based Bucim mine. The Russian company "Solvej", which manages the mine, has invested 11 million euros. Vice PM and Minister of Finance attended the start of production.

"The new cathode copper plant will improve Macedonia's production, industry as well as export. Nearly 17 million dollars is going to be the total annual outcome of the plant's production. 65 new jobs have been opened, which speaks volumes about the quality and development of Bucim mine," Stavreski said.

He said investments were the best tools in reducing unemployment, adding that he expected other companies to continue investing. "The decrease of unemployment rate by 0.5% - which has been announced by the State Statistical Office - is moderate but significant because it occurs when the world is hit by a serious economic crisis," the minister stated.

The new facility will produce annually over 2,500 tonnes of cathode copper as a final product intended for export. Besides economic benefit, the facility will also contribute to environment protection, since it solves the problem of waste waters.