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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Last year most of the countries of the former Yugoslavia and Albania actually grew modestly. Serbia’s economy grew by 1.6%. Macedonia grew by 3%, Bosnia by 1.2% and Montenegro by 2.2%. This year however the rate of growth is forecast to fall. Croatia’s economy did not grow at all in 2011 and is expected to contract by 0.6% in 2012.

Balkan economies: Mostly Miserable | The Economist
[h=1]Tobacco Products Market in Macedonia
Naperville, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/21/2012 -- This market research report offers an in-depth perspective on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for tobacco products market in Macedonia. The analysis provides essential market information for decision-makers including:[/h]

- Overall market value for tobacco products in Macedonia
- Overall market volume for tobacco products in Macedonia
- Market value and volume for tobacco products by type (Cigars, cigarillos and cheroots, Cigarettes, Smoking tobacco and Other tobacco products)
- Product prices
- Forecasts and future outlook of the market
- Country overview, macroeconomic indicators and indicators of doing business

This market analysis answers to questions such as:

- What is the market size of the tobacco products market in Macedonia?
- How is the market divided into different types of products? Which products are growing fast?
- How the market has been developing? How does the future look like?
- What is the potential for the market?
- How the indicators of doing business look like? For example, how easily the contracts are being enforced, or what is the inflation rate and how is it developing?

To view the table of contents for this report please visit
Market Research Reports, Tobacco Products - Macedonia

joαkиm;3310622 schrieb:
es tut sich langsam echt was

Es kommen auch vermehrt "Diaspora Kinder" wieder zurück und eröffnen Firmen hier.

Hier mal ein Beispiel, Cosmic Development, gegründet von zwei Personen aus Kanada, der eine ist makedonischer Abstammung und der andere ist Kanadier.

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Малку поинакви канцеларии во Скопје (фото) | Zdravo.com.mk


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