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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Gruevski: Government pays EUR63 million farmer subsides for one month
Skopje, 19 July 2012 (MIA) -
For 30 days only the Government has payed EUR 63 million to farmers in subsides at the peak of the most serious debt crisis, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Thursday at a press conference.
From June 15 to July 15 budget funds have been tranferred to the farmers accounts, something that hasn't been done ever before, the PM said.
Close to EUR 20 million has been also transfered to the accounts of tobacco growers before the due term, he added.
"This is the average assitance we have been granting every year, which was not the case in the past when this sector enjoyed zero support," Gruevski said.
PM: Agriculture subsidies for 2011 fully paid, a total of Euro 375 mln for five years
Euro 115 million of funds promised for agricultural subsidies for 2011 have been completely paid to a total of 171.000 beneficiaries, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told a press conference on Thursday.
"Today, we can announce that Euro 115 million of subsides promised for 2011 have been completely paid to 171.000 beneficiaries. It is an excellent assistance for agriculture, for farmers; it is an investment in the people, for the people and for the Republic of Macedonia. The subsidies are intended for number of agricultural produces included in the program - precisely defined, realistic, measurable and evident," Gruevski said.
With the subsidies, he added, farmers are further motivated to increase their production, to operate, to invest, to meet their needs and interests.
"Our pledge to support and develop agriculture, being one of the leading economic branches, is evident through our efforts not to back down, delay or lower the payment of subsidies, in particular amid the biggest debt crisis in Europe," Gruevski noted.
The PM urged that the government was a serious, reliable and establish partner of farmers "now and in the future".
PM Gruevski: Government to support farmers with EUR425 million in next three years
Macedonia's Government is a serious, reliable and proven farmers' partner and will act as such in the future. In the next three years, namely in the period of 2013-2015, it plans to pay additional EUR 425 in subsides to farmers, including those who are active at the moment and many others, who with the Government's support may find a secure source of income by being engaged in this sector, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Thursday at a press conference.
Close to EUR 950 million will be paid in the period between 2006 and 2015, he said.
"This is a serious plan, completed and projected cycle, a process that will bring new quality, possibilities for both the citizens and business sector in Macedonia. In this manner we invest not only in this vital sector, but also in a dignified, prosperous life of our food producers - the farmers," Gruevski said.
Gruevski: Government to support farmers with EUR425 million in next three years
PM Gruevski: Government to support farmers with EUR425 million in next three years — BlackSeaGrain - All information on agriculture and food industry
Macedonia's Government is a serious, reliable and proven farmers' partner and will act as such in the future. In the next three years, namely in the period of 2013-2015, it plans to pay additional EUR 425 in subsides to farmers, including those who are active at the moment and many others, who with the Government's support may find a secure source of income by being engaged in this sector, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Thursday at a press conference.

Close to EUR 950 million will be paid in the period between 2006 and 2015, he said.

"This is a serious plan, completed and projected cycle, a process that will bring new quality, possibilities for both the citizens and business sector in Macedonia. In this manner we invest not only in this vital sector, but also in a dignified, prosperous life of our food producers - the farmers," Gruevski said.
Export von Landwirtschaftlichen Produkten verdoppelt.

[h=2]Груевски: Двојно поголем извозот на земјоделски производи, субвенциите даваат резултат[/h]

Oбјавено на 21.07.2012 од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ
Оценувајќи ги генералните ефекти од субвенциите и другите мерки во полза на земјоделството, претседателот на македонската влада Никола Груевски, денеска во Пелагонија истакна дека е задоволен од преземените мерки, бидејќи истите даваат резултати.
- Во 2006 година извозот на земјоделски производи од Македонија беше во вредност од 240 милиони, минатата година извозот на земјоделски производи од Македонија достигна 470 милиони евра, а оваа година очекуваме над 500 милиони евра од извоз на земјоделски производи, посочи премиерот Груевски.
Според првиот човек на македонската Влада, земјоделците се повеќе се охрабруваат да инвестираат, да ги зголемуваат обработиливите површини и да ги користат владините мерки и поволности за агро-секторот.
- Земјоделците се охрабрија. Ја видоа поддршката и помошта од Владата и затоа влегоа во поголеми инвестиции. Им помагаме во разни форми, барана е т.н. помош „50-50“, односно кога некој ќе купи одредена механизација, 50 отсто од средствата да им бидат вратени, земјоделците се определуваат да произведат повеќе и да извезат повеќе и затоа во Македонија земјоделството има голем напредок, нагласи Груевски.
На средбата со новинарите, претседателот на Владата потврди дека годинава Македонија има двојно поголем девизен прилив отколку во 2006 година и што е најважно, истакна, Владата е посветена и има одлична комуникација и соработка со земјоделците.

Einer der größten Investitionen in Makedonien. Volumen: 700 Mio. €

Signing of Ilovica concessioning agreement
Skopje, 24 July 2012 (MIA) -
Economy Minister Valon Saraqini and EurOmax Resources Ltd. Chief Operating Office Mark Gustafson will sign Tuesday the concessioning agreement for exploitation of copper and gold location Ilovica.
According to EurOmax announcements, field operations will start soon, whereas investments are to reach EUR 700 million.
Only 30 percent of the total concessioning field has been researched thus far, with results showing that it holds 120 tonnes of gold and 700,000 tonnes of copper.
Foreign investments take off in Macedonia

26/07/2012The investment boom shows promise both for Macedonia's as well as the regional economies.
By Miki Trajkovski for Southeast European Times in Ohrid -- 26/07/12

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From steel and car parts to tourism, investors are showing increased interest in Macedonia. [Reuters]

The Macedonian government's campaign to attract foreign investment is paying off as investments begin to materialise and big-name investors continue to visit the country to examine venture opportunities.
"We [hope to] bring [to Macedonia] as many foreign investments as possible, show professionalism, readiness and flexibility to co-operate," Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Peshevski said.
On Wednesday (July 25th), the government signed a 415m-euro deal with Canada's EurOmax Resources to build and work the Ilovica gold and copper mine. Last week, the Turkish Cevahir Holding initiated a 300m-euro investment for a luxury residential complex in Skopje's Aerodrom municipality.
Similarly, Germany's Lisa Draxlmaier GmbH will join a local partner in a 35m-euro project to produce car parts in a new facility in Kavadarci, which will employ 4,000 people in the first five years.
Within a year, Draxlmaier will build another factory in Kavadarci, which will supply car manufacturer Mercedes.
Officials said Draxlmaier's choice of Macedonia validates Macedonia's efforts to create attractive investment conditions -- including attractive locations with support infrastructure and amenities -- often government-supplied -- in the seven technological-industrial development zones as well as expeditious electronic paperwork.
"We are practically giving investors land for free," Victor Mizo, director of Macedonia's Foreign Investments Agency, told SETimes.
Analysts said another attractive feature is Macedonia having the lowest taxes in Europe; capital gains and personal income are taxed at a flat rate of 10%. Foreign investors who re-invest the gains are freed from paying taxes.
World-renowned brand companies like Kemet Electronics, Tehnohose and Protek are finishing their factories in the industrial-development zone Skopje 1 -- popularly known as Bunardzik -- and will begin production this autumn.
Others, like the Belgian bus and industrial vehicles producer Van Hool as well as India's Montherson and the US's N to N Fiber, have bought land parcels or are already building facilities in the Skopje 1 zone.
Another aspect of the government's efforts is bringing in some of the world's wealthiest investors -- including Mexico's billionaire Carlos Slim, the Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and Subrata Roy who heads India's biggest employer, the Sahara Group -- to Macedonia to examine the investment opportunities.
"Their presence has a calming effect on troubled regional economies," Atanas Dzurovski, professor of public finance at St Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola, told SETimes.

The investors' visits are followed by company specialists for a closer examination of opportunities which range from developing tourist zones in Macedonia's primary lakeside destinations -- Ohrid, Struga, Prespa and Dojran -- to locations for shooting movies.
"The region should view these forays as opportunities because the world's big players seek to cut costs and seek inexpensive destinations as well as favorable business conditions," Dzurovski said.
He explained that companies from the Middle and Far East and beyond increasingly value Macedonia for having signed agreements on free trade and market access to the EU.
"It is important to put the region on the map for the global investors. The big-name investors tend to look to invest in the whole region once they have established a beachhead," Ljube Trpeski, former governor of Macedonia's national bank, told SETimes.
Zwischen den einzelnen Ländern gibt es indes große Unterschiede: Am höchsten ist die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Mazedonien (55 Prozent), Spanien (46 Prozent) und Griechenland (44 Prozent), am geringsten in den Niederlanden, der Schweiz und Österreich (jeweils rund 8 Prozent) sowie in Deutschland und Norwegen (rund 9 Prozent). Außer in Deutschland war die Arbeitslosenquote der Jugendlichen 2011 in fast allen Ländern höher als vor Ausbruch der Finanzkrise 2008.

Wirtschaftskrise: Jugend ohne Arbeit - Beruf & Chance - FAZ

Obwohl nicht in der Eu-währungsunion!
Government plans construction of seven new economic zones
Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Government is planning to build seven new economic-industrial zones, which is incorporated in its programme, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told reporters on Saturday.

Preparations are underway and in early November a construction of the economic zones in Kicevo, Prilep, Gevgelija and Struga are to commence. By April, the construction of such zones will also kick off in Radovis, Strumica and Rankovce, Gruevski said.
A large factory is already under construction in the region of Pelagonija, near Bitola, as it is the case with the Tikves region, namely Tetovo and Stip.

"It shows that Macedonia has been dispersing the zones, which is a good move. We also plan to build new economic zones for the businessmen to invest in various places across Macedonia. We encorage foreign investors when they consider to do something beyond Skopje region," the PM said.
These activities will bring fresh investments, engage Macedonia's construction companies and open many new jobs, Gruevski said.

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Gjorgjiev: 400 new jobs at well-known companies
Skopje, 5 August 2012 (MIA) -
The well-known employers will engage 400 employees as of next week which are provided through a government decision and advertisement for employment of another 600 persons will be announced on Sep. 1.
Government Spokesperson Aleksandar Gjorgjiev said that new government measure for employment stimulation will include a total of 1.000 unemployed persons for which Denar 600 million are provided for the first phase.
This is another concrete measure of the government for stimulation of employment. It will be beneficial both for employers and employees. The former will acquire additional staff to carry out activity and the latter will acquire new knowledge and skills essential for final employment which will last at least one year, Gjorgjiev said.