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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

External trade volume exceeds US$ 5 billion in first half of 2012: statistics
Skopje, 6 August 2012 (MIA) -
According to preliminary data of the State Statistical Office, export value of goods in the Republic of Macedonia in period January-June 2012 was US$ 1,94 billion and the import value was US$ 3,19 billion. Import coverage by export was 60.8 percent, while trade deficit amounted to US$ 1,25 billion.
Trade exchange according to products shows that in the exports the most significant products are ferronickel, supported catalysts with precious metal or precious metal compounds as the active substance, petroleum oil preparations, iron and steel products (flat-rolled products) and clothes.
In the imports, the most significant products are the crude petroleum oils, electricity, motor vehicles for the transport of persons, n.e.s., nickel ores and concentrates and platinum and platinum alloys, unwrought or in powder form.
The most important export partners in the first half of 2012 were the EU-27 countries (62.6%) and the West Balkan countries (24.5%), while the most important import partners were the EU-27 countries (57.1%) and the Developing countries (24.4%).
According to the total volume of international commodity trade, the most important trade partners of the Republic of Macedonia are Germany, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Italy (46.7% of total international commodity trade).
Na kla :lol:

[h=1]Македонија- земја со највисока невработеност во свет?[/h]

Американскиот медиумски сервис „Си- Ен- Ен“ ја рангираше Македонија како земја со најлоша економија заедно со Конго, Судан, Белорусија и Јапонија. Македонија го доби статусот земја со најголема невработеност во анализата на „Си- Ен- ЕН“ која оценува пет различни држави со големи економски проблеми. Македонија го доби овој статус поради неверојатно високата невработеност од 31,2 отсто.

Покрај Македонија, во извештајот на „Си- Ен- ЕН“ се објавени уште четири земји кои се рангирани како земји со најлоша економија. Според сознанијата на „Си- Ен- Ен“ Судан е земја со најлош економски развој, поради долгогодишните граѓански војни и социјалните немири кои целосно ја ограничија економијата. Република Конго е опишана како земја со најлош приход по глава на жител. Иако оваа земја има богати извори, сепак таа е „заглавена до гуша“ во проблеми со насилството, сиромаштијата и корумпираниот систем откако се здоби со својата независност од Белгија во 1960 година.

Како земја со најлоша инфлација е рангирана Белорусија. Според ММФ, во 2012 година, инфлацијата во Белорусија достигна 65.9%. Јапонија пак е именувана како земја со најголем долг. Иако економијата во земјата е фокусирана во развојот на технологијата, сепак долгот на владата е проектиран да биде 239% од брутодомашниот производ до крајот на оваа година.
Macedonia venture aids 6pm’s return to profitability

6pm Group, through its associate EmCare360 Ltd, has launched a new client-oriented product in the telecare and telehealth field.
6pm Holdings plc has reported an interim pre-tax profit of £180,046 (approximately equivalent to €218,714) for the six months to June 30, an improvement on the pre-tax loss of £343,292 in the first half of last year. 6 pm, which reports in sterling, invested in a new Macedonian subsidiary to reduce its cost base last September, and the group returned to profitability that month. The group has remained profitable for 10 consecutive months.
In the 2011 financial year, the IT group registered a loss after tax of £354,888.
The directors are recommending no interim dividend is paid “considering the global financial climate is seriously unpredictable and the movement in currencies cannot be underestimated”. The board, however, pledged to deliver a final dividend, subject to approval at the annual general meeting, if the positive results continue in the latter part of the year. It said it was driving forward to achieve all the targets set in the internal business plan.
In the last six months, the company invested resources heavily to be able to enter into the business-to-consumer market, through the development of low-margin, high volume products. The Quick products suite was launched at the end of June. Although development will continue for the next two years, the first sales results are expected to be achieved from the early month of the second half year.
The group, through one of its associates emCare360 Ltd, has launched a client-oriented product in telehealth and telecare. All development originated from the group.
“These success stories are in addition to the achievements in the UK NHS where the existing health products are being sold and enhanced to suit clients’ requirements,” 6pm said. “The group is investing in two new health solutions, developed in conjunction with the specialists in the medical field, to offer clinical solutions in the treatment of stroke and HIV patients. These clinical solutions will be launched in the UK till the end of the year.”
The board said it was confident that the group will continue to achieve the expected positive results in the coming months and has considered it appropriate to prepare the interim financial report on a going concern basis.
[h=1]Makedonski Telekom revenues fall 4% to HUF 16.3 bln in Q2[/h]Thursday 9 August 2012 | 16:10 CET | NewsMagyar Telekom's Macedonian subsidiary Makedonski Telekom saw its revenues in Q2 decline 4.1 percent year-on-year to HUF 16.330 billion mainly driven by the significant decrease in mobile revenues. Of the total, mobile revenues represented HUF 8.383 billion, down 6.3 percent, and fixed revenues were HUF 7.859 billion, a decrease of 1.3 percent. The 10.4 percent strengthening of MKD against HUF on average compared with the same quarter last year had a positive impact on the results of the operator in HUF terms. Regardless of the positive FX rate effect, revenues decreased by 4.1 percent in HUF terms.
EBITDA decreased in Q2 versus Q2 2011 by 8.6 percent in HUF terms to HUF 8.363 billion deriving mainly from lower total revenues, and increased employee-related expenses.
The decrease in mobile revenues was mainly due to lower voice-retail revenues. Higher outgoing minutes could not compensate the lower subscription fees as a result of promotion for new subscribers, and the declining postpaid customer base. Lower other mobile revenues were due to the lower number of handsets sold both in retention and acquisition and decreased accessories revenue. Non-voice revenues decreased
slightly as a result of lower messaging revenues due to the lower number of SMS sent in Q2.
T-Mobile Macedonia's number of mobile customers dropped by 4.0 percent to 1.223,299 million. Of these, 31.8 percent were postpaid customers, down from 32.5 percent a year ago. Mobile ARPU fell by 1.3 percent to HUF 2,099, while MoU increased by 19.5 percent to 159.
The decrease in total fixed line revenues was primarily as a result of lower voice-retail revenues reflecting the loss of fixed lines and lower traffic affected by mobile substitution. The decline in data revenues is a result of the decreased international and domestic leased lines. These decreases were slightly offset by higher voice wholesale revenues in HUF terms, resulting from HUF/MKD currency translation. However, the increase in international incoming traffic revenue due to higher mobile termination fees could not compensate the lower traffic revenue from mobile operators and LTOs caused by decreased traffic in MKD terms. TV revenues due to the growing IPTV subscriber base at Makedonski Telekom slightly mitigated the decrease in fixed line revenues.
In Q1, the number of fixed lines fell 8.6 percent year-on-year to 296,083, the number of total DSL accesses rose 5.8 percent to 163,606, while the number of IPTV customers increased 50.4 percent to 50,831.
Laut einem CNN-Rating, hat Mazedonien neben Kongo, Weißrussland und Sudan die 4. schlechtetste Wirtschaft der Welt. Bemängelt wird vor allem die hohen Arbeitslosenzahl und die Abschreckung von Investoren durch falsche Politik der Regierung.

Da kann uns Zoran uns noch so viel vormachen, die Realität spricht für sich

The world's worst economies - Macedonia: Worst unemployment (4) - CNNMoney

Die Realität spricht in der tat für sich, Makedoniens Wirtschaft war schon immer miserabel vor 10 und mehr Jahren eine einzige Katastrophe, Arbeitslose gab es vor zehn und mehr Jahren über 40%.

Aber du als Experte verstehst natürlich alles ;)

PS: In dem Artikel steht nichts von Investorenabschreckung, noch falscher Politik.

The IMF does not publish unemployment statistics for every country -- but of those listed, Macedonia has the highest rate. In 2012, unemployment is projected to top 31.2%.

The rate has been stubbornly high for years despite solid if not spectacular economic growth, suggesting that structural problems are to blame.

Observers frequently note that official unemployment statistics do not include the country's so-called gray market, which is thought to make up a significant portion of Macedonia's total economic activity.
Laut einem CNN-Rating, hat Mazedonien neben Kongo, Weißrussland und Sudan die 4. schlechtetste Wirtschaft der Welt. Bemängelt wird vor allem die hohen Arbeitslosenzahl und die Abschreckung von Investoren durch falsche Politik der Regierung.

das die arbeitslosigkeit um 7 Prozent und die staatsverschuldung um 11 prozent in diesem jahr gesunken ist ,vergisst du aber ;)
ausserdem gibt es genug laender dennen es schlechter geht ..
das die arbeitslosigkeit um 7 Prozent und die staatsverschuldung um 11 prozent in diesem jahr gesunken ist ,vergisst du aber ;)
ausserdem gibt es genug laender dennen es schlechter geht ..

Die Arbeitslosenzahl ist fiktiv, in jeder anständigen Wirtschaftsanalyse kannst du nachlesen das die reale Zahl zwischen 14-17% gesehen wird bei 40% Schattenwirtschaft und meiner Meinung nach ist das letztere das Hauptproblem.

Ist in dem verlinkten Artikel auch erklärt:

Observers frequently note that official unemployment statistics do not include the country's so-called gray market, which is thought to make up a significant portion of Macedonia's total economic activity.
First action plan on youth employment in Macedonia will be implemented until 2015

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MIA - 13.08.2012
A three-year action plan on promotion of more and better jobs for 135,000 youth at the age of 15-29 was presented by Macedonia's Minister of Labor and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski at Sunday's press conference.

The first action plan in this field will be implemented until 2015, worth EUR 27 million, allocated by the Government, EU's IPA funds and donors.

EUR 14 million for agriculture machinery in Macedonia

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MIA - 13.08.2012
The procurement of agriculture machinery will be an integral part of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in Rural Development (IPARD) programme as of next year, with EUR 14 million projected for this purpose, said Macedonia's Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Zoran Konjanovski on Saturday.

"We are aware of the necessity over additional assistance for procurement of machinery, which was in the focus of talks with EU officials. As of next year, farmers will be able to procure machinery by way of co-financing and through the IPARD programme.
Macedonia registers trade surplus with Kosovo, Albania
Monday, 13 August 2012

Macedonia has registered surplus in trade with Kosovo in the first half of 2012. Macedonian companies distributed commodities worth US$ 165 million at the Kosovo market, which represents a rise by 30.6 percent compared to the same period in 2011.

On the other hand, Kosovo companies exported commodities worth US$ 10 million.

Citing State Statistical Office data, "Koha" newspaper says growth has been registered in export of fruits, beer, meat products, rice, fodder, flour, construction materials and oil derivatives.

In addition, Macedonia has exported commodities worth US$ 27 million to Albania in the Q2 of 2012, compared to the 9 US$ million import.