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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

IKEA steigt in Makedonien ein

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[h=2]"Икеа" доаѓа и во Македонија[/h]20.09.2012 - 13:16 |

Светскиот бренд Икеа доаѓа во Македонија преку турска компанија. Гигантот кој е лидер во регионот во изградба на трговски центри, и која веќе во неколку земји од Европа го пласираше шведскиот бренд Икеа, влегвува во проектот на Ера „Град во град“ на Скопски саем.

По оваа онформација, се отвора прашањето дали преку оваа инвестиција, Туркмол отвора можност за влез на шведскиот бренд, познат по свој економичен и едноставен мебел и покуќнина, на македонскиот пазар.
Деталите за инвестиција е очекувано да се обелоденат наскоро. ИКЕА е една од најголемите и најпознатите меѓународни компании, има најголем синџир за продажба на мебел, а основан од познатиот шведски претприемач Ингвар Кампард во 1943 година.
Икеа денес е присутна во 36 земји, во Европа, Австралија и Канада, со 285 стоковните куќи и трговски центри. Најголем нејзин пазар е Германија каде што има 43 продавници.
Икеа планира до 2015 година да влезе и во земјите од поранешна Југославија, а цел и се и земјите во развој во кои се уште нема ртазвиена мрежа. Најблиските трговски центри на Икеа, сега се во Софија и Солун. Дали макеоднците сеуште ќе треба да патуваат до Бугарија и Грција, за да си обезбедат нешто од брендот на Икеа, од Ера најавуваат дека ќе обелоденат наскоро.

Threadthema ist klar. Republik Mazedonien. Ansonsten gibt es den Thread auch für Griechenland, einschließlich der dortigen Region, Verwaltungseinheit, wie auch immer, Mazedonien. Für Streit bitte in die Endlosschleife. Hier wird ab jetzt auf jeden Spam mindestens Ban folgen. Danke für das Verständnis.
Government opens investment zones across Macedonia
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

In an attempt to attract foreign investments, the Government at a session has reached a decision to establish new technological industrial zone in Strumica.

The zone, covering an area of 24.800 square meters, will be equipped with energy, telecommunications, water management systems, where an administrative building and a customs terminal will be also located, Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgiev told a press conference on Wednesday.

"The zone will be of great importance for the local economic development of the region of Strumica. After completing all procedures, activities to construct the zone will be launched in the first quarter of 2013," Gjorgiev said.

The Government in line with the action plan, he added, is carrying out procedures to open technological industrial zones in Kicevo, Tetovo, Prilep, Gevgelija, Rankovce, Struga and Radovis as well.
"The opening of these zones demonstrates the Government's clear commitment to attract investments across the whole state. It will bring fresh quality in the business life of these regions and aims at enabling conditions for balanced economic development, the spokesman said.

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New investments of Dutch VPTEX and German Bionika Pharmaceuticals in Macedonia
Skopje, 26 September 2012 (MIA) -
A cornerstone laying ceremony was held Wednesday marking the start of a construction of a new factory of the Dutch company VPTEX in Macedonia for professional industrial and protective workwear - a EUR two-million project - which is to open 180 jobs.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Vice-Premier Zoran Stavreski, Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski, Dutch Ambassador to Macedonia Mariette Shurman, VPTEX Manager Hub Zewald and Ilinden municipality Mayor Zika Stojanovski had the honor to lay the corner stone.
This project is yet another proof of the cumulative inflow of direct Dutch investments in Macedonia and bolstering of the bilateral trade exchange, Gruevski said at the ceremony.
"To us this is a confirmation of the trust of Dutch investors in Macedonia's sound macroeconomic foundations and favorable business climate," the PM said.
The Government will keep working on improving the domestic business climate, promoting abroad the opportunities for investing in Macedonia, nourishing the direct contacts with companies and the partnership with the business sector, he added.
Kick-starting a construction of new factory in times of economic crisis gives special significance to today's event, Stavreski said.
It means that the Government's long-term efforts for improving the business climate have been bearing fruits, confirming that Macedonia is becoming a desirable destination for investments, he said.
The good business climate has been one of the reasons for our decision to invest in Macedonia, Zewald said.
This investment expresses the trust of Dutch companies in Macedonia, Ambassador Shurman said.
Van Puijenbroek Textiel was founded in 1865 as a family business with a storage space measuring only a few square metres. Since then, Van Puijenbroek Textiel has grown and is now a leading player on the international market for professional industrial and safety clothing made from high-quality textile fibres.
Bionika Pharmaceuticals invests EUR 6 million for production of pharmaceutical products

"Bionika Pharmaceuticals" company launched Wednesday in Skopje its new line of pharmaceutical products. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the Managing Director of Germany's Merck Group, Markus Rauer marked the start of the new line of products.
Addressing the launching, PM Gruevski said the section for production of pharmaceutical products was an investment worth six million euros.
"I am pleased that this investment has a second stage and in it additional four million euros will be invested, thus completing the entire investment cycle of 10 million euros, which is a great challenge for every firm in the pharmaceutical industry," Gruevski stated.
He stressed that this business venture came as a result of the dynamic development process of two private companies from Macedonia and Serbia - "Varus" and "Novos".
For the government, the PM said, each investor - both domestic and foreign - is important.
He added that the government with its policies and measures in connection to the economy would remain a strong partner and supporter of businesses and the private sector.
"Bionika Pharmaceuticals" founder Zlata Novovic said the start of the production line was a fulfilment of company's goal proving that in Macedonia quality pharmaceutical products could be made in partnership with renowned foreign companies.
Merck Managing Director Rauer said that "Varus" had become Merck's most wanted partner in Macedonia in the production of pharmaceutical products, drugs, chemicals and equipment.
High quality pharmaceutical products will be manufactured in the new section consisting of a production line, control laboratory, microbiological laboratory and a storehouse and they will be promoted on markets at home and abroad.
"Bionika Pharmaceuticals" is a company formed in 2010 as a joint investment of "Varus" from Skopje and the Belgrade-based "Novos" in line with the strategic plans for companies' development and expansion on foreign markets. The two companies have been present on markets in Southeastern Europe for 20 years.
Vecer, Macedonia: 7% hike for pensions
27 September 2012 | 10:46 | FOCUS News Agency

Skopje. “While the countries in the region and those in Europe are panicked about the prognoses of the World Bank and are already introducing restrictive reforms in their pension systems, the Macedonian government sticks firm to the position that the care and protection of the pensioners remains a top priority,” writes Macedonian Vecer daily.
According to the newspaper, apart from the bonuses received by the pensioners and the socially disadvantaged for visiting cultural events, the Macedonian government also decided to increase the pensions.
According to Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, the pensions in Macedonia will be changed 5% to 7% upturns in March.
Austrian companies interested in Macedonia eco-projects
Skopje, 3 October 2012 (MIA) -
Macedonian and Austrian companies have the opportunity Wednesday to exchange experiences and witness the benefits that Macedonia has to offer for implementation of environment projects at business meeting "Environment Friendly Technologies", organized by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, the Trade Department within Austria's Embassy to Macedonia, and the Carinthia Chamber of Commerce.
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi urged Austrian businessmen to invest in Macedonia, saying they would come across secure and sincere partners prepared for cooperation.
"Macedonia has adopted and harmonized laws with the EU, whereas the implementation stage requires support from the private sector, especially from a Union member-state that has already implemented these standards", said Ademi.
According to him, the laws define the limits and principles of setting up systems for management of different types of waste, but determining the form, manner and operation of the system is left to the industry.
"We believe most of the companies will harmonize their operations with the environment-related laws by the year-end, not only to save themselves from fines, but for the purpose of protecting resources, energy and environment in general, which I believe is the goal of all socially responsible companies", added Minister Ademi.
Carinthia Chamber of Commerce president Franz Pacher said economic cooperation between Macedonia and Austria has been excellent for quite a while, adding that the objective of today's meeting is to reduce waste and find partners in the environment sector.
"We need to work in the field of renewable energy, waste management, planning, systems, assessment, and waste water filtering stations", stressed Pacher.

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Doch haben die Vertreter der EU und der NATO eine Mitgliedschaft der Republik Makedonien ebenfalls von einer Lösung des sogenannten Namensstreits abhängig gemacht und damit das Urteil des IGH umgangen.

Die Republik Makedonien und internationale Organisationen - Pelagon.de :: Nachrichten aus Makedonien / News from Macedonia

Tja, schon blöd, gell, wenn man in eine Gruppe angenommen werden die das IGH selbst umgeht! Hab das Gefühl die wollen nicht?!?!?!

Hier geht es um Wirtschaft.

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[h=3]Macedonia-Estonia business forum in Skopje[/h]

Energy, agriculture, IT and tourism are the sectors where Macedonia and Estonia can enhance bilateral cooperation, agreed participants at Monday's business forum in Skopje.
"I am convinced that today's event will enhance existing and create new business ties between Macedonia and Estonia, through the use of prior business experience and friendly relations", said Economy Minister Valon Saraqini in the opening address.
He added that bilateral economic cooperation should increase, with today's forum representing a good opportunity for this.
Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts said history was written in Skopje, expressing hope the forum was just the beginning of numerous business meetings between the two countries.
"I hope these two days will be fruitful and enable the launch of new businesses. I believe there are opportunities for enhancement of business relations in the textile and metal industries", added Parts.
Total trade exchange with Estonia in 2011 was approximately US$ 1,6 million, whereas Estonian investments in Macedonia amounted to EUR 1,22 million.
Promotion of new ArcelorMittal zinc installation
Skopje, 4 October 2012 (MIA) -
Plant "ArcelorMittal Skopje" will present Thursday the new EUR 3,5 million investment in a new zinc installation.
The reconstructed and entirely automated zinc line will enable a more efficient technological operation, increased energy efficiency and productivity, reduced emissions of air polluting substances and their continual monitoring.
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, Government officials, 150 businessmen and general managers of 200 most influential companies in the Balkan metallurgy industry will attend the event.

[h=1]Macedonia beckons Kerala entrepreneurs[/h]Laxmi Ajai Prasanna, TNN | Oct 5, 2012, 05.32AM IST





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Read More:Republic Of Macedonia|Mother Teresa|Foreign Direct Investment|FDI|European Market|Economy



THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Republic of Macedonia, the birth place of Mother Teresa, beckons business start-ups from the state. Ranked seventh among 183 countries of the world in the 'Investor Protection Index', Macedonia, a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in southeast Europe, assures all support to entrepreneurs including a much lower investment needed for a business startup there.
The government there also plans convenient business visa, offering free registration slashing the visa fees by next year. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Kerala State Council chairman V K Mathews told TOI that if the cost incurred for doing business in India is $1,200 to $2,000, it will be $500 in Macedonia. Cost incurred for a business startup in the state will be at the higher end, say about $2,200, as compared to setting up business in Bangalore, he said.
"Exploring the possibilities of joint ventures, a delegation of IT companies from the state will visitMacedonia shortly. It would be a great opportunity for IT firms here to have access to theEuropean market in Macedonia with 27 European countries and seven countries involved in the Free Trade Area (FTA)," Mathews said. Entrepreneurs here need not be anxious of the climate there as Macedonia is an exciting place with backwaters, hilly tracts and with the nature's bounty similar to Kerala, he said.
Macedonia's agency for foreign investments international office, Toni Atanasovski, told TOI that visa rules will be modified to issue convenient business visas, and from next year, visa application and registration will be free of cost as against the currently charged Rs 4,000.
Republic of Macedonia's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) minister Bill Pavleski said the country has been rated fourth after S Korea, the UK and Mexico in 'Doing Business Indicators 2012' in addition to being ranked seventh among 183 countries in the Investment Protection Index. "With no spill over of the world financial crisis on Macedonia, it is an emerging economy in Europe with 4% FDI in 2011 as compared to 2.3% in 2010 and is the third best country in banking operations," Pavleski said. "Through the 'regulatory guillotine of automatic clearance' for company registration, a company will obtain necessary clearances at the one-stop shop in four hours," he said. Even with minimum initial capital, start-ups can give a capital assurance in the form of assets worth 500 dollars to obtain initial support from banks," he said. In the case of some incubators, project feasibility study will take about three months, after which the registration will be complete in four hours, he said.
"In mobile and internet broadband, we have issued 4G licenses under universal service access to interested investors, and India too can invest in 4G market operations," said Macedonia's IT minister Ivo Ivanovski. As per Macedonia's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) general director Viktor Mizo, While, business units set up outside the FTA in Macedonia will have to pay a flat rate of 10% tax as against 30% charged in India, he said.
business tie-ups and startups can be in education, IT, tourism, health care, infrastructure, energy, manufacturing industry and even in water and waste management.

[h=1]Ein namenloser Staat im nationalen Taumel[/h][h=6]Andrej Ivanji aus Skopje, 2. August 2012, 05:30[/h]

  • 1343749017701.jpg
    foto: reuters/teofilovski
    Offiziell nur "Krieger hoch zu Ross": Alexander der Große im Zentrum von Skopje.

[h=2]Mazedonien, das offiziell nicht so heißen darf, soll nach den Plänen seiner gegenwärtigen Regierung aus dem antiken Erbe zu nationaler Identität finden. Kritiker sehen darin eine Ablenkung von der schweren Wirtschaftskrise[/h]Die Vorstadt von Skopje ist heruntergekommen, man fährt durch unverhülltes Elend. Das Bild entspricht der Bewertung der britischen Zeitschrift Economist, die Mazedonien nach einem Armutsindex an die erste Stelle von 92 analysierten Ländern setzte. Doch ist man einmal im Zentrum angelangt, ist der Staub der Randbezirke angesichts des prachtvollen Kitsches schnell vergessen.

  • Euro:mPAY24 - Die Online-Zahlungslösung
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  • Werbung
Man bekommt den Eindruck, sich inmitten einer Kulisse für einen historischen Film zu befinden: die prunkvollen Gebäude des archäologischen Museums und des Verfassungsgerichts im neobarocken Stil auf der einen Uferseite des Flusses Vardar, antik wirkende Skulpturen von Kaiser Samuil oder Justinian I. auf der anderen, ein "römischer" Pavillon, eine Schar Löwen aus Bronze und mazedonische Soldaten mit Lanzen in Kampfstellung, der große mazedonische Patriot und Revolutionär Goce Delcev ...
Das Projekt "Skopje 2014" hat Form angenommen. Überall wird gebaut, über Nacht entstehen neue Denkmäler, die Meilensteinen der mazedonischen Geschichte gewidmet sind. Und über all den von der Regierung bestellten "patriotischen Kunstwerken" auf dem Platz Makedonija prangt ein riesiges, fünf Millionen Euro teures Denkmal Alexander des Großen auf Pferd mit ausgestrecktem Schwert. Allerdings darf Alexander der Mazedonier wegen Protesten aus Athen, das ihn als exklusives Symbol der hellenischen Antike beansprucht, offiziell lediglich als "Krieger hoch zu Ross" bezeichnet werden. Man wollte sich auf keinen neuen Streit einlassen mit Griechenland, das seit Jahren den Beginn der Beitrittsverhandlungen Mazedoniens mit der EU und eine Nato-Mitgliedschaft blockiert, weil es in dem Staatsnamen "territoriale Ansprüche" wittert. Skopje will wiederum im Namensstreit "unter gar keinen Umständen" nachgeben, und so kommt in der "Ehemaligen Jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien" (FYROM), wie sie offiziell heißt, recht wenig voran.
[h=3]30 Prozent Arbeitslosigkeit[/h] Das seit Jahren umstrittene Projekt "Skopje 2014", das viele anfangs für einen Witz hielten, hat sich als ein Grundstein der nationalen Politik von Premier Nikola Gruevski herausgestellt. Die Mazedonier hat es in verbissene Gegner des "sauteuren nationalistischen Größenwahns" und Befürworter der "Politik des nationalen Stolzes" gespalten. Während dieses "Disneyland" gebaut werde, stehe im Rest des verarmten Landes mit einer Arbeitslosigkeit von über 30 Prozent alles still, sagt Expremier Ljupco Georgijevski.
Als Premier und damaliger Chef der heute regierenden nationalistischen VMRO-DPMNE, von der er sich trennte, als Gruevski an die Parteispitze kam, prägte der national-konservative Georgijevski allerdings selbst den Slogan von den "vier Wölfen", die Mazedonien umzingeln: Griechenland erkennt den Staatsnamen Mazedonien nicht an; Bulgarien bestreitet die Existenz der mazedonischen Sprache und Nation; Serbien die autokephale mazedonische orthodoxe Kirche, die sich von der serbischen Kirche abgespalten hat; Albanien schließlich setzt Mazedonien über die albanische Minderheit unter Druck, die aufgrund des Friedensabkommens von Ohrid, das 2001 die Auseinandersetzung zwischen albanischen Rebellen und mazedonischer Regierung beendete, mit mindestens 23 Prozent in allen staatlichen Institutionen vertreten sein muss.
In dieser "feindlichen Umgebung", inmitten der tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Krise, setzt Premier Gruevski auf die Karte des nationalen Trotzes. Die Regierung propagiert die "antike Herkunft" der Mazedonier. Statt einer von anderen abhängigen Hoffnung für die Zukunft wird eine schönere Vergangenheit geboten, den slawisch- orthodoxen Mazedoniern eine neue, "antike" Identität angepriesen, die auf dem Erbe von Alexander dem Großen beruht. Während Kunsthistoriker und Architekten wie der bekannte Miroslav Grcev das alles als "lächerlich", als "ideologische Fassaden" abtun, scheint das Projekt der nationalen Erneuerung bei vielen Mazedoniern zu greifen.
[h=3]"Missbrauch von Gefühlen"[/h] "Ohne Gewissensbisse wegen möglicher Folgen missbrauchen die Machthaber nationale Gefühle, die Identitätsfrage und die Geschichte", erklärt die politisch engagierte Soziologin Mirjana Najcevska. Ziel sei es, von realen Problemen abzulenken, die breite Front der sozial Unzufriede - nen aufzusplittern. Das ist laut dem freischaffenden Journalisten Siniša Stankovic möglich, weil die Regierung und VMRO-DPMNE "fast alle Medien kontrollieren".
Mittlerweile versuchen die Sozialdemokraten (SDSM) des früheren Staatspräsidenten Branko Crvenkovski die zerstrittene Opposition zu einen. Mit dem einzigen Ziel, die Koalitionsregierung aus VMRO-DPMNE und der Albanerpartei DUI abzuwählen, zeichnet sich ein Lager aus linken, rechten und albanischen Oppositionsparteien ab.
Premier Gruevski wiederum erwägt laut mazedonischen Medien, schon im November, zwei Jahre vor Mandatsablauf, Neuwahlen auszuschreiben, solange sich seine auf dem Projekt der antiken Identität beruhende Popularität noch hält. Das einstige mazedonische Motto "Die Nato wird uns verteidigen und die EU ernähren", scheint unerreichbar. Weil notwendige Investitionen aus Europa und den USA nicht kommen, wendet sich die Regierung Gruevski an China und Indien. Dort kümmert man sich wenig um das antike Theater. (Andrej Ivanji, DER STANDARD, 2.8.2012