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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

[h=2]Mazedonien trocknet aus[/h] Seit Wochen herrschen im westlichen Balkan Hitze und Trockenheit mit Temperaturen von mehr als 40 Grad Celsius. Diese Schafe werden auf einer Farm in Mavrovo im Nordwesten Mazedonien getränkt. | © Ognen Teofilovsk/Reuters

Verdorrte Felder, ausgetrocknete Gewässer und Vieh, das nach den letzten Wasserreserven sucht. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, dem Kosovo, Montenegro, Albanien und Mazedonien ist es so trocken, wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr – und das nach einem extrem harten Winter in der Balkan-Region. Schon jetzt sind zum Teil bis zu 40 Prozent der Ernten für dieses Jahr verloren. Bilder aus Mazedonien zeigen, was die Dürre aus der Kulturlandschaft gemacht hat.

Quelle: Balkan-Dürre: Mazedonien trocknet aus | Wissen | ZEIT ONLINE
Ein namenloser Staat im nationalen Taumel

Andrej Ivanji aus Skopje, 2. August 2012, 05:30

  • 1343749017701.jpg
    foto: reuters/teofilovski
    Offiziell nur "Krieger hoch zu Ross": Alexander der Große im Zentrum von Skopje.

Mazedonien, das offiziell nicht so heißen darf, soll nach den Plänen seiner gegenwärtigen Regierung aus dem antiken Erbe zu nationaler Identität finden. Kritiker sehen darin eine Ablenkung von der schweren Wirtschaftskrise

Die Vorstadt von Skopje ist heruntergekommen, man fährt durch unverhülltes Elend. Das Bild entspricht der Bewertung der britischen Zeitschrift Economist, die Mazedonien nach einem Armutsindex an die erste Stelle von 92 analysierten Ländern setzte. Doch ist man einmal im Zentrum angelangt, ist der Staub der Randbezirke angesichts des prachtvollen Kitsches schnell vergessen.

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  • Werbung
Man bekommt den Eindruck, sich inmitten einer Kulisse für einen historischen Film zu befinden: die prunkvollen Gebäude des archäologischen Museums und des Verfassungsgerichts im neobarocken Stil auf der einen Uferseite des Flusses Vardar, antik wirkende Skulpturen von Kaiser Samuil oder Justinian I. auf der anderen, ein "römischer" Pavillon, eine Schar Löwen aus Bronze und mazedonische Soldaten mit Lanzen in Kampfstellung, der große mazedonische Patriot und Revolutionär Goce Delcev ...
Das Projekt "Skopje 2014" hat Form angenommen. Überall wird gebaut, über Nacht entstehen neue Denkmäler, die Meilensteinen der mazedonischen Geschichte gewidmet sind. Und über all den von der Regierung bestellten "patriotischen Kunstwerken" auf dem Platz Makedonija prangt ein riesiges, fünf Millionen Euro teures Denkmal Alexander des Großen auf Pferd mit ausgestrecktem Schwert. Allerdings darf Alexander der Mazedonier wegen Protesten aus Athen, das ihn als exklusives Symbol der hellenischen Antike beansprucht, offiziell lediglich als "Krieger hoch zu Ross" bezeichnet werden. Man wollte sich auf keinen neuen Streit einlassen mit Griechenland, das seit Jahren den Beginn der Beitrittsverhandlungen Mazedoniens mit der EU und eine Nato-Mitgliedschaft blockiert, weil es in dem Staatsnamen "territoriale Ansprüche" wittert. Skopje will wiederum im Namensstreit "unter gar keinen Umständen" nachgeben, und so kommt in der "Ehemaligen Jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien" (FYROM), wie sie offiziell heißt, recht wenig voran.
30 Prozent Arbeitslosigkeit

Das seit Jahren umstrittene Projekt "Skopje 2014", das viele anfangs für einen Witz hielten, hat sich als ein Grundstein der nationalen Politik von Premier Nikola Gruevski herausgestellt. Die Mazedonier hat es in verbissene Gegner des "sauteuren nationalistischen Größenwahns" und Befürworter der "Politik des nationalen Stolzes" gespalten. Während dieses "Disneyland" gebaut werde, stehe im Rest des verarmten Landes mit einer Arbeitslosigkeit von über 30 Prozent alles still, sagt Expremier Ljupco Georgijevski.
Als Premier und damaliger Chef der heute regierenden nationalistischen VMRO-DPMNE, von der er sich trennte, als Gruevski an die Parteispitze kam, prägte der national-konservative Georgijevski allerdings selbst den Slogan von den "vier Wölfen", die Mazedonien umzingeln: Griechenland erkennt den Staatsnamen Mazedonien nicht an; Bulgarien bestreitet die Existenz der mazedonischen Sprache und Nation; Serbien die autokephale mazedonische orthodoxe Kirche, die sich von der serbischen Kirche abgespalten hat; Albanien schließlich setzt Mazedonien über die albanische Minderheit unter Druck, die aufgrund des Friedensabkommens von Ohrid, das 2001 die Auseinandersetzung zwischen albanischen Rebellen und mazedonischer Regierung beendete, mit mindestens 23 Prozent in allen staatlichen Institutionen vertreten sein muss.
In dieser "feindlichen Umgebung", inmitten der tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Krise, setzt Premier Gruevski auf die Karte des nationalen Trotzes. Die Regierung propagiert die "antike Herkunft" der Mazedonier. Statt einer von anderen abhängigen Hoffnung für die Zukunft wird eine schönere Vergangenheit geboten, den slawisch- orthodoxen Mazedoniern eine neue, "antike" Identität angepriesen, die auf dem Erbe von Alexander dem Großen beruht. Während Kunsthistoriker und Architekten wie der bekannte Miroslav Grcev das alles als "lächerlich", als "ideologische Fassaden" abtun, scheint das Projekt der nationalen Erneuerung bei vielen Mazedoniern zu greifen.
"Missbrauch von Gefühlen"

"Ohne Gewissensbisse wegen möglicher Folgen missbrauchen die Machthaber nationale Gefühle, die Identitätsfrage und die Geschichte", erklärt die politisch engagierte Soziologin Mirjana Najcevska. Ziel sei es, von realen Problemen abzulenken, die breite Front der sozial Unzufriede - nen aufzusplittern. Das ist laut dem freischaffenden Journalisten Siniša Stankovic möglich, weil die Regierung und VMRO-DPMNE "fast alle Medien kontrollieren".
Mittlerweile versuchen die Sozialdemokraten (SDSM) des früheren Staatspräsidenten Branko Crvenkovski die zerstrittene Opposition zu einen. Mit dem einzigen Ziel, die Koalitionsregierung aus VMRO-DPMNE und der Albanerpartei DUI abzuwählen, zeichnet sich ein Lager aus linken, rechten und albanischen Oppositionsparteien ab.
Premier Gruevski wiederum erwägt laut mazedonischen Medien, schon im November, zwei Jahre vor Mandatsablauf, Neuwahlen auszuschreiben, solange sich seine auf dem Projekt der antiken Identität beruhende Popularität noch hält. Das einstige mazedonische Motto "Die Nato wird uns verteidigen und die EU ernähren", scheint unerreichbar. Weil notwendige Investitionen aus Europa und den USA nicht kommen, wendet sich die Regierung Gruevski an China und Indien. Dort kümmert man sich wenig um das antike Theater. (Andrej Ivanji, DER STANDARD, 2.8.2012

Über den Artikel haben wir schon ausführlich diskutiert, der ist auch schon 2 Monate alt, also nicht gerade eine Neuigkeit.

Das mit den 30% Arbeitslosen, dass diese nicht der Realität entsprechen wurde auch schon erklärt.


- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Mazedonien trocknet aus

Seit Wochen herrschen im westlichen Balkan Hitze und Trockenheit mit Temperaturen von mehr als 40 Grad Celsius. Diese Schafe werden auf einer Farm in Mavrovo im Nordwesten Mazedonien getränkt. | © Ognen Teofilovsk/Reuters

Verdorrte Felder, ausgetrocknete Gewässer und Vieh, das nach den letzten Wasserreserven sucht. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, dem Kosovo, Montenegro, Albanien und Mazedonien ist es so trocken, wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr – und das nach einem extrem harten Winter in der Balkan-Region. Schon jetzt sind zum Teil bis zu 40 Prozent der Ernten für dieses Jahr verloren. Bilder aus Mazedonien zeigen, was die Dürre aus der Kulturlandschaft gemacht hat.

Quelle: Balkan-Dürre: Mazedonien trocknet aus | Wissen | ZEIT ONLINE

Also mittlerweile hat es schon des öfteren geregnet. Musst halt mal aktuelle News posten.
Indian companies to enter European market through Macedonia
Skopje, 8 October 2012 (MIA) -
A Government delegation led by Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, also including Minister for Foreign Investments Bill Pavleski and Directorate for Technological-Industrial Development Zones director Viktor Mizo, presented Monday Macedonia's investment opportunities before businessmen in Hyderabad, the economic center of Indian state Andhra Pradesh.
Hyderabad is considered the base of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and real estate industries in Andhra Pradesh, one of India's most developed states, the Finance Ministry said in a press release.
Vice Premier Stavreski and the delegation presented the benefits Macedonia offers to foreign investors before 80 companies. They highlighted the country's low taxes and the favorable business climate, which has been confirmed by relevant international institutions.
Indian companies, who seek entry at the European market, showed interest for the conditions that Macedonia has to offer to investors. The process is expected to continue with their visit to the country.
The Government delegation already held presentations in New Delhi, Bangalore and Trivandrum, with Chennai on Tuesday's agenda.
Mazedonisch ist eine normierte Standardsprache und auch eigenständig.
Natürlich passt es dir Stück Scheisse nicht in den Kram.

Und nochmal du dummes Kind, was hat das mit Wirtschaft zutun?

Auch was auf bulgarisch für dich:

Ти си безполезен като мокър Мач в тъмното.
Nine Macedonian companies in SeeNews TOP 100 SEE 2012
Skopje, 12 October 2012 (MIA) -
Macedonia has nine entrants in this year SeeNews TOP 100 SEE chart - the only annual ranking of the top companies, banks and insurers in the region of Southeast Europe.
The chart includes Okta Refinery at number 59, three Macedonian banks, i.e. Komercijalna Banka at number 56, Stopanska Banka AD Skopje at 59 and NLB Tutunska Banka at 64.
Macedonia has five representatives in the TOP 100 Insurers ranking for 2011, unchanged from the previous year. Triglav Osiguruvanje AD (former Vardar Skopije AD) is the country's top insurer at the 64th spot in the ranking for 2011. The other Macedonian insurers on the list are Eurolink Insurance and Sava Osiguruvanje AD (former Sava Tabak AD) - 83 and 84, QBE-86 and AD Insurance Policy Skopje-98.
The best SEE company in 2012 is Romania's OMV Petrom S.A.; Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) - the Romanian Commercial Bank tops the list of banks, while the SEE leader of insurers is Zavarovalnica Triglav from Slovenia.
The fifth edition of the SeeNews TOP 100 SEE was released on October 11, 2012. The annual ranking (www.top100.seenews.com) includes the best performing companies registered in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
"For the first time we have included research on Turkey and Greece, setting the scene for companies from the two countries to enter the TOP 100 rankings in the future," says editor-in-chief Mira Karadzhova.
The edition features three major charts - TOP 100 Companies, TOP 100 Banks and TOP 100 Insurers, as well as additional rankings, company and country profiles, interviews and feature stories on major events and trends in Southeast Europe (SEE) in 2011.
The SEE economies set out on the path of recovery last year, trying to beat the challenge of sluggish demand for their exports in the eurozone, their main trading partner. The performance indicators of the companies in the SeeNews TOP 100 SEE rankings give clear evidence that albeit difficult, their progress is steady.
SeeNews (www.seenews.com) is the business news and market intelligence supplier which publishes the annual ranking of the biggest companies in Southeast Europe.
"Kemet Electronics" opens Bunardzik plant
Skopje, 18 October 2012 (MIA) -
Plant of U.S. company "Kemet Electronics" will open in technological-industrial development zone Bunardzik on Thursday.
The initial investment amounts to EUR 12 million and the opening of 200 jobs, reaching up to EUR 25 million and 500 jobs in the future.
"Kemet Electronics", located in South Carolina, is one of the world's biggest suppliers of products used in almost all electronic devices. It has facilities in Mexico, China, Italy, England, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Indonesia, Germany, Bulgaria, as well as two research-innovation centers in the United States and Germany.
The company annually produces 30 million pieces, including specialized devices for aviation and automotive industries, communication systems, computer and military equipment.

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Fitch affirms Macedonia at 'BB+', stable is outlook

TEXT-Fitch affirms Macedonia at 'BB+', stable is outlook | Reuters

Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:32am EDT

Oct 18 - Fitch Ratings has affirmed Macedonia's Long-term foreign currencyand local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'BB+'. The Outlook isStable. Fitch has simultaneously affirmed Macedonia's Short-term rating at 'B'and Country Ceiling at 'BBB-'.The affirmation balances the country's track record of low inflation andmoderate budget deficits, relatively low public debt level and well capitalisedbanking system against high unemployment, limited fiscal financing flexibility,and political risks.GDP growth forecasts have been revised down through the course of the year, asMacedonia is an open economy and exports have been affected by recession in theeurozone, while domestic demand remains subdued. Nevertheless, Fitch expectsfull-year GDP growth at 0.5%, as multilateral credit lines boost domestic demandand help offset a contraction of 1.1% in H1. Increasing foreign directinvestment (FDI) will allow growth to pick up to 2% and 3.5% in 2013 and 2014,respectively. FDI in sectors such as automotive holds the potential to reach thetwin aims of reducing a large structural trade deficit and diversifyingMacedonia's economy.The official unemployment rate is high at 31% in H1, although it overstates theunderlying position. Some FDI projects are labour intensive, which will help cutthe unemployment rate somewhat in 2013-14.The weak economy has adversely affected the performance of the budget andrevealed some structural weaknesses in the public finances. In September 2012the government disclosed budget arrears of 2% of GDP. It intends to clear thesein two steps by Q113. This will raise the cash budget deficit target by onepercentage point of GDP to 3.5% in 2012, above the previous target of 2.5%, and3.5% in 2013. Fitch believes these revised targets are within reach, givenMacedonia's strong fiscal track record, though the uncertain growth outlookrepresents a downside risk.Fitch forecasts that general government debt will increase to 31.3% of GDP atend-2012, from 27.8% at end-2011, owing to weaker growth and slippage on thebudget deficit. Nevertheless, this remains below the ten-year 'BB' range medianof 40%.This year the government has increased the share of debt issuance denominated inMacedonian denar (MKD), helping to deepen the local capital market. In 2012domestic issuance, at both short- and medium-term maturities, was far largerthan initially projected (an estimated EUR280m against EUR60m). Larger and moreliquid domestic markets will increase the sovereign's financing flexibility.Macedonia decided not to issue a Eurobond this year as originally indicated.Instead it has secured commercial bank loans and is planning to obtain a WorldBank guaranteed loan, which should allow it to meet maturing externalobligations in 2013 and into early 2014. Improvements in the transparency of itsdebt management strategy could help to increase confidence in its financingflexibility.Overall, the macroeconomic and financial supervision frameworks are ratingstrengths. The MKD's peg to the euro is backed by adequate foreign-exchangereserves (FXR). The banking system's Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio (CAR) wasover 14% in Q212. Non-performing loans (NPLs) have risen modestly but remainbelow 10% of total loans and are fully provisioned against. Euroisation hasfallen, as confidence in the MKD increased amid the eurozone debt crisis.Fitch expects the current account deficit (CAD) to come in around 2%-2.5% of GDPin 2012. CADs in 2013-14 are forecast at similar levels as in 2012. The largetrade deficit will be covered mostly by private transfers, as has been the casein recent years. In January-July net private transfer inflows increased by 30%y/y in EUR terms, an indication of increased confidence in the MKD. At anestimated 19% of GDP in 2012, net external debt is higher than the 10-year 'BB'median, although a large share is comprised of intercompany debt.Political risks remain a material constraint on Macedonia's sovereign ratings.EU accession remains a distant prospect, despite the progress in several areasnoted in the European Commission's annual Progress Report. No significantprogress was achieved over the past 12 months in the "name dispute" with Greece,which will continue to block Macedonia's entry to NATO and further progress inthe EU accession process. The government's commitment towards EU integrationcould weaken the longer the dispute continues, possibly damaging relationsbetween the ethnic Macedonian majority and the ethnic Albanian minority.In terms of triggers for possible rating actions, a material overshoot of the2012-13 budget deficit targets, along with the failure to present a plan toprevent the re-occurrence of fiscal arrears could lead to a negative ratingaction. Worse than expected growth outturns in the EU, Macedonia's main tradepartner, or major spillovers from potential increased turmoil in Greece wouldalso be rating negative.Conversely, increasing evidence that productive FDI is leading to the successfuldiversification of Macedonia's economic structure, in tandem with a recovery inthe growth rate could put upward pressure on the rating over the medium-term.Resolution of the name dispute would allow the formal opening of EU accessionnegotiations and could support a positive rating action, if other economictrends were favourable. Conversely, a material rise in ethnic tensions or otheradverse political shocks could lead to a negative rating action.Additional information is available at www.fitchratings.com.The ratings above were solicited by, or on behalf of, the issuer, and therefore,Fitch has been compensated for the provision of the ratings.Applicable criteria, 'Sovereign Rating Methodology', dated 13 August 2012, areavailable at www.fitchratings.comApplicable Criteria and Related Research:Sovereign Rating Methodology
Diaspora to establish investment fund in Macedonia

[TD="colspan: 2"]Friday, 19 October 2012[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Macedonia 2025 and SEAF will establish a new investment capital fund, focused on growth of the Macedonian enterprises.
The establishment of SEAF Macedonia I Fund was announced Friday by the organisation of the Global Investment Forum, taking place in Ohrid.
In addition to investing, the members of Macedonia 2025 - a group of successful entrepreneurs and CEOs of international companies with Macedonian origin and living in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia - will offer to Macedonian businessmen mentorship and access to markets.
"The fund is first of its kind where the diaspora is a catalyst and leading investor putting an emphasis on the fatherland and the region. It's our great pleasure to collaborate with SEAF in an attempt to create a successful fund and to pave the way for new funds. Our board of directors is thrilled with the idea of helping SEAF in the development of business leaders and successful businesses in Macedonia and allowing access to our global network of business connections," stated Mike Zafirovski - Chairman of the Macedonia 2025 Board of Directors.
"Our goal is to spread as a network and to help our homeland. We expect nothing in return, only pride. We hope Macedonia will become a more prosperous country," Zafirovski said.
According to Deputy PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, thus far the diaspora was not present with investments. "However, it provided logistics to the Government's efforts in organising investment forums, establishing contacts with other companies willing to invest, for instance the plant of Kemet Electronics, which was inaugurated yesterday by Mike Zafirovski."
"There has been similar support, but the announced fund will enable finances to be invested in new companies starting their business," Stavreski noted.
He added that the Ohrid summit was an exceptional chance to compare positions and viewpoints on investing in Macedonia and businessmen to be informed about the investment potentials.
At summit's opening, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski outlining the Government's activities in search of foreign investments and those that had been already launched, said that Macedonia was already considered as an attractive investment destination, seen by international companies as "an important gate toward Europe."
"We will continue our efforts to attract foreign investors and your help, support and idea will be more than welcome," Gruevski said adding the Government would resume maintaining sound economic policies and implementing further reforms.
SEAF establishes the fund as a result of its first successful fund - SEAF Macedonia, which was the first Macedonian venture fund that supported companies such as Tinex, On.Net, Krug (Dnevnik) and Login. SEAF chairman and co-founder Hubertus van der Vaart has stated: "SEAF believes that the Macedonian entrepreneurs are one of the best in the world. We are delighted at the idea of supporting a new group of entrepreneurs together with Macedonia 2025 and promoting economic growth and development in one of the most beautiful countries in the world."
Conclusions will be drawn at the forum containing recommendations and expectations from top business leaders in Macedonia and the diaspora, focusing on supporting, encouraging and improving investment efforts in Macedonia.
The summit, which brings together 350 participants, is held under the motto "Discovering Opportunities: Leveraging Business Diaspora to promote trade, investments and economic growth".