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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Илинден станува економски тигар во скопскиот регион

Илинден формираше 9 локални економски зони, на кои досега се почнати 110 инвестиции за изградба на нови стопански објекти. Комплетно се изградени и ставени во функција 75, а останатите се во процес на изградба


Со огромен број странски и домашни инвестиции за нови стопански објекти во индустриските зони кои интензивно се развиваат, Илинден прераснува во економски неразвиена општина во скопскиот регион. Британската Џонсон Мети, холандската Вп- Текс, белгиската Ван Хол како и многу други интернационални компании се само дел од оние што се одлучија да ги прошират своите ланци на фабрики, претставништва или логистички центри во оваа општина. Технолошкиот развој исклучително напредна во последниот период и донесе нови можности за развој во работењето, управувањето, безбедноста и давање на услуги. Илинден како една од најнапредните и најактивни општини во Републиката, цели на целосно искористување на нејзините силни страни и можности. Геостратешката положба, развиената сообраќајна инфраструктура, близината до железницата и товарната железничка станица и до Аеродромот "Александар Велики", слободните економски зони во Бунарџик, ги прават 9-те локални економски зони на Илинден најатрактивните локации за инвестиции во скопскиот регион.
Илинден формираше 9 локални економски зони, на кои досега се почнати 110 инвестиции за изградба на нови стопански објекти. Комплетно се изградени и ставени во функција 75 стопански објекти, дел се во завршна фаза на изградба, а дел, пак, почнуваат да се градат. Во својата стратегија, Илинден како локална самоуправа е насочена кон што полесно и поедноставно овозможување услови за нови инвестиции, поддршка за проширување на постојните, а со тоа и отворање на нови работни места.
- Развојот на локалната заедница е основен темел за развојот на државата. Локалната самоуправа како јавен сервис на граѓаните го стимулира социо-економскиот
развој преку негување на вредноста на пријателски односи со деловни партнери и соработници, како и работењето со граѓаните. Зајакнувањето на локалната демократија, граѓанското учество, развојот на човечкиот капитал и одржливиот приход на граѓаните на општината се приоритети во општинското работење. Затоа, се вложуваат сите напори за транспарентност, отчетност, финансиска стабилност и ефективност во извршувањето на општинските услуги, вели градоначалникот Жика Стојановски.

Освен големиот број инвестиции за обезбедување на што подобри услови за стопанскиот сектор, Илинден подеднакво инвестира и во решавање на инфраструктурните проблеми се кои се среќаваат жителите.
Решавањето на приоритетниот проблем - реализација на проектот за изградба на фекална канализација за прифаќање и третман на отпадните води е само еден од завршените. Изграден и пуштен во употреба е првиот сегмент од фекалната канализација во должина од 5.700 метри, со пречистителна станица. На овој затворен систем приклучени се 320 домаќинства, односно околу 1.200 жители. Целиот систем за прифаќање и третман на отпадните води на територијата на Илинден се состои од 24 сегменти, кои се целосно независни еден од друг.
Во областа на образованието изградено е новото Модуларно училиште, со кое се создадоа услови и за воведување на средно образование во општината. Модуларното училиште е високо енергетско-ефикасен објект, во кој се воведени нови технологии и еколошки материјали, греење и ладење со алтернативни извори на енергија со искористување на топлинската енергија од подземните води, при што заштедата на енергија е до 60 проценти. Новото училиште е со оптимален капацитет од 420 ученици во една смена, има 14 училници, 8 кабинети како и компјутер за секое дете.

40 километри улици и локални патишта
Изградбата на нови локални патишта и улици како и санација на постоечките е еден од приоритетите на општината. Општината го има препознаено значењето на квалитетната патна инфраструктура како основен услов за брзиот локален економски развој, па затоа изминативе 4 години асфалтирани се вкупно 40 километри улици и локални патишта со што значително е подобрена целокупната слика на сообраќајната инфраструктура. Само за оваа намена вложени се вкупно 212 милиони денари.
Das geilste an Ilinden ist aber der Ortseingang an der Autobahn :D

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Macedonia - doing business leader in SEE: FinMin
Skopje, 23 October 2012 (MIA) -
Macedonia is ranked 23. out of 185 countries in the 2013 Doing Business report, released by the World Bank on Monday.
Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski said at Tuesday's press conference the report showed that Macedonia remains a leader for doing business in the region, assuming fifth spot in global terms according to general reforms in period 2005-2012.
"The World Bank report shows that Macedonia is in the group of countries, which are far more advanced. Germany assumes 20. spot, Japan is behind us at 24. This demonstrates we have achieved their standards", stressed Stavreski.
According to him, the Government is satisfied from the result, especially if one takes into account that progress has been noted with regards to reforms and management of economic policies.
Last year, Doing Business ranked Macedonia at the 22. spot out of 183 countries.
Macedonia improves business environment: report
Skopje, 24 October 2012 (MIA) -
Macedonia has improved the business environment, implemented business-friendly policies and improved its registration system, but needs to make a greater effort to boost innovation and provide support to services to both start-ups and more established firms, reads the latest joint report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission (EC), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
The small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) Policy Index refers to progress in the implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
"The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's business environment has improved substantially over the past few years, ranking high on the World Bank's Doing Business Survey, particularly with regard to tax administration, company registration and simplifying regulations. It has established partnerships and improved policy coordination on human capital-related policies. The education and economy ministries work together on entrepreneurial learning while there is a national centre to support teachers and trainers promoting entrepreneurship. The government is still drafting its new innovation strategy and innovation support remains in its infancy. Its provision of information and support services to SMEs is comparatively limited and mainly targeted at the unemployed starting businesses. Access to finance remains poor", reads the section on Macedonia in the report released in Zagreb on Wednesday.
Recommended priority actions include expansion in the range of business support services to meet the needs of the most dynamic and export-oriented SMEs, support of current efforts to launch a business angel network towards widening the access to finance for SMEs, integration of a training needs assessment into the SME strategy to determine how well the training network serves small businesses, with specific attention given to companies with growth potential linked to EU trade.
The SME Policy Index uses 108 policy indicators to help policy makers identify strengths and weaknesses in policy design and implementation, compare experiences and performance, set priorities, and measure convergence towards implementation of the policy principles promoted by the Small Business Act for Europe.
Macedonia Offers Support to Student Entrepreneurs
In an attempt to boost up a spirit of entrepreneurship among its youth, the Macedonian government has decided to offer a reduced fee to college students who wish to start their own business. The cost for filing the online registration for a new business has been decreased from 19 euros to four euros.

News of the decreased fees was welcomed by both professors and the students. Natasha Kraleva, Dean of the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business at the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje said that the “decision is beneficial to all students who have an idea and want to start their own business.” Marijana Dimovska, a student at St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, believes that reduced fees ”provide an opportunity to attain professional goals without having to borrow money.”

The decision to lower registration fees for new businesses is just another positive step in Macedonia’s goal of improving the business climate and jumpstarting the economy. According to the Doing Business 2012 report, published by the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), Macedonia ranks as number one in the Southeast Europe/Central Asia region (and it’s among the top 30 in the world!) in terms of having the most productive environment for domestic small and medium enterprises.

The Macedonian government also plans to develop a teaching program on the subject of “business and entrepreneurship” that would be taught at all school levels – elementary, secondary, and higher education.
[h=1]Macedonia, Kosovo aim to improve trade through infrastructure[/h]29/10/2012
The lack of reliable infrastructure, as well as the lure of other regional options, is decreasing trade traffic between Kosovo and Macedonia.​
By Aleksandar Pavlevski for Southeast European Times in Skopje -- 29/10/12

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The highway linking Kosovo and Albania is affecting Kosovo's trade with Macedonia. [Reuters]

Trade between Macedonia and Kosovo has decreased by more than 2 million euros so far this year, compared to 2011. Kosovo is the eighth biggest trading partner to Macedonia with an annual trade total ranging between 255 million and 446 million euros annually.
The loss, according to businessmen and analysts, is due to the ongoing global economic crisis, but also due to unfinished infrastructure, which makes it harder to transport goods.
Competitiveness, in terms of speed of delivery and price, highly depends on the ability to transport goods.
Also at issue is the new Albania-Kosovo Highway, linking the countries. Many businesses have turned to that route, as well as the port in Durress due to the ease of transport.
In 2011, Albania exported 80 million euros of goods to Kosovo, and Kosovo's exports to Albania were around 20 million euros.
"[The] highway that Kosovo has to Albania puts Macedonia in the background. We have already noted a reduced work by about 30 percent because we lost Kosovo companies for which we were transporting goods from the port of Thessaloniki," Alexander Smokarovski, the owner of the Smoktrans transportation company, told SETimes. "We must work on our infrastructure if we want to keep our partners."
Construction of the transmission line between Macedonia and Kosovo, gasification and the use of European loans in joint regional projects, and regular meetings between businessmen from both countries to find solutions for the problems, are necessary Azeski said.
Safet Gjergjaliu, president of the Economic Chamber of Kosovo, said efforts were being made to find a compromise and shared ideas on how to promote co-operation between the two countries.
"Economic co-operation is seen as key to the success for approximation of the two countries ... There are some problems, but they are small and transient in character, so our meetings [aim to] eliminating these barriers," Safet Gjergjaliu, president of the Economic Chamber of Kosovo, toldSETimes.
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"We have to pressure the authorities of both countries to orient towards the construction and modernization of existing roads and invest in building new highways as planned. I hope that at the end of this year and early next construction work will begin," he said.
Businessmen hope that the project for improving the railway infrastructure will be implemented. They will insist for faster construction of the power line between the two countries, gasification and joint utilization of European credits.
Kosovo Economy Minister Besim Beqaj says that efforts are being made to develop co-operation in the energy sector, to improve road infrastructure and to increase the exchange.
"We want the trade exchange with Macedonia to develop even more and it does not remain at the level of simple exchange, but to develop and to be much more consistent," Beqaj said.
This content was commissioned for SETimes.com.
"TeknoHose" Opens Macedonian Plant

[TD="colspan: 2"]Monday, 29 October 2012

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Italian company “TeknoHose” will put into use Monday its plant in Macedonia, located in Technological Industrial Development Zone (TDIZ) Skopje 1. The investment stands at EUR 10 million, with the plant creating 150 jobs.

The plant will produce high pressure reinforced rubber hoses, used in construction, automotive industry etc. Output will be distributed to markets in the countries of Southeast Europe and Russia.

Company “TeknoHose”, registered in Macedonia under name “Vitek Macedonia”, is a member of Italy’s Vitillo Group. It purchased an existing facility in TIDZ Skopje 1, which has been completely built and adapted.

The company plans to start the construction of a second facility in 2013 for production of hydraulic couplings for reinforced hoses.
Macedonia: Biggest apple crop in the past 5 years

According to the FFRM (Federation of Farmers of Republic of Macedonia), Macedonia expects a record apple production this season.

The apple crop is expected to be around 150 thousand tones, of which more than 100 thousand tones are from the region of Prespa.


Harvesting is almost at an end and varieties such as: Golden, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Chadelle and Mutsu have already finished harvesting while the most important variety which counts approx. 80% of the country's total apple production, Idared, is still being picked.

Export also has already started in varieties such as Golden and Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Chadelle.

According to Besnik Osmani, from International Prespa Apples, prices for all varieties are approximate, except for Red Delicious clones (Red Chief and Red Cap) which are much more expensive, "growers are satisfied with the prices for the moment and expect more increases due to a big demand from our neighbors (Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Bosnia)."

The export for the main Iraqi market its expected to start in the late November.