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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

“Van Hall” began to export buses from Macedonia

The Belgian company for production of buses “Van Hal” begins the practical realization of its investment in Macedonia. The company “Van Hall” has exported the first bus created in the factory in Macedonia in the Technological Industrial Zone Skopje 1, located in Bunarxhik.

In addition, Macedonia again is an exporter of buses. The first tour that “Van Hall” has already signed for America, or the first 300 buses, product of the Republic of Macedonia will go to the American market.

The Dutch company “Vpteks” starts tomorrow with the production of protective equipment

Dutch company “Van Puijenbroek Textiel” tomorrow will open a new production plant for production of operating and safety equipment “Vpteks Macedonia”.

The investment was started exactly a year ago, and the Dutch company tomorrow will launch formally its new manufacturing plant in the municipality Ilinden.
“Vpteks Macedonia” has about 50 employees, the figure will double in November after the company announced a new production line and third line which they plan to release in the first quarter next year.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

The industrial development zones budget increased for EUR 1.3 million

The Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones – TIRZ Budget next year will be increased by EUR 1.3 million compared with this year and will be EUR 8.2 million. This increase is primarily due to the increased investors’ interest.

According to the director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones, Viktor Mizo there are money provided for the construction of infrastructure in areas with investors.
- The money is allocated to zones, but the specific location of funds has not been determined, because their distribution will depend on the needs of investors. Except for zones Skopje 1 and Stip that are functional, some of these funds will be used for some infrastructure activities in the area of Skopje 2. Then for the construction zones in Kicevo, Strumica, Radovish and Rankovce , which is expected to be activated by the end of the year. Also part of the funds will be used for infrastructure projects in the three areas in Eastern Macedonia, Berovo, Vinica and Delčevo, said Mizo for “Kurir”.
During 2014 will continue the activities for realization of projects for infrastructure improvement in the zones in order to provide operating conditions for the entry of new investors, increasing employment and economic growth, and the activities to attract potential foreign and domestic investors continue.
The foreign investors’ interest is increased for the zones in Kicevo and Ohrid, because of the airport located in the area.

“Fitch” confirmed the stable credit rating of Macedonia

The credit rating agency “Fitch” reaffirmed the fiscal stability of Macedonia and retained the credit rating of the country as stable “BB +”.

The ranking as the credit agency said, is based on improved projections for economic growth, moderate budget deficits and government debt, the stable currency and stable banking sector.
According to “Fitch”, as announced today the Ministry of finance, the rise of the Macedonian economy in 2013, thanks to the excellent results in construction, will be 2.7 percent. For 2014 and 2015, they predict more intense growth as a result of rising exports and capital investment of the Government. In addition, the agency notes the foreign investment in the technological industrial zones as an important contributor in the trade balance in the country, which now participates with a fifth of total exports.
In the medium term, “Fitch” estimates that the Government will fulfill the objectives that have been given in the fiscal strategy, and that the budget deficit will be determined within 2.6 percent of GDP by 2016. According to the forecasts of “Fitch” European Union – the largest trade partner of Macedonia will gradually recover from the economic crisis, which will positively affect the trade balance of Macedonia.

[h=1]BIS praises ‘complex’ payments reform in Macedonia[/h]New payment system implemented near the turn of the century created a more efficient and sophisticated industry; potential EU membership driving additional reforms
Author: Central Banking Newsdesk
Source: Central Banking | 16 Oct 2013
Categories: Financial market infrastructure
[COLOR=#808080 !important]Topics: Macedonia, Payments, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS)


Macedonia boosted innovation and efficiency in its payments industry with a host of "complex" reforms enacted in 2001, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and is still extending its legal framework in anticipation of joining the European Union.
The BIS produces 'Red Books' aimed at raising the "understanding and awareness of financial market infrastructures and associated arrangements" across the globe. Its latest document, released today, was compiled by BIS Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems in co-operation with the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia.
The Red Book said the new payments system created in 2001 encouraged competition and innovation among banks, while also strengthening the monetary policy transmission mechanism from the central bank to the financial sector.
The BIS said that as the country "orientates" towards membership of the European Union, it will continue to amend and expand its legal framework for payment systems.
Most non-cash payments in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia are conducted through credit transfers. The Red Book noted that "a project is underway" to introduce direct debits into the country.
BIS praises

Opening the factory “Kromberg & Schubert”

In the industrial zone, Zhabeni in Bitola today will be opened the factory Kromberg and Schubert. The company consists of four business units, cables, nets, plastic technology and mechatronics, and products are marketed in the largest European car manufacturers BMW, Mercedes, Audi etc. The German investment was announced in May 2012.

Kromberg and Schubert employ more than 23,000 people worldwide and Macedonia announced the hiring of 2,500 workers. The total investment is estimated at 20 million euro.
“Kromberg & Schubert” is a family company in the automotive industry suppliers, which have successful history of over a century. With over ten thousand employees worldwide, the company develops and produces high- tech products, cables, cable wiring, plastic technology and mechatronics.
In September in the factory, “Kromberg & Schubert” were already employed 836 people, and in December is expected to employ 200 more and will exceed the projected number of employment by the end of 2013.

New factory in “Zhabeni”, the investors determined due to the good conditions


Near the factory of the German giant “Kromberg and Schubert,” today in the industrial zone Zhabeni was laid the foundation stone for the new factory of Greek investor, Costas Nicopulos. It is an investment worth 1 million euro, and if weather conditions permit, construction is expected to be completed in a month. In the first phase of the plant is expected to employ about 20 citizens.

- I come from a place near Florina. The plant will be for PVC and aluminum doors and windows. The first plant will be about 400 square meters, and will be further expand to about 2500 square meters. At the beginning we will 10 – 20 employees, and by growing more will be employed. We will work for the market in Greece and Macedonia. We deal with this kind of work since 1974. We decided to invest in Bitola because there are good people and very favorable conditions, said Costas Nicopulos, the investor.
Infrastructure projects in the IZ Zhabeni, electrification of the area, the construction of the treatment plant and the continuing efforts of local authorities and the Government for economic development of Bitola, in the past period contributed 28 investors from the country and abroad to buy plots in the industrial zone Zhabeni and are issued 8 building permits. Soon, it is expected to begin with the construction of a third plant the area.

- Today is a historic day for all of us as we are continuing to implement the concept of local self-government for the industrial zone Zabeni. Just a few days ago we had the opening of the factory “Kromberg and Schubert”, which is 100 meters from here, the place where 836 citizens were employed. Today, on our great joy, the Costa’s company “Vindor” expands in the industrial zone Zhabeni. He knows the benefits of the Government, benefits and conditions of Bitola and Costa today starts with the construction. I congratulate Costa and wish him a successful operation, to employ many of our citizens. In the future periods until the New Year, we expect to begin construction of another plant, so that the cycle of investors that we have in Zhabeni will continue. Today with us, we have a guest from Skopje, who announced at the beginning of 2014 to start with a new building, said the Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola, Vladimir Taleski.

The last year export of Macedonian honey for 600 thousand euro

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Zoran Konjanovski in Bitola opened the traditional manifestation “Days of Macedonian apiculture” with an appeal to consume Macedonian honey with great quality.

According to the records of the Ministry, in Macedonia there are about 4,400 apiaries with more than 183 thousand beehives that until August last year provided 600 thousand euro of export of honey.
- Continues the government support for producers who have over 35 bee families, next year for the support the Macedonian beekeepers in the budget are planned around two million. In addition, there is a possibility to provide funds from the IPARD program and to recover up to 50 percent for modernization of agricultural holdings, purchasing the proper equipment to improve the quality, packaging and labeling which will allow Macedonian honey to be present at the Macedonian and European market, said Konjanovski.
According to him, the honey production in quality and quantity depends on many factors, but certainly, the biggest factors are the weather conditions and the occurrence of bee diseases.
- We are aware of this situation and we want to improve the system for providing advisory services. By the end of this year, we will adopt the new Law for advisory services in which the Agency for Promotion of agriculture will be included. It coincides with European regulations and I think this is the right move because it allows all farmers to be more successful in combating diseases, pointed Konjanovski.
“Days of Macedonian apiculture” and this year are supported by the Municipality of Bitola.
- With these events and their popularization we will contribute to every family to use larger amounts of healthy food, i.e. honey is good for children, athletes and other people, said the Mayor, Vladimir Taleski.
Presentation of honey and honey products is organized at the square “Magnolia” in Bitola, as part of the event will be organized panel discussions devoted to the advantages and problems faced by Macedonian beekeepers.

Water factory built in Gary


Tomorrow, near the village of Debar Gary, will be placed the cornerstone for building water bottling plant, an investment of the corporation “Mali Loshinj,” composed of companies “Ml – Gari”, “Ml- Nichipur” and “Ml- Karatazh”, dealing with the exploitation of water and stone tomorrow.

The investment in the plant is about 6 million, and the number of employees 35. The production of bottled water will begin in summer next year.
The investor announced the construction of the plant since last year the Ministry of Economy granted the license for exploitation of groundwater. The license for exploration won the company Ml – Gary

The industrial production grew by 5.1 percent in September

Macedonian industry is recovering from the crisis. After the minimal decline in production of 1.2 percent in August, the industrial production index rose by 5.1 percent in September, compared with the same month last year, announced the State Statistical Office.

The total increase is 2.2 percent, compared with the same period last year. These are optimistic developments in the Macedonian industry, which failed to deal with external shocks from the European crisis last year. The National Bank of Macedonia announcements give optimism about the economy in general.
If we observe each sector separately, we will note that this year’s industrial production in September compared with the same month last year grew by 4.2 percent in the processing industry and 32.6 percent in the supplying electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning sector. The fact that in September this year compared with September last year, a decrease of 8.9 percent in mining and quarrying is noted.
The production in September this year, compared with September last year, there is an increase of 12.4 percent in energy, 12.3 percent in durable consumer goods and 15.4 percent in non-durable consumer goods. Statistics registered a decline in intermediate products groups, except energy, by 5.9 percent, and capital goods, by 8 percent.

Drastic increase of the number of tourists, $ 140 million revenues


Parliamentary session today had MPs questions on its agenda. The session began with a question to the Minister of Economy, Valon Saracini about the total income generated in the country by the summer season compared with earnings from the recent years.

- There is positive sharp rise in the number of tourists, especially foreign, as a result of a series of government measures, activities and subsidies for the tourism development, said the Minister Sarachini.
He said that the number of tourists in the country, according to the latest data from the State Statistical Office, is increasing by 12 percent each year. The aim is revenues from tourism to reach 5 per cent of GDP by 2020.
He informs that last year’s tourism revenues amounted to 180-200 million dollars, and this year, according to recent data, 138 million dollars.
On the topic – how big is the share of income of rural tourism of the total revenue from tourism in 2013, the Minister of Economy announced soft loans for the development of tourism, and every village can plan to make a promotional tour rural houses, which will be categorized according to the law.
He urged local authorities to engage in the promotion of tourism.
The Minister Sarachini reiterated that the Government has taken measures on Tourism Development and associated with travel agencies and airlines, and in that direction three new airlines are planned for April 2013 in order to increase the number of foreign tourists.
He announced the opening of six to eight tourist development zones, where benefits for building hotels in Macedonia will be offered. He informed that a project to promote eco tourism or visiting the national parks is being prepared, and tourist guide for local travel agencies for mandatory offer on domestic tourism is prepared.
