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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)
Over billion euros for agricultural subsidies by 2016
Every year the State financial help for the agriculture is increasing. Next year, 140 million euros will be allocated for agricultural subsidies, while in the next three years 150 million euros per year are planned for farmer’s financial support. Compared to last year, funds planned for agricultural subsidies are increased by five million euros. The president of the Association of Farmers, Veljo Tantarov gave a statement that “Kurir”, about the decision for the increase of agricultural subsidies. He said that the situation has changed and better times for farmers are coming. He added that the money they get means a lot to the farmers. Agricultural subsidies, says Tantarov, return the life in the countryside. - The money is used for development, especially for higher production of larger farmers. Macedonia must know that by subsidizing farmers the liquidation of villages stopped. Some villagers who fled have now returned back into their homes, said Tantarov. By 2016 the agricultural subsidies are planned to reach over one billion euros. Since 2006, the government has invested 637 million euros in the agricultural sector.
Improving the economic situation in the country in the second half of the year due to the accelerated growth of exports in terms of importing goods, contributes towards reducing the trade deficit, show the data from the National Bank of Republic of Macedonia. In this regard, in the second half of the year due to the economic recovery of the euro zone are expected activation of orders with European companies that will affect the domestic production and exports. The export growth mostly is due to the increased export capacity in export-oriented industrial free zone, as well as our traditional exports of iron, steel and steel products, clothing and textiles and tobacco, versus energy exports, which continuously, since the beginning of the year have high rates of decline. The Index of Procurement Managers in euro zone for the first time in several months showed an upward trend according to the latest survey. The only exception was Germany, with a slight decline. There are expectations that this country, which is the largest export destination of Macedonia, will have significant growth by the end of the year which will mean more exports from the Macedonian companies. The Minister of Economy Valon Sarachini considers that by activating the orders of European companies for increasing the domestic production and exports, to reduce the trade deficit. The increase in exports is greatly influenced by the Government measures for supporting the business sector through favorable credit lines. - The Ministry of Economy has five programs for direct support of SMEs, while extremely effective were cheap credit lines from European Investment Bank as for a period 8 months were used 78 million euro and by the end of the year is expected realization of another 22 million, says Sarachini. The Economic Chamber of Macedonia indicates that the positive trend in many industries is the result of increased exports, primarily to the partial recovery of the economy in the EU, as the European companies are our largest trading partner. As far as future projections for production in the following period, they will largely depend on the Agreements with foreign partners, companies that make in the second half of October.
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“Alkaloid” drugs will be sold in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan
“Alkaloid” received authorization to sell over 30 medications on the markets in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan, while at the same started several projects in Kazakhstan. The first sales in these countries should start by the end of this or early next year. Along with European expansion, “Alkaloid” worked on this project, whose main goal was breaking the markets of the CIS region. The concept of this project, which is quite different from the European, is based on analysis of the region as a whole, but also a detailed analysis of all markets individually. CIS region globally comes within the emerging markets, entails many specifics, especially in the regulatory segment, where the registration of drugs criteria are ranging from recognition of European legislation, to highly specific national requirements. “Alkaloid” remains committed to the further expansion of its operations in this region, which has a defined strategy as a project for the coming years. The company within the region, is already present in Russia and Ukraine, where about 50 of its products are authorized and actively sells on these markets. Alkaloid AD Skopje continues activities to boost export positions of the company as a major strategic goal.
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Stavreski: No country in one year have increased the capital investment by 20 %
There is no country in Europe that has increased the capital investment by 20 percent in one year. The total capital investment is 22.5 billion denars and is by 20 percent higher than this year’s, says Minister Zoran Stavreski in an interview for Press24.
Nearly 4 months before the start of the calendar year, earlier than ever before in the history of independent Macedonia, the Government prepared a draft budget and submit it to the Parliament in order to review all items and respond on time. Therefore, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski does not expect repeating of the last year’s scenario of the opposition, but rather expect fruitful and constructive debate in the Parliament . - Of course I expect a heated discussion. And that is good. That is why the budget gets adopted by the Parliament, because those are money from the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, intended for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. I would point out that a fruitful discussion on the budget is one thing, and directed amendment blockade is another, said in an interview for Pres24, the Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski . He revealed that the budget for 2014 is one of the few budget with the largest percentage of capital investment. - The total capital investment is 22.5 billion denars and it is by 20 percent higher than this year’s. You will not find a country in Europe that increases the capital investment by 20 percent in one year, says Stavrevski for Pres24, denying the thesis of the opposition experts that the government does not invest in the infrastructure. The Vice Prime Minister assures that there is no risk of over-indebtedness, and highlights that the government does not plan and will not increase any tax. - Today the national debt is 33.6 % of GDP which puts Macedonia in the moderately indebted group and fourth least indebted country in Europe. The obligations of the country are regularly serviced and in that way at the beginning of the year, Euro bond was paid as well as other obligations on the basis of bilateral and multilateral loan agreements, said Stavreski . - We are firmly convinced that the policy of low taxes in the long run increases the competitiveness of the Macedonian companies, it contributes to the private sector and entrepreneurship development and represents the most efficient mechanism to fight the gray economy. In this context, we will keep the promise that the government will not increase any tax in the country, assures the Minister of Finance. For the interview, Stavrevski analyses the direct foreign investments in the past seven years, and comparison with the governments of SDSM, stressing that the opposition criticism, that the foreign companies are bypassing Macedonia, is unsubstantiated. - So in 6.5 years VMRO- DPMNE managed to bring over 1 billion euros more foreign investment in comparison to what SDSM accomplished for 10 years! Does anyone remember or can name a foreign investment brought by SDSM in Macedonia? Not only they did not bring any, but they disbanded the Audi, ING Bank of the Netherlands and several global brands. And that happened only because of corruption and protecting the interests of lobby groups close to the SDSM, said in an interview Stavrevski . Read the full interview at Press24.mk
5. Macedonia
Over the past five years, Macedonia has simplified the process of establishing a business by lowering capital requirements, reducing application procedures and time, and improving its online one-stop shop.
The “Brownfield” investments will activate 400 abandoned buildings
Through the process of recomposing, restructuring, renovation and introduction of new work processes for production or performing other types of activities with “Brownfield”, about 400 industrial location in Macedonia will contribute to faster development of municipalities, announced the Minister of Economy Valon Srachini, during his visit to Gostivar. Along with his host, the Mayor Nevzat Bejta, the Minister Sarachini visited the facility in bankruptcy “ADG Mavrovo”, as one of the four locations in the municipality intended to attract the so-called “Brownfield” investments, owned by different entities in the state. , There were already a few interested for this location. - The Government is working on Brownfield investments as a new model of attracting investments. It is industrial land, which is now available, not used, but has the potential to be re- developed for the new requirements, said Saracini and added that in the future the businesses subjects that would like to start or expand part of the business, have a new possibility that the government provides for them. The Mayor Bejta after the meeting, thanked for the cooperation on the projects of this kind, which will contribute to the beautification of municipalities. - The local government will fully support this initiative. The revival of old unused buildings, will contribute to faster economic development and new jobs, said Bejta. The Minister Sarachini informed that a program and also a register with facilities covering an area of 1.7 million square meters are already prepared, and the total number of areas of this type of investment is about 4.7 million square meters.
Most exports and imports, and smaller deficit compared to last year
Compared to last year, this year in Macedonia, there were more exports and imports of goods and lower trade deficit. The total value of exports from the Republic of Macedonia in the period January-August 2012 was U.S. $ 2,582,385, in the same period this year is U.S. $ 2,728,863. January – August 2012, compared to January – August 2013, exports are increased by U.S. $ 146,478. The import grows too. The total value of imports of goods in Macedonia in the period January-August 2012 was U.S. $ 4,176,536, and January – August 2013 is U.S. $ 4,256,353. Comparatively, from January to August 2012 and 2013, the imports are increased by 79 817 USD. The trade deficit in January-August 2012 was U.S. $ 1,594,151, in the same period this year is amounted to U.S. $ 1,527,490. Comparatively, the trade deficit January – August 2012 and 2013 is decreased by U.S. $ 66,661. The coverage of imports by exports is increased and in January- August 2012 was 61.8 % and in January-August 2013 was 64.1 %. The coverage of imports by exports is increased by 2.35%.
The second plant of “Tehnohoze” is an evidence of successful investment
The Italian company “Teknohoze” today will set the cornerstone of the second object in the Technological Industrial Zone Skopje 1 in Bunardzik-Ilinden, which will produce hydraulic clutches for reinforced rubber hose for high pressure. Last year the company launched its first plant in use located in Bunardzik, an investment worth five million euros and 50 new jobs. The plant is 3,000 square meters big and it produces reinforced rubber hoses for high pressure for the construction and automotive industries. The production is placed on the markets in South East Europe and Russia. According to the announcements, the second investment will increase the number of jobs up to 200. The company “Teknohoze” which is registered in Macedonia under the name “Macedonia WITEC” is a member of the Italian group “Vitilo”. The Group is privately owned and includes two legal entities “group Vitilo SRL” which deals with the production and sale of hydraulic couplings under high pressure” and “Teknohoze SRL” for production of reinforced rubber hoses. The Group has an annual turnover of EUR 36 million and owns six factories in Italy with about 200 employees.
Бугарскиот весник “Труд“ објавува дека деновиве по неколку автобуси од Благоевград – Бугарија доаѓаат во Македонија, со цел да купат поевтини земјоделски производи.
Бугарите се снабдуваат со пиперки и домати за лутеница и ајвар, зеленчук, шеќер и цигари. Не помалку се атрактивни и кочанскиот ориз и сирење, но расте и трговијата со лекови.
“И кај нас зеленчукот е убав, ама на вкус е никаков, пластичен. А тука се е вкусно и чисто. Затоа ќе си правиме лутеница со македонски зеленчук”, вели жителка на селото Логодаш.
Бугарските граѓани особено се заинтересирани за стоматолошките услуги, кои во Македонија се многу поевтини, пишува “Труд“
Бугарскиот весникот пишува дека шопингот е обостран, односно не помалку доаѓаат и од Македонија да пазарат во Бугарија. Таму се купува чевли, облека, алат…
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Bavarian companies interested in business relations in Macedonia
Bavarian companies got familiar with the requirements for doing business in Macedonia. Renewable energy, especially small hydro segment, automotive and mechanical engineering are the most attractive for cooperation with our companies. - We are delighted with Macedonia. We have seen the commercial development zones and were got familiar with the policy of encouraging foreign direct investments. Macedonian Government really tries to create specific conditions for doing business, said Ulrike Wolf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economy at today’s press conference. According to her, among the potential sectors for cooperation is the health sector in the modernization of hospitals department. - The first step is not realizing an investment, but establishing relationships between companies. We already did it, said Wolf. She added that the Macedonian Government’s efforts in investing in infrastructure are evident, and further investments are planned. As Minister Bill Pavleski said, German companies are already interested in details before eventually deciding to invest in the country. - We expect concrete results from the cooperation with them, said Pavleski. Until the end of this month he will be in Nuremberg for the “Invest in Macedonia” manifestation, where he will present the benefits of doing business at the local interested companies. Since yesterday representatives of 16 companies from Bavaria are staying in Macedonia. Some of them, mainly for the small hydro sector, come for the second time in this year.
PHOTO:The construction of the second plant of “Teknohoze” located in Bunarxhik
The Italian company “Teknohoze” which in Macedonia is registered under the name “Macedonia VITEK ” today lay the cornerstone of the second object in the Technological Industrial Zone Skopje 1, for producing hydraulic clutches for reinforced rubber hose for high pressure. The total new investment will amount to 11 million euro and will open another 150 new employment positions. The project provides 8,500 square meters production facility and 3,500 square meters warehouse. - The period of less than 12 months the company decided to open second plant in Macedonia. It is another proof that the TIDZ in Skopje became a recognizable brand and after “Johnson Controls” and “Johnson Matthey”, “Teknohoze” is the third company that increases the production, said the Director of the Technological Industrial Development Zones, Viktor Mizo. According to him, this is a confirmation of successful reform of doing business, which was one of the key factors for expanding capacity and increasing production by 2015 which are planned to be tripled. The Vice Prime Minister, Vladimir Peshevski confirms that this is further proof that the business climate in Macedonia operates successfully. – “VITEK Macedonia” increases its investment for more than 100 percent from the initial investment of 5 million euro. Obviously they recognize that this is the palace with good working conditions and where you can make a profit and return the investment, said Pevevski.
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The Prime Minister Gruevski said that the new plant “Teknohoze” managed to increase the capacity for four times and to triple the production. - “Teknohoze” is the first foreign investor that in a short time decided to invest in a second factory. “Johnson Controls” have done after four years and “Johnson Matthey” after two years, said the Minister and added that the satisfaction of foreign investors is another confirmation for the benefits we offer. Minister added that the promotion of the country abroad gives results in attracting new investments and expansion of existing ones, and confirmation of this is the recent report of the World Bank and IMF. - Macedonia has the capacity to attract foreign investment. We constantly invest in the TIDZ, road and rail infrastructure, increasing the competitiveness of companies, facilitating the business climate. And this rate we will continue, said Gruevski. Last year the company launched its first capacity located in Bunarxhik, investment worth five million euro with 50 new job openings. The plant, spread over 3,000 square meters produce reinforced rubber hoses for high pressure for the construction and automotive industries. The production is placed on the markets in South East Europe and Russia.
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Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Budget today continues the general debate on the 2013 budget rebalance that adds funds to the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Education and Science. Igor Ivanovski from SDSM said that the revising lacks formal legal aspect because the budget for 2013 was passed in an unconstitutional manner. According to him, the economy is dependent on borrowing, and if this continues, the state will have the Greek scenario. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski, in his reply said that the goal is not to repeat last year’s events and urged the lawmakers to discuss the budget, and not to deal with the person of the minister. Regarding incomes, Stavreski explained that the net incomes are published on the website of the Ministry. Regarding economic growth, he said that in the second quarter it was 3.9 percent and represents the fourth highest growth in Europe, from 2007 to July 2013 the total foreign investment amounted one billion and 750 million compared to the SDSM time, when there were 498 million in investments. He added that a total of MKD 9.5 million in a form of a state aid are given to foreign investors who invest in Macedonia. He called Ivanovski to stop claiming that Macedonia would have the Greek scenario, because in Greece from 2007 to 2013 the GDP was -25 percent, and in Macedonia was +11.5 percent. The second indicator, according Stavreski is that the Government debt in Macedonia today is 33.8 percent of the GDP and in Greece it is 178 percent of the GDP. - Look at the numbers. Do not go out with such claims. No country in the region is as low- indebted as Macedonia, said Stavreski. In terms of unemployment, he said that its record level was reached during the time when SDSM governing, when it was 38.7 percent and that unemployment has since been reduced to 28.8 percent. Regarding the comments about the unfavorable business climate, Stavreski said that the reports from recognized international organizations are sufficient evidence to counter argument that Macedonia is an attractive business destination. The independent MP Lence Nikolovska noted that the subsidies are not paid to the farmers, the tobacco is bought at low prices and that the production is reduced as well as exports and agricultural products. According to her, the Government owes farmers EUR 200 million in subsidies. Malisha Stankovikj of the Socialist Party replied to Nikolovska that she was telling lies, adding that the subsidies are paid. - The subsidies are paid to the farmers. You should know that there are some problems with the payment, but you need to ask what those problems are. Are the problems the fault of the Paying Agency or elsewhere, said Stankovikj. According to Vladanka Avirovikj, the additionally provided money is necessary and every country that takes care of the most vulnerable categories will act in a way that is handled now. She noted that money for capital investments are allocated and excellent economic results are achieved in a time of a global economic crisis. - All these indicators show that Macedonia will step into the future with prudent policies and provide resources for all categories, said Avirovikj. The DPA noted that the budget is anti-Albanian and that DUI is not powerful enough to argue for money to build capital investments for Albanians. Ismaili Redzhail from DUI replied that the needs and demands of the Albanians are much larger than it can be achieved. He noted that DUI has already implemented several projects that has improved the lives of Albanians.