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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

A new shopping center in Skopje, 500 jobs will be oppened


The mall “Capitol Mall and Residence” which lies at 33,500 square meters in the municipality of Skopje Aerodrom, will be officially opened tomorrow. It is the domestic company City Plaza LLC’s investment, supported by the banks in Macedonia, an investment worth EUR 30 million. It will allow opening of 500 jobs.

The first four levels are designated for shopping center and 6,000 m2 is allocated for residential part of the upper four floors. The parking space is three levels below ground, with a total area of ​​15,000 m2.
The Shopping center “Capitol Mall” has 62 shops, modern boutiques of famous international, regional and local brands, restaurant and fast food part, children’s center and entertainment places for visitors of all ages.
Over 250 employees, from over 50 companies (contractors and subcontractors) were engaged for the construction of the building, most of them from the country and some from abroad.

“Marquardt” invests in Macedonia, jobs for 500 people


The Minister Vele Samak in the presence of the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and government representatives, signed the contract with the German company “Marquardt GmbH”, an investment worth over EUR35 million.

The company that will be located in Veles, will produce electronic productions with high tech components for the top German car brands like Mercedes, Audi and BMW, and it will employ more than 500 people.
The manufacturing plant will be constructed in the first quarter of 2014, on an area of ​​15,000 square meters. The construction is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2015, after which a production of automotive products will start.
Minister Samak stressed that the Government’s promise in March is fulfilled.
- This investment is of great importance because it ensures a bright future for over 500 families in Veles. With about EUR 75 million annual amounts of high tech automobile products, Macedonia and Veles are becoming places that provide perspective for multinational companies, Samak said.
The Vice President for Finance “Marquardt GmbH” Ludger Shoniker pointed out that investment in Macedonia is the right decision and hopes that in the near future they will open at least two more companies.
- We found a number of well-educated and motivated people in Macedonia, a good environment for our investment supported by business orientated government which was the reason to decide to invest in Macedonia. The central structure of the country in SEE will greatly facilitate the delivery to our other factories and customers, said Shoniker.
The German group has already opened companies in 9 countries, USA, Mexico, India, China, Tunisia, Germany, Switzerland, France and Romania and they employ more than 7,000 people.
One third of the people, who will be employed in Veles, will be highly skilled technicians and engineers, while two thirds will be further trained.

Unemployment rate continues to decline

DECEMBER 17, 2013

The unemployment rate in the country in the third quarter of 2013 is 28.7 percents. According to data published by the State Institute of Statistics, the number of unemployed was 273,860 people.

Compared to the previous month it is decreased by 0.1 percent when the number of unemployed peoples was 274,969.

More than half of the unemployed are aged between 15 and 24 years, and 27.7 percent of the unemployed are aged 25 to 49 years.

According to the education, 114 350 are unemployed people with four years of secondary education and 41,509 are unemployed people with high education.

The activity rate in the third quarter of this year is 57.3 % and the active population in the country is 957,417 people. The manufacturing industry employs 134,339 people, while 127,747 people are employed in the agricultural sector.
Makedonien: IHK-Präsident empfängt General- und Wirtschaftskonsul
Bayerische Unternehmen sollen mehr über Makedonien erfahren

IHKDer Generalkonsul und der Wirtschatskonsul der Republik Makedonien, Sasho Markovski und Michael Schmid, statteten am 10.12.2013 dem Präsidenten der IHK für München und Oberbayern, Herrn Dr. Sasse, einen Besuch ab.
Beim dem Treffen wurde über die geografische Schlüsselposition Makedoniens, die moderate Staatsverschuldung und die niedrigen Arbeitskosten und die innovationsfreundlichen Steuervorschriften gesprochen. Auch die Herausforderungen hinsichtlich der Abhängigkeit vom Export und die Verschuldung der Privatwirtschaft außerhalb der Finanzbranche wurden thematisiert.
Während des Gesprächs wurde vereinbart, im Jahre 2014 Aktionen zu starten, um bayerische Unternehmen noch besser über Makedonien zu informieren und mit Firmen aus der Republik zusammen zu bringen.
Im Bild: Dr. Eberhard Sasse (Präsident der IHK für München und Oberbayern), Sasho Markovski (Generalkonsul der Rep. Makedonien), Michael Schmid (Wirtschaftskonsul der Rep. Makedonien)
Bayerische Unternehmen sollen mehr über Makedonien erfahren
New investment open 100 jobs in Gostivar


Gostivar cannot remember event of opening and employing over 100 workers in the past. These jobs are opened by the multinational company “Montenegro” from Gostivar, writes Utrinski Vesnik.

Two months ago, was opened a supermarket with an area of ​​430 square meters and is today will be launched “Megamarketot Montenegro” with area of ​​1,300 square meters. In both markets are employed young people with secondary education, high school, and college. For the realization of these two markets were invested over 2 million euro.
The citizens of Gostivar welcomed the act of “Montenegro” to invest and create jobs. According to them, this example should serve other businessmen from Gostivar to invest in their hometown.
New investment open 100 jobs in Gostivar | Macedonian News Agency | Kurir.mk

PHOTO: New modern warehouse for Alkaloid products


“Alkaloid” opened new modern warehouse for finished products. The total value of the investment was EUR 1,200,000, which was realized in just 9 months.

The warehouse is placed on a total area of ​​1,600 m2 and a height of 13 m, with 3114 pallet places for high – regal storing of cosmetics and medical devices.
The warehouse is equipped with 12.5 m high shelving system and two high – regal computerized fork trucks with height boot load to 10.50 m was purchased for the manipulation of pallets with finished goods and standard warehouse equipment (Hand Operated Forklifts, hand pallet truck and hydraulic loading ramp).
The warehouse is made in accordance with the latest standards for such facilities with tested seismic characteristics and installed sophisticated system for fire protection in order to ensure maximum safety for employees, the facility and the materials in it. The management of materials is done through SAP software system.

Most of the funds for this investment is provided by the company’s own sources, and some of the WeBSEFF credit line of EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) designed for energy efficiency projects which use renewable energy sources.

The realization of this project was conducted in accordance with Alkaloid’s commitments of social responsibility, concern for the environment, the safety of personnel and material goods, with all standards and regulations in the performance and operation were consistently observed.

PHOTO: New modern warehouse for Alkaloid products | Macedonian News Agency | Kurir.mk

Over 500 Jobs: Factory for bus bodies will be opened in Stip

Labels: Arbeitsmarkt, Investitionen

Stip public company “Stip project” has made a change of the detailed urban plan to include a new building lot to build industrial capacity, for producing bus bodies.

The Director of PE “Stip project”, Alexandar Shumanski specifies that new capacity will be near the industrial zone “North” on the road Stip – Strumica.

- This is about a detailed urban plan prepared in draft stage with an area of about 12 acres where the plant will be located and will produce bus bodies for one domestic investor of Stip. He can build the factory and employ about 500 people, Shumanski said.

Department of Public Works in Stip next year plans to change the detailed urban plans of the two sites, which will provide additional building lots for light and nonpolluting industry.

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