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♥ Vanni's Blog & Safe Space für Frauen, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC & Allies 2022 ♥

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1. who made you cry the most: ❤️☀️💚
2. broke your heart the worst: 🇫🇷
3. treated you the best: 🇵🇹
4. parents' favorite: -
5. parents hated: -
6. on good terms with: 🇵🇹
7. who lied the most: 🇫🇷
8. best in bed: 🇵🇹
9. genuinely hope is doing well: ❤️☀️💚
10. never wanna speak to again: 🇫🇷
11. cheated on you: 🇫🇷
12. most influence on who you are now: ❤️☀️💚
13. reason you have trust or commitment issues: 🇫🇷
14. miss as a friend: ❤️☀️💚
15. who do you want back: 🇵🇹

@Leyni @Mammi wie siehts bei euch aus? ich glaube, ihr könnt da gar nicht mitmachen, weil man bei euch die ganze weltkarte nutzen müsste. 'cuz you👏bitches👏is👏ran👏through!
1.who made you cry the most: 🇬🇷(weil Traumatisierend und PTBS)
2. broke your heart the worst: 🇬🇷(Selbstmitleid. Keine Liebe.)
3. treated you the best: 🇮🇱
4. parents' favorite: -
5. parents hated: 🇬🇷
6. on good terms with: 🇩🇪
7. who lied the most: 🇬🇷
8. best in bed: 🇹🇳
9. genuinely hope is doing well: 🇩🇪
10. never wanna speak to again: 🇬🇷
11. cheated on you: 🇬🇷
12. most influence on who you are now: 🇮🇱
13. reason you have trust or commitment issues: 🇬🇷
14. miss as a friend: 🇮🇱
15. who do you want back: 🇮🇱

🇮🇱 ist eigentlich 🇮🇱🇩🇪 meine er ist jüdisch-deutsch
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