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Das erste türkische Elektroauto: TOGG (Türkiye'nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu A.Ş)

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Der rechtliche Rahmen dafür, dass die ÖTV-Steuer beim TOGG auf 0% gesenkt kann, wurde geschaffen.

Birgün’de yer alan habere göre Cumhurbaşkanı’na motorlu araç ÖTV oranları ve matrahlarının alt ve üst sınırlarını 3 katına kadar artırma ve sıfıra indirme yetkisi tanındı. Detaylı bilgi için http://www.log.com.tr/yasal-uyari-ve-kullanim-sartlari
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Mustafa Sarıgül: “Yabancı marka arabamı satıyorum. Yüzde 100 yerli TOGG'a bineceğim."
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ZY Elektrik Tractor​

ZY Elektrik Tractor is a Turkish company founded by the partnership of Önder Yol and Ziraat Private Equity. Önder Yol has been involved in research activities in electric vehicle software and battery management systems since 2003. With the knowledge and experience he has gained, Yol has been involved in the development of electric vehicles and energy storage systems.

Die Entwicklung des ersten türkischen Elektrotraktors schreitet voran. ZY führt bereits erste Tests an Prototypen durch:
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ZY Elektrik Tractor​

ZY Elektrik Tractor is a Turkish company founded by the partnership of Önder Yol and Ziraat Private Equity. Önder Yol has been involved in research activities in electric vehicle software and battery management systems since 2003. With the knowledge and experience he has gained, Yol has been involved in the development of electric vehicles and energy storage systems.

Die Entwicklung des ersten türkischen Elektrotraktors schreitet voran. ZY führt bereits erste Tests an Prototypen durch:
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Turkish firm eyes exporting its 'king-size' electric tractors​

A Turkish company that has produced a "king-size" electric tractor is ready to mass-produce the locally developed vehicle from June as it investigates potentially exporting the vehicle, according to the company head.

Önder Yol, the chairperson of ZY Electric Tractor told Anadolu Agency (AA) Saturday that they are working on the production of three versions of tractors – small, medium and "king-size."

He said an easing of policies in the sale of small tractors to Turkish farmers is currently being considered. The small version of the tractor will have up to 140 horsepower and will be suitable for garden work as well as in areas where medium-size tractors can be used.

Middle-sized tractors usually have engines with up to 105 horsepower, according to Yol’s previous statements, and can feature up to 220 horsepower.

The middle-sized electric tractors will enter mass production in the first months of 2022, Yol stated, adding that 95% of the preliminary work has been completed.

The "king-size" version of the electric tractor boasting will hit the market with 320 horsepower, above the world average of 130 horsepower.

Continuing on the company’s foreign sales aims, Yol said: “We need to export. As soon as the demand soars, we will start exporting. Our work continues for all three types of electric tractors.”

Yol noted that they will showcase the three electric tractors in a fair set to be held in November in Germany, including the "king-size" version. The company views the event as a networking opportunity that will hopefully pave the way for more connections abroad.

Regarding the machines' batteries, the chairperson of the company said they established a partnership in China for the production of the batteries as the country given the country's ability to produce products with the necessary raw materials. He added that the batteries themselves can be considered a nut or bolt and that the “important thing is the battery management systems.”

“We believe we have the best battery management systems in the world right now, and as a civilian company that can do this, we are in the top three in the world," he said.

Stating that the batteries are expected to last approximately 12 years, Yol added the batteries can be recharged around 4,000 times. He underlined that with additions made to the batteries, they could increase the service life to 20 years.

Yol also said that it is possible to operate the tractor without a driver.

"There are nearly 40 separate kinds of software on the tractor. All of these software systems were produced by us. All cards are designed by us, they work with our software,” he said, stressing 90% of the machine's parts and systems were produced using local products.

“The most important element is the software. It is useless without software,” he continued.

Yol previously told AA that the company has already received pre-orders for its "king-size" electric tractor and has sold a significant number of units.

The project is being jointly carried out with public lender Ziraat Bank. It was expected to reach the mass production phase by the end of 2020 but was disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Önder Yol, Türkiye’nin ilk ‘elektrikli araç dönüşüm projelerini’ hayata geçiren girişimci olarak Türkiye’nin tamamen yerli ve milli traktör projesinin de kurucusu oldu. Ziraat Bankası ortaklığıyla kurulan ZY Elektrikli Traktör A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Önder Yol, Adana doğumlu. Tarsus Amerikan Lisesi ve Boğaiçi Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği mezunu olan Önder Yol, Dilovası’ndaki ZY Elektrikli Traktör Fabrikası'nda üretilen yerli ve milli elektrikli traktör için Avrupa Tip Onay Belgesi'nin de alındığını ve seri üretime hazır olduklarını söylüyor. Hedefi ise, tekholoji ve ihracat merkezi Türkiye olacak Elektrikli Traktörün diğer ülkelerde lisans bedeli alınarak farklı ortaklıklarla küresel üretimlerini başlatmak.

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ZY Elektrik Tractor​

ZY Elektrik Tractor is a Turkish company founded by the partnership of Önder Yol and Ziraat Private Equity. Önder Yol has been involved in research activities in electric vehicle software and battery management systems since 2003. With the knowledge and experience he has gained, Yol has been involved in the development of electric vehicles and energy storage systems.
Founded in 2007 by Özkan Derindere and Önder Yol, Derindere Motorlu Araçlar (DMA) seeks, through the use of the advanced technology that it has developed, to contribute to the emergence and growth in Turkey of the electric vehicles that are the future of the world.
Electric vehicles designed and built by DMA were introduced to market at a press conference held in February 2013. All of the electronic hardware and software that are the most important elements of these vehicles’ technology were fully developed inhouse by DMA’s own engineers.
Vehicles equipped with DMA technology are built at DMA’s own plant. Located in the Beylikdüzü district of Istanbul, the facility can turn out up to 1,000 vehicles a year.

DMA, one of only a handful of companies in the world with its own state-of-the-art technology in the business of electric vehicle manufacture, has begun exporting that technology to China. A joint venture with China-based CALB to develop “model-specific” electric drive systems for marques with manufacturing operations in China looks set to become a company with a one-billion-dollar valuation within five years’ time.

Elektrikli traktör kavgamın bana bedeli icra takibi ve haciz oldu​

Ne olduğunu ve gerçeği yazamadım şimdiye dek ama bir gün, daha rahat konuşabileceğim ve yazabileceğim zaman dilimlerinde bunu anlatacağım. Sadece şunu söyleyeyim, elektrikli traktör üretime hazır ve bekliyor. Ancak Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından açılışı yapılamadığı için bir türlü üretime başlayamıyor. Bu açılış neden yapılmıyor, ne mâni var bilmiyorum ve anlayabilmiş değilim.

Tam bir buçuk yıldır bantta beklemekte olan elektrikli traktör geçtiğimiz haftalarda yeni Tarım ve Orman Bakanı Vahit Kirişci’nin sözleriyle yeniden gündem oldu. Gazeteciler “Elektrikli traktör ne zaman üretime geçecek” diye sordular. Kirişci “Elektrikli traktör benim ilgi alanımda değil. Elektrikli traktörü gerekirse TOGG yapar” diye cevap verdi.

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Erdoğan'ın denediği traktörü soran Türkiye yazarı Uğur'a, Varank haciz getirdi​

Türkiye gazetesi yazarı Fuat Uğur, elektrikli traktör için yazılımı üreten tek şirketle neden görüşmediğini sorduğu bakan Mustafa Varank'ın açtığı dava nedeniyle icralık olduğunu açıkladı.​



Das erste Elektroauto aus der Türkei könnte bald in Serie gehen​


Istanbul Der türkische Elektroauto-Produzent TOGG hat einen wichtigen Schritt zur Serienproduktion genommen. Die ersten Testwagen seien vom Band gelaufen, bestätigt CEO Gürcan Karakas dem Handelsblatt. Bei dem sogenannten Manufacturing Try-out werden die Betriebsprozesse der neu gebauten Fabrik nahe Istanbul getestet.

„Anfang November werden wir die Prozesse perfektioniert haben und dann in dieser Form einfrieren“, erklärt Karakas. „Dann haben wir die Serienreife unserer Fertigungsanlage.“ Ende des ersten Quartals 2023, nach Abschluss der technischen Qualifikations- und Zertifizierungstests mit Blick auf europäische Normen, soll der Elektro-SUV auf den Markt kommen.

ah fren ali ah, serefsiz olma, adam ol

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