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Dinarisches Gebirge

Das dinarische Gebirge zieht sich durch die Hercegovina sprich durch serbisch besiedeltes Gebiet, wie auch durch Montenegro. Das reicht doch für Serben oder nicht ? Wir zählen alle zu den Dinaren, doch die Slawen eben mehr als Albaner, Schamhaarperücke.

Aber auch in Westbosnien, Zentralbosnien und grosse teile der Kroatischen Küste, nicht nur serbisch besiedeltest Gebiet.
Wir sind genauso Dinaren, wie ihr, wenn nicht mehr.

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Several theories were advanced regarding the genesis of the Dinaric race. Most researchers agreed that this race was autochthonous to its present habitat from the Neolithic period. Both Günther and Coon claimed that the Bell-Beaker people of the European Bronze Age were at least partially Dinaric.
Coon also argued, however, in The Origin of Races (1962), that the Dinaric and some other categories "are not races but simply the visible expressions of the genetic variability of the intermarrying groups to which they belong."
He referred to the creation of this distinctive phenotype from the mixing of earlier separate groups as "dinaricisation". In his view Dinarics were a specific type that arose from ancient mixes of the Mediterranean race and Alpine race.
According to the Dinaric model, Dinarics were to be found in the mountainous areas of the western Balkans Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Slovenia, Austria, part of northwestern Bulgaria, and northwestern Republic of Macedonia).
Northern and Eastern Italy was considered mostly a Dinaric area as well as western Greece, Romania, eastern Ukraine, southeastern German-speaking areas, and parts of southern Poland and southeastern France.
Aber auch in Westbosnien, Zentralbosnien und grosse teile der Kroatischen Küste, nicht nur serbisch besiedeltest Gebiet.

Natürlich Dzeko, ich meinte nur in Bezug auf seine Aussage, die Serben hätten im Prinzip kein Recht sich Dinariden zu nennen. Sonst würde ich den Ausdruck "Slawen" nicht gebrauchen.
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Several theories were advanced regarding the genesis of the Dinaric race. Most researchers agreed that this race was autochthonous to its present habitat from the Neolithic period. Both Günther and Coon claimed that the Bell-Beaker people of the European Bronze Age were at least partially Dinaric.
Coon also argued, however, in The Origin of Races (1962), that the Dinaric and some other categories "are not races but simply the visible expressions of the genetic variability of the intermarrying groups to which they belong."
He referred to the creation of this distinctive phenotype from the mixing of earlier separate groups as "dinaricisation". In his view Dinarics were a specific type that arose from ancient mixes of the Mediterranean race and Alpine race.
According to the Dinaric model, Dinarics were to be found in the mountainous areas of the western Balkans Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Slovenia, Austria, part of northwestern Bulgaria, and northwestern Republic of Macedonia).
Northern and Eastern Italy was considered mostly a Dinaric area as well as western Greece, Romania, eastern Ukraine, southeastern German-speaking areas, and parts of southern Poland and southeastern France.

Nur zu machweiter

oh oh Holzkopf...
Leute wollt ihr das nicht Verstehen, Dinarische Rassen gibt es in Bulagrien Rumänien Griechenland Macedonien überall im Balkan.

Die Menschen sind damals von denn Bergen runter geklettert und haben sich dann im Tieferen ebenen niedergelassen.
Das dinarische Gebirge zieht sich durch die Hercegovina sprich durch serbisch besiedeltes Gebiet, wie auch durch Montenegro. Das reicht doch für Serben oder nicht ? Wir zählen alle zu den Dinaren, doch die Slawen eben mehr als Albaner, Schamhaarperücke.

ma pusti prika, kome se ti dokazujes, boli te dzon jebote... nes ti rasprave...