Do you think the Greek government will allow the song
Biser Balkanski to be sung? Or will the lyrics need to be changed to remove the word Egej? Will Macedonians be allowed to sing
Edna Misla Imame or will they be jailed for inciting what the Greeks claim to be irredentism? Will Macedonians be allowed to sing
Kade Ste Makedoncinja or will be they jailed for singing the words “И ние право имаме, слободно да живееме, во земја наша таткова, мила Македонија” – since the part of Macedonia that is being referred to in the song is in northern Greece? Will being a member of a Macedonian folklore group that performs
dances from Aegean Macedonia be considered an act of irredentism and revisionism against Greece? Will the
Deca Begalci organizations in the Republic of Macedonia or any organizations that acknowledge the existence of Macedonians, present day and historically, outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia be allowed to exist anymore within the Republic of Macedonia?
Sounds extreme? Yes, because Article 6 is extreme and the country, Greece, that will have the power to censor Macedonians, has engaged in extreme activities in their attempts to ethnically cleanse Macedonians for over 100 years.
8 – Oh Greeks, you got us! Did we really think you guys were going to let us interpret what it means to be Macedonian?!
This part of the agreement will have dire consequences for Macedonian identity because it claims that our Macedonian identity is limited to the boundaries of the Republic of Macedonia. This simply does not make any sense because the Republic of Macedonia is home to Macedonians with roots from all parts of the region of Macedonia, including Aegean Macedonia. Macedonian history, culture, music, traditions, heritage, and identity encompass more than just what is within the borders of the Republic of Macedonia. Our Macedonian historical figures come from all parts of the region of Macedonia, not just the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian history cannot be limited to within just the borders of the Republic of Macedonia because Macedonian history is the history of the entire region of Macedonia and the ethnic Macedonian people from that region. What about the cultural implications? Tanec, the national folklore group of the Republic of Macedonia, has Macedonian dances from all regions of Macedonia in their repertoire. Will they no longer be allowed to research, teach, and
perform songs and dances from the Aegean part of Macedonia, like Zensko Beranche or Mori Chupi Kosturchanki, because they come from the northern part of Greece (Aegean Macedonia)?
9 – A Macedonian from Bukovo, which is 2 km from the Ancient Macedonian city Heraklea, cannot claim any Ancient Macedonian heritage, but a Greek from the island of Mykonos 800 km away can?
We all know that references to Alexander the Great, Phillip II of Macedon, and Ancient Macedonia will definitely no longer be allowed, even though the Republic of Macedonia also has Ancient Macedonian ruins within its borders.
The ruins of the ancient city of Heraklea Lynkestis are
located right outside of Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia. Heraklea was founded by Phillip II of Macedon, and is within the Republic of Macedonia, but Macedonians will not be allowed to refer to him or those ruins as part of Macedonian heritage and history. What about the many Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia who come from Aegean Macedonia and are from villages that also fall on Ancient Macedonian land? They also will not be allowed to claim that as part of their Macedonian heritage.
Will there be an official document that supplements this agreement that outlines what exactly constitutes “ancient Hellenic history and civilization constituting an integral component of the historic or cultural patrimony of” Greece?
What about monuments and references to
Deca Begalci? Or any monuments and references to events in Macedonian history that occurred outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia and conflicts with the Greek interpretation of the events?
What will be said about the 500 years of Ottoman rule of Macedonia when the entire region of Macedonia was under the Ottoman Empire, including the Republic of Macedonia and Aegean Macedonia? What will this mean for our monuments to the Ilinden Uprising that occurred during that time? Is that part of Macedonian history going to be rewritten? Will that part of Macedonian history be owned by Greece because they have 51% of Macedonian territory?
10 – The Greek government’s censorship of Macedonians within the Republic of Macedonia continues…
The official national flag of Macedonia from 1992-1995 will be banned from being displayed and used publicly within Macedonia. Also, any versions and artistic interpretations of the symbol will also be banned from public sites and use. Does it make any sense that this flag won’t be allowed to be displayed and used publicly in Macedonia, but the Albanian flag will be allowed?
11 – Greece is forcing Macedonia to continue the ethnocide of the Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia. So disgusted.
Say goodbye to using the
Macedonian names of the villages in Aegean Macedonia. No more Lerin. No more Solun. No more Kostur. No more Voden. No more Kukush. No more Gabresh. No more Ovcharani. No more Buf. No more Dambeni.
When Goce Delchev is mentioned by a government official will they say he was born in Kukush or the Greek version of the name, Kilkis?
12 – I never understood why some victims of sexual assault end up in relationships with their perpetrators. This is exactly what is happening here.
Yes, you read this correctly. The Greek government will be given a direct role in revising and reviewing textbooks, materials, and curriculum used in Macedonian schools. The Greek government will have a say in how Macedonian history is taught to Macedonian children. What will they do with all the Macedonian historical figures born in the Aegean part of Macedonia? Will they even be mentioned, since they weren’t born within the Republic of Macedonia’s borders? How will they approach the
genocide of the ethnic Macedonian population by the Greek government that occurred throughout the 20th century and the Greek sponsored propaganda that divided families and shattered the Macedonian soul for generations?
If this agreement is implemented, it will do so much more than just change the name of Macedonia. It will force the revision of Macedonian history. It will destroy and eradicate the Macedonian identity, culture, traditions, and heritage. It will a force a new identity on to Macedonians that is Greek approved.
This agreement is not just a change to the name. This agreement is an act of ethnocide against Macedonians.