Ethnic cleansing

Serbian and other non-Albanian refugees
During the
Kosovo War, over 90,000 Serbian and other non-Albanian refugees fled the war-torn province. In the days after the Yugoslav Army withdrew, over 164,000 Serbs (around 75%) and 24,000 Roma (around 85%) left Kosovo and many of the remaining civilians were victims of abuse.
[88][91][92][93][94] After Kosovo and other
Yugoslav Wars, Serbia became home to the highest number of refugees and
IDPs (including Kosovo Serbs) in Europe.
In 2000, German
war photographer Frauke Eigen created an exhibition about the clothing and belongings of the victims of
ethnic cleansing in the Kosovo War.
[98] Eigen's photographs were taken onsite during the
exhumation of
mass graves, and were later used as evidence by the
War Crimes Tribunal in
The Hague.
According to a 2001 report by
Human Rights Watch (HRW):
In 2007, tens of thousands of Serbs were preparing to flee the province of Kosovo, packing their bags, fearing a new wave of "ethnic cleansing" at the hands of the Kosovo's new Albanian-led administration.