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From Hercules to Alexander: The Legend of Macedonia

Wenigstens stellen die Engländer hier nicht irgendwelches gestohlene Zeug aus! Andererseits muss man ihnen aber auch zugute halten, dass sie wohl kaum auf die Idee kämen zu behaupten, Alexander der Grosse stamme von den alten Jüten ab. Wenn nur alle Europäer so wären. :roll:


Hier ein kurzes Interview mit Robin Lane Fox (Geschichtsprofessor, Oxford University) im Ashmolean Museum. Er zerschmettert die skopjanische Propaganda. ;-)

Macedonian Treasures at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford - YouTube

Was behaupten die Skopjaner?

Prof. Lane Fox: "Macedon is a greek speaking kingdom in northern Greece. Populated by people using greek names, greek months and worshiping greek gods.

Those who live in Skopje and say that that is Macedon and Alexanders homeland are as ignorant and outrageous as if someone would have say that Oxford University was really in Belarus and Oxford was Minsk."

Prof. Lane Fox: "Macedon is a greek speaking kingdom in northern Greece. Populated by people using greek names, greek months and worshiping greek gods.

Those who live in Skopje and say that that is Macedon and Alexanders homeland are as ignorant and outrageous as if someone would have say that Oxford University was really in Belarus and Oxford was Minsk."


bis wo haben eigentlich die Makedonen gelebt gab es makedonier auch in Skopje?
Prof. Lane Fox: "Macedon is a greek speaking kingdom in northern Greece. Populated by people using greek names, greek months and worshiping greek gods.

Those who live in Skopje and say that that is Macedon and Alexanders homeland are as ignorant and outrageous as if someone would have say that Oxford University was really in Belarus and Oxford was Minsk."


Endlich mal einer der Klartext spricht!;)