Mach ich auch ma mit bei Unis aufzählen.
Wie siehts aus mit Yale University, was gibts daran auszusetzen?
Yale University - about Macedonia and the Greek cities - YouTube
We know the Macedonians were fundamentally Greeks. That is to say, they were Greek speakers and ethnicaly greek
Wie siehts aus mit Yale University, was gibts daran auszusetzen?
Donald Kagan (born May 1, 1932) is an American historian at Yale University specializing in ancient Greece, notable for his four-volume history of the Peloponnesian War. 1987-1988 Acting Director of Athletics, Yale University. He was Dean of Yale College from 1989 to 1992. He formerly taught in the Department of History at Cornell University. In a review in The New Yorker, critic George Steiner said of Kagan's seminal four-volume history of the Peloponnesian War: "The temptation to acclaim Kagan's four volumes as the foremost work of history produced in North America in this century is vivid." At present, Kagan is considered among the foremost scholars of Ancient Greek history.
Yale University - about Macedonia and the Greek cities - YouTube
We know the Macedonians were fundamentally Greeks. That is to say, they were Greek speakers and ethnicaly greek