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Infrastruktur-Projekte in Mazedonien

Neuer Knast in Kumanovo.

PHOTO GALLERY: New prison in Kumanovo, an investment of 234 million MKD

The Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attended the opening of the new building for the penitentiary house in Kumanovo in the village K’shanje with a total area of over 5,000 square meters and a capacity of 250 persons. The overall investment for the construction of this facility is approximately 234 million MKD.

Such investment, as said the Prime Minister Gruevski at the opening, is part of the capital project of the Government for the construction and reconstruction of penitentiaries in the country with the amount of 52 million euro.
- It is important to note that the institution has a separate system for heating, separate water supply system and solar collectors for heating of sanitary water for the kitchen and bathrooms for prisoners, said Gruevski, adding that the entire prison complex is enclosed by a fence 4 meters high, and the institution is incorporated the cutting edge technical equipment for surveillance.

The Prime Minister stated that all the conditions are provided to minimize the need for prison security staff , as he said, are provided conditions for prison staff to concentrate on corrective actions in order to achieve successful re-socialization and social adaptation of convicts.
The Prison “Kumanovo” a completely new, modern penal correctional institution of semi-open type within which, as pointed by the Prime Minister function the open section in Kriva Palanka. The first phase of construction of the facility, as recalled, took place in the period from 2008 to 2009 in which to build the prison building, sub-station, and treatment plant were allocated 72 million MKD.
- The implementation of the second phase began in 2011, when were built separate sections for receiving and control of people and shipments, part for the administration, parent unit admission, registration and archives, garage and energetic block, rooms for visiting the inmates and detainees, a special clinic, kitchen, dining room and laundry room, separate room for meeting the religious needs, workshop for work engagement of convicts, and sports fields for sports and maintaining physical health of prisoners, said Gruevski.

Minister of Justice, Blerim Bexheti noted that all reform activities that are carried out are aimed at expanding the capacity and improving the living conditions of inmates in prison facilities, and for improving the process of rehabilitation of inmates and capacity building of staff in correctional institutions.
-The construction of the prison “Kumanovo” is part of the activities under the project for reconstruction of the PI. It is extremely important project, which is supported with the loan from the Development Bank of the Council of Europe and the budget of Republic of Macedonia. In its scope were included the construction of a PI “Idrizovo”, which began this month, construction of juvenile correctional institution Educational Institution of Tetovo, as well as construction and reconstruction of the prison “Skopje” stated Bexheti.

In terms of improving the process of socialization inmates, as indicated Bedzeti, it is established special procedures for the work of the prison staff.
- Most of the planned activities from the Strategy for the re-socialization and social adaptation of imprisoned convicts were implemented according to the deadlines, stated Bexheti.
The Director of the Department for sanctions accomplishment, Lidija Gavrilovska among other things said that it is crucial in the process of socialization and education of inmates that are provided rooms for work engagement of the inmates and that is provided an Educational Center for conducting education process and education of inmates.
She noted that the construction of the prison “Kumanovo”, except for inmates, led special care for the working conditions of prison staff for whose needs are equipped offices and a kitchenette.
The opening of the prison “Kumanovo” was attended by the Vice President of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia Alexandra Zafirovska, the Ombudsman Ixhet Memeti, State Attorney Marko Zvrlevski, the former Minister of Justice Mihajlo Manevski and a number of representatives of state institutions and the judiciary in the Republic of Macedonia.

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Die Spinnen doch diese Affen, soviel Geld für Verbrecher auszugeben.

Grujo täte besser dran die Todesstrafe einzuführen, dieser elende EU-Speichellecker.
Erstes Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie Zentrum in Makedonien wird gebaut, 382 Mio. Denar Investition, Bauzeit 16 Monate, Strabag aus Österreich wird bauen
Македонија ќе добие прв ПЕТ центар

02.10.2013 | 14:35
Прочитано: 22

Центар за позитронска емисиона томографија - ПЕТ Центар ќе се гради во кругот на Градската општа болница „8 Септември“-Скопје.Договорот за изградба на ПЕТ Центарот денеска го потпишаа министерот за здравство Никола Тодоров и Франц Бургшталер, извршен директор на австриската компанија Страбаг АГ, која достави најприфатлива понуда на меѓународниот тендер за градба.

Министерот Тодоров истакна дека вредноста на договорот е 381.140.000 денари кои се обезбедени од Буџетот на Република Македонија, а рокот за завршување на работите е 16 месеци. - Позитронска емисиона томографија (ПЕТ) претставува нуклеарно медицинска визуализациска техника со која се добива тродимензионално прикажување и мапирање на функционалните процеси во телото. Воедно, претставува нов чекор во евалуацијата на функционалните и малигните метаболни промени во организмот на пациентите, а се користи во областа на онкологијата, хематологијата, кардиологијата и неврологијата, а во поново време во детската патологија и при инфекции и инфламации со непознато потекло, посочи Тодоров.Објектот, укажа министерот, е проектиран како современ здравствен објект во кој ќе биде вградена најсовремена опрема за радиофармација, радиопротекција и дијагностика.
Macedonia becomes a regional center for isotopes export, construction of the PET Center begins

From Istanbul to Vienna there is none, but Skopje will get a cyclotron production of radioisotopes.

The Ministry of Health and the company that submitted the most acceptable bid in the international tender for construction, Strabag AG Austria, signed an agreement on construction of the Center for Positron Emission Tomography – PET Center in Skopje.
The location of this facility is planned to be in the GOB “8 September” area.
The total value of the contract is 381,140,000 denars. The funds are provided from the Republic of Macedonia Budget for 2013, 2014 and 2015.
- Positron emission tomography is a nuclear medical visual technique that provides three dimensional display and mapping of the functional processes in the body. Also, it is a new step in the evaluation of functional and malignant metabolic changes in the body of patients, and is used in the field of oncology, hematology, cardiology and neurology, and more recently in children pathology and unknown origin infections, said the Minister of Health Nikola Todorov.

This is ranked as the most modern efficient diagnosis method, as an important prerequisite for successful and shorter treatment of malignant diseases, as well as effective monitoring of post therapeutic treatments and early diagnosis of possible relapse in malignant diseases.
The Pet Center equipping takes place in three stages. The cyclotron and one PET – CT camera are ordered and are expected to be delivered in the second half of next year.
Macedonia will become a regional center for the isotopes export. After hiring Macedonian experts, the PET Centre will train doctors from the region.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

New kindergarten in Prilep, child care is a priority to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

The Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov and the Mayor of Prilep , Marjan Ristevski have opened a new kindergarten in other facility in the village Toplochani, Prilep .

Spasov said that one of the priorities of the Government and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is to provide contemporary care and education of preschool children.

- We work actively in the recent years on a preschool children program, this program includes creating new groups in other facilities , in order children in rural areas to have a better access, said Spasov.

He added that in the next period the network of public kindergartens will be extended throughout the country, because his commitment is all children to have the opportunity of care and education, regardless of the place of residence .
Minister of Labour and Social Policy went at the beginning of the construction activities for reconstruction of kindergartens JOU “Nasa idnina” in the settlement Bonchejca. The construction project from “Community Forums ” is funded by SDC and Prilep Municipality.

Echt? Ok, war leider das letzte mal vor 5 Jahren in Makedonien :sad: Aber mein Papa ist jedes Jahr für mindestens 3 Monate in MKD, er sagt jedesmal, die Straßen werden von Jahr zu Jahr schlechter :lol:

Hmmmh - und ich dachte immer, Du bist der volle Auskenner, was die Vorgänge in Mazedonien betriff. Die ganzen patriotischen Beiträge usw. Und dann schreibst Du, dass Du schon 5 Jahre nicht dort warst...

Man glaubt, es tut sich eh nichts, aber immer wenn ich in eine Gegend oder ein Land komme, in dem ich schon längere Zeit nicht war (müssen gar nicht fünf Jahre sein), dann fallen mir schon oft sehr markante Veränderungen auf.

Ich will Deinen Patriotismus gar nicht in Abrede stellen, aber vielleicht solltest Du doch wieder einmal ein paar Wochen Zeit finden und hinunterfahren. Einfach um sich eine fundierte und v.a. aktuelle Meinung zu bilden.

Nicht umsonst heißt es: Reisen bildet!