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Infrastruktur-Projekte in Mazedonien

[h=3]Bogdanci - First windmills in Macedonia placed[/h]Labels: Bauprojekte, Infrastruktur

Five of the 16 planned windmills are placed on the locations near Bogdanci. The start of electricity production from the first state wind park in Macedonia is expected in April.

ELEM announced that 16 windmills in Bogdanci will produce electricity for about 15,000 households, or a total of 60,000 citizens.

Specifically, the annual production of the park should reach 100 gigawatt – hours of wind energy, which is 2 percent of the annual production of electricity in Macedonia, Nova Makedonija writes.
Gasification of the Skopje region, a project worth € 100 million starts


The gasification project at the Skopje region will cover 17 municipalities. The investment worth about € 100 million will be implemented for five years following the principle of public- private partnership, and part of the distribution network will be put in operation in 2016.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced that construction of the distribution system will begin in 2015 and at least 70 percent of the planned infrastructure should be done in five years, until 2019.
- Today begins the actual operationalization of gasification project in Macedonia. We have worked intensely and devotedly in the past few years on the completion of all steps, actions and procedures to get to this point. It was not an easy and simple job, although some structures are trying to show that, Gruevski said.
The project, he added, will be performed by all standards, not partially, but integrally, without improvising, but with solid plans and programs.
- It took a lot of preparation, development of mega projects, sorting property law and land relations, making of many analyzes and, of course, most important, a contract for the supply of gas to Macedonia had to be provided. We have worked responsibly, patiently and intensively for more than four years and we made an agreement with Russia for the supply of gas and realized a key prerequisite for the gasification start, the Prime Minister said.
The public call for finding a private partner will be announced in the next few days and will run until 25 May. The agreement will be valid for a period of 20 years, after that the natural gas system will become state property.
Except the municipalities in Skopje, seven municipalities near them will be also covered, Sopiste, Zelenikovo, Studenichani, Petrovec, Ilinden, Cucer Sandevo and Arachinovo.
According to the analysis, the savings of citizens who use central heating, wood, electricity and extra light fuel will be drastically increased. If a housing facility connects to natural gas, it will save 24 percent per year, or 30 percent if it is a commercial facility.

Investment boom in road infrastructure

Investment boom in road infrastructure. Started construction of two new highways continue construction of Demir Kapija – Smokvica, modernized local and regional roads. The total investment is heavy waving over one billion euro. Construction companies will have their hands full.

“A large volume of work, heavy responsibility of Macedonian companies, we will have to engage in providing and upgrading of existing staff, but also in the creation of new technical and professional staff that will have to carry the whole thing,” says for MRT Sead Kochan, Head of Construction Chamber at the Union of Chambers of Commerce.

The highways Miladinovci – Shtip and Kichevo-Ohrid are built with Chinese money, a loan that Macedonia should repay in a period of 20 years. At the same time, we work on Corridor 10. According to estimates of experts, the construction of highways will be engaged 2000 people: building workers, engineers, designers, architects, building inspectors.

“I fear that the vacuum created in engineering, vacuum of serious investments in the last 20 years is reflected in the fact that we are now perhaps have lack of engineering staff that is sufficiently trained for anything like as serious infrastructure projects,” said in the statement for public service Goran Markovski, professor at the Faculty for Civil Engineering.

Better communication, economic development, and safer traffic are the three key factors that citizens will receive from the construction of highways. Highway Kichevo – Ohrid will seriously revive the economy in this region.

“It would mean that for two hours companies that are nearby will be able to bring in or to exported materials through the port in Durres. Also for potential investors this would be a good momentum,” said Igor Sokoleski president of the Chamber of Commerce – Kichevo.

Currently, is ongoing the construction of section Demir Kapija- Smokvica, two days ago started the construction of the highway Skopje – Shtip, yesterday Kichevo – Ohrid, which means that Macedonia will get new 132 kilometers highway.

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Reconstruction of the border crossing point Bogorodica

The border crossing point Bogorodica today began construction activities for reconstruction of administrative building and associated facilities within the project “Development of border infrastructure between Macedonia and Greece,” which is funded by the EU through the Program cross-border cooperation.

- The realization of this project is contribution to facilitating movement along the Pan-European Corridor 10 and contribution to facilitating cross-border trade, reduction of customs formalities, improvement of the working conditions of customs officers and pleasant stay at the border crossing, said Natasha Radeska Krstevska, Director of Customs.

She added that the project will positively affect the ease of communication of the population in border communities and that is in addition to the introduction of the new computerized transit system of the EU in the country to facilitate customs procedures through electronic submission of documents in transit.

According Radeska Krstevska the reconstruction contributes to the achievement of the strategic priorities of the government i.e. facilitating international trade, but also upgrade of the operational capacity of the Customs Administration and the contribution of bonding and connecting people, cultures, and their better understanding.

Director of Customs announced that soon will be reconstructed the customs checkpoints towards Serbia and Albania, Tabanovce and Kjafasan with financial assistance from the EU.

Magdalena Sharlamanov, Project Manager of the EU delegation said the EU for 20 years encourages the realization of strategic goals in the areas of improving cross-border economic development, inter alia through measures for promoting economic development, facilitated cross-border communication, and promotion of sustainable tourism.

She added that so far, are invested 15 million euro in total 38 such projects.

The reconstruction of the border crossing point will cost 193,000 euro provided by the EU funds and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. The reconstruction of the administrative building with associated facilities at the border crossing points will last three months.
[h=1]Почнува реализацијата на една од најголемите инвестиции од независноста на Македонија[/h]
Недела, 02 Март 2014 09:29

[h=2]Претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија во 13:30 часот, ќе присуствува на свеченоста по повод започнување на работите на реализација на железничкиот проект за реконструкција на Коридор 8 на делницата Куманово-Бељаковце, Клечовски мост, односно пругата кон Бугарија.[/h]

Проценките се дека нејзината реализација ќе чини околу 550 милиони евра, и овој проект според својата вредност е една од најголемите инвестиции од независноста.
По 20 години откако владата на Бранко Црвенковски пред изборите во 1994-та година ја почна без да обезбедени финансии, почнува реална и стабилна градба, поткрепена со одобрен кредит на ЕБРД.
Реализацијата на проектот на пругата кон Бугарија во време на СДСМ не беше преку обезбеден кредит, туку преку пуштање на мали износ пари од буџет пред избори со цел добивање гласови.
Сега е спроведена јавна набавка, а во 1994-та година познато е дека немало воопшто закон за јавни набавки.
Железничката делница од Куманово до Бељаковце е со должина од 30,8 километри и претставува прва од вкупно трите делници на пругата од меѓународниот железнички Коридор 8, која треба да ја поврзува Република Македонија со Република Бугарија, почнувајќи од Куманово преку Бељаковце, Крива Паланка до Деве Баир, односно до границата со Република Бугарија.
Bulgaria, Macedonia transport ministers launch Kumanovo-Beljakovci railway construction

2 March 2014 | 17:09
Bulgarian Minster of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Danail Papazov and Macedonian Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski officially launched the construction works on one of the most important and hardest railway sections as part of the pan-European Corridor 8 between the towns of Kumanovo and Beljakovci, the press office of the Bulgarian ministry announced.
The groundbreaking ceremony was also attended by Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Deputy Prime Ministers Zoran Gabrovski and Vladimir Pesevski.
“This is one of the most important and hardest railway sections of Corridor 8,” Bulgarian Minister Papazov said and added that the realisation of the project was of strategic importance and interest, since it would provide one of the shortest connections between South Europe and the Mediterranean through the Balkans to Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East.
The Macedonian Government has secured some EUR 47 million for the rehabilitation of the already existing road section between Kumanovo and Beljakovci, around 30 kilometres long, with the assistance of international financial institutions.
Reconstruction of 13 bridges along Corridor 10


Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski today will visit the site where activities are underway in relation to the implementation of the project for rehabilitation of bridges on the road Veles – Skopje on Corridor 10.

At the moment are implemented activities provided by the third phase of the project , which began in November last year. It is expected that by September next year to be improved 13 bridge structures on the route section Veles – Katlanovo Corridor 10, worth around 8.6 million euro.
Previously, with the implementation of the first and second phase, were reconstructed 51 bridge structures with total length of 4,090 meters, for which were invested 22.5 million euro.
