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Infrastruktur-Projekte in Mazedonien

Goce Delcev Library in Gevgelija has been restored

Labels: Bauprojekte, Kunst/Kultur, Tourismus

The facade of a house – the home of the Goce Delcev Library in Gevgelija – has gotten back its authentic look after being restored and conserved by a team of experts last year. The overhauled facility, dating from the late 19th century, was one of the 250 buildings included in the Culture Ministry’s programme for restoration of old facades.

“I’m pleased that the genuine architectural appeal of the facility has been restored. This year the interior will be furnished as part of the second stage of the project,” said Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska after visiting the overhauled premises.

The building has been functioning as a library since World War II. ‘Goce Delcev’ is the only public library in Gevgelija offering 60.000 books to over 800 members.

In the past several years, the Ministry of Culture also funded other projects enriching the cultural life of the municipality located in the southernmost part of Macedonia.

The reconstructed Gevgelija Theater was promoted in 2011 and the overhauled Turkish bath (hamam) was inaugurated two months ago becoming a space for organizing exhibitions by the Association of Artists in Gevgelija.
[h=3]Janakieski: Investments in infrastructure projects continue[/h]Labels: Infrastruktur, Investitionen

I expect the details and conditions of the concession on the road Gostivar – Kicevo, part of Corridor 8, to be finalized in the next few months, the Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski said in an interview with MIA.

He points out that the implementation of activities under the contract that was signed with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for advisory services in relation to the implementation of planned project for the construction, maintenance and toll collection of this section is underway. In addition, the International Finance Corporation will provide us advisory services in relation to opportunities for concession of the section Skopje – Blace, near the border with Kosovo.

- The International Finance Corporation, which works with the World Bank, is the largest global development institution, focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries and provides financing and advisory services relating to projects established a public -private partnership, and helps governments through its advisory activity to create conditions that stimulate the arrival of domestic and foreign private investment. They made ​​the necessary studies and technical analyzes of the section Gostivar – Kicevo and the project structuring is in a final stage so the process can be transparent, fair and competitive to attract private partner to implement the project, Janakieski stated.

Investment wave of more than a EUR billion in infrastructure projects will continue in the next period. This year even higher growth in construction is expected, because, as he says, construction of two new highways Miladinovci – Stip , Kicevo – Ohrid will begin, which were signed in December 2013 and the construction of the highway Demir Kapija – Smokvica will also continue. Construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of 63 kilometers of new roads including sections Veles – Katlanovo and Miladinovci -Kumanovo will be performed, and in addition building of a gas pipeline from the Klechovce to Stip will start, and it is more than certain that construction of the railroad to Bulgaria will begin. All this suggests that the construction will be the engine of the economy in 2014, the Minister of Transport evaluated.

In the interview he speaks of electronic mode of licensing, in which according to him, the average period for obtaining building permits, according to data for December 2013, is 20 days.
Janakieski: Investments in infrastructure projects continue

Labels: Infrastruktur, Investitionen

I expect the details and conditions of the concession on the road Gostivar – Kicevo, part of Corridor 8, to be finalized in the next few months, the Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski said in an interview with MIA.

He points out that the implementation of activities under the contract that was signed with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for advisory services in relation to the implementation of planned project for the construction, maintenance and toll collection of this section is underway. In addition, the International Finance Corporation will provide us advisory services in relation to opportunities for concession of the section Skopje – Blace, near the border with Kosovo.

- The International Finance Corporation, which works with the World Bank, is the largest global development institution, focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries and provides financing and advisory services relating to projects established a public -private partnership, and helps governments through its advisory activity to create conditions that stimulate the arrival of domestic and foreign private investment. They made ​​the necessary studies and technical analyzes of the section Gostivar – Kicevo and the project structuring is in a final stage so the process can be transparent, fair and competitive to attract private partner to implement the project, Janakieski stated.

Investment wave of more than a EUR billion in infrastructure projects will continue in the next period. This year even higher growth in construction is expected, because, as he says, construction of two new highways Miladinovci – Stip , Kicevo – Ohrid will begin, which were signed in December 2013 and the construction of the highway Demir Kapija – Smokvica will also continue. Construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of 63 kilometers of new roads including sections Veles – Katlanovo and Miladinovci -Kumanovo will be performed, and in addition building of a gas pipeline from the Klechovce to Stip will start, and it is more than certain that construction of the railroad to Bulgaria will begin. All this suggests that the construction will be the engine of the economy in 2014, the Minister of Transport evaluated.

In the interview he speaks of electronic mode of licensing, in which according to him, the average period for obtaining building permits, according to data for December 2013, is 20 days.

Gostivar-Kicevo und Kicevo-Ohrid was soll der Scheiss immer nur im Osten :D
[h=3]Government decided to establish a State Clinic of cardiac surgery[/h]Labels: Bauprojekte, Gesundheitswesen, Investitionen

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia at the last session decided to establish a State cardiac surgery.

This was at the press conference by the Minister of Health Nikola Todorov. He said that the state cardio surgery will firstly be located within the Surgical Clinics, until the implementation of the tender and construction work for the reconstruction of the Clinic for Cardiology completes.

At the start, the State cardio surgery will consist of a reception area, ambulance part, stationary with 6 beds, two operating rooms and seven beds for intensive care.

The Minister pointed out that the first time after 50 years in the Republic of Macedonia, the Government has established the first state cardio surgery, which solves the multi- decade problem, which is one of national medical priorities.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Straße zum Klosterkomplex Sveti Gjorgjija in Ilinden, das ist im übrigen das Kloster gegenüber der Raffinerie an der Autobahn hinter der Makpetrol Tanke.

[h=1]Се асфалтира „артеријата“ која ги поврзува 12-те населени места во Илинден[/h]
Петок, 24 Јануари 2014 14:50

[h=2]Општина Илинден почна со реализација на двата инфраструктурни проекта од Програмата за финансиска поддршка на руралниот развој кои предвидуваат рехабилитација на локалните патишта Дељадровци- Манастирски комплекс „Свети Ѓорѓија“ и Кадино- Миладиновци.[/h]

За изградба на патот Дељадровци- „Свети Ѓорѓија“ во должина од 700 метри и широчина пет метри се обезбедени 4,5 милиони денари, а за Кадино- Миладиновци во должина од 2,7 километри, вкупно 16,5 милиони денари.
Целта е, подвлече градоначалникот Жика Стојановски, брз и одржлив локален економски развој, поодбрување на условите за живеење и стандардот на граѓаните.
-Првиот проект е особен важен за регионалниот и руралниот развој на општината, за жителите од населените места. Во рамки на вториот целосно ќе биде асфалтиран патот кој ги поврзува сите 12 населени места во општината и претставува нејзина артерија, изјави Стојановски.

Градоначалникот најави реализација и на трет проект, за изработка на урбанистички планови кои ќе овозможат простор за нови инвестиции, површини за подобро живеење и легализација на куќите.
-Ова е вистински пример како еден граданочалник води грижа за развој на својата општина, но воедно и за тоа дека централната и локалната власт, заедно, можат многу повеќе да направат за поквалитетен живот на граѓаните, изјави заменик министерот за земјоделство Зоран Коњановски.
Сите жители, потенцира Коњановски, имаат еднакво право да живеат во уредени средини. Затоа, секоја година се одвојуваат финансиски средства за инфраструктурни проекти.
-Годинава, од вкупната поддршка за земјоделците која изнесува 140 милиони евра, 2,45 милијарди денари се наменети за рурален развој, за жителите на помалите рурални средини да имаат квалитетен живот. Лани, преку програмата за рурален развој, општина Илинден аплицираше за неколку проекти во вкупна вредност од 21,7 милиони денари. Сите беа одобрени, а денеска почнува реализацијата на првите два, посочи заменик министерот.
Според директорот на Платежната агенција Тони Димовски, со секој ваков проект каде Владата е инвеститор, ќе се унапреди руралната средина.
Преку Програмата за рурален развој ќе бидат реализирани 134 проекти во 70 општини.


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