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ISIS [Sammelthread]

Das video ist gefälscht. Das ist so billig und gestellt. Das sind Spezialeffekte das sieht man sofort. Ein Soldat steht im Augenblick seines Todes sicher nicht einfach so rum und bedankt sich beim IS. Was für ein Blödsinn.

Allein wenn man seinen Benzinkanister in die Flamme kippt, müsste die Flamme in den Himmel entfachen und nicht lichterloh weiter brennen.

Das Video wirkt auf jeden Fall gestellt.
Es mag naiv klingen, aber sowas überrascht mich jedes mal aufs neue. Ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, wie man solche Taten begehen kann und sich dabei noch so ergötzen kann.
Auch zeigt es, dass der IS nicht mal annähernd besiegt ist, wie uns die Medien versuchen weiß zu machen.

Naja viel mehr als Wüste wird ihnen, wenn alles nach Plan läuft bald nicht mehr bleiben.
Disguised as refugees and able to cross borders without being identified: ISIS general who blew up a hostage with a rocket and decapitated another prisoner is 'back in Europe with 400 soldiers' after fleeing Syria

  • Kosovan Lavdrim Muhaxheri is 'back in Europe with 400 of his trusted soldiers'
  • Intelligence source says men disguised themselves as refugees to reach Europe
  • Ex-NATO soldier fled from Syria warzone after ISIS suffered huge military loses
  • He left for Syria in late 2012 and has appeared in several propaganda videos
  • Intelligence sources say they 'disguised themselves as refugees' to reach Europe
Disguised as refugees and able to cross borders without being identified: ISIS general who blew up a hostage with a rocket and decapitated another prisoner is 'back in Europe with 400 soldiers' after fleeing Syria

  • Kosovan Lavdrim Muhaxheri is 'back in Europe with 400 of his trusted soldiers'
  • Intelligence source says men disguised themselves as refugees to reach Europe
  • Ex-NATO soldier fled from Syria warzone after ISIS suffered huge military loses
  • He left for Syria in late 2012 and has appeared in several propaganda videos
  • Intelligence sources say they 'disguised themselves as refugees' to reach Europe

Viel Spaß Europa..

Syrian rebel charged in Sweden on suspicion of war crimes
A former Syrian opposition fighter has been charged with breaching international law over the execution in 2012 of seven soldiers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, the Swedish prosecutor's office said on Thursday.

The 46-year-old man, who was arrested in March, appears in a video showing the killings, the prosecutor's office said.

The man, who was not named, denies any crime.

"The soldiers were captured and defenseless when this happened," prosecutor Kristina Lindhoff Carleson said in a statement.

"We claim that the accused's participation in the execution is against international human rights, supposed to protect incapacitated soldiers".

The man, who used to live in Italy, applied for asylum in Sweden in 2013, where he has lived since.

In 2015, another Syrian rebel fighter was sentenced to five years in prison for war crimes by a Swedish court for a "torture-like" assault in Syria that was filmed and posted on social media.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-midea ... ld+News%29
Müssten ja bereits einige tausend in Europa sein, keine Ahnung wie man vorgehen soll, aber es muss was getan werden.

Wenn unsere Leute, die für die Innere Sicherheit zuständig sind, mir etwas von Fußfesseln (oder wie diese Apparate heißen) erzählen, denke ich, dass das nie funktionieren wird. Davon können (und haben) sich die ganz schlimmen Finger schon befreit und begehen die nächste Straftat.