Palaiologos, spar dir die Zeit. Der eine greift den Kommentar eines wohl etwas ideologisch gestrigen auf, slawischer Einfall mit genetischen Auswirkungen aufs Äußere, blonde und dunkelhaarige...
Der andere postet ein paar Seiten vorher, dass Griechen über alle geschichtliche Epochen eine biologische Kontinuität aufweisen ohne Verfremdungen.
Greeks origin
The research was based on the study of 70 human characteristics (p. ex. body height, width of face, skin colour, shape of eyes etc.) of about 3000 Greek emigrants (after 1949 civil war) in the f. Soviet Union from different Hellenic areas. The statistical elaboration of these characteristics in combination with their geographical distribution demonstrated mathematically (because of their low dispersion) the incessant biological continuity of the Greeks all through the historic and prehistoric epochs, which refer at least to the Mesolithic and Upper Palaeolithic periods (15.000-30.000 years)
Verwirrte Leute halt, welche bulgarische Lehrer besingen.
Der andere postet ein paar Seiten vorher, dass Griechen über alle geschichtliche Epochen eine biologische Kontinuität aufweisen ohne Verfremdungen.
Greeks origin
The research was based on the study of 70 human characteristics (p. ex. body height, width of face, skin colour, shape of eyes etc.) of about 3000 Greek emigrants (after 1949 civil war) in the f. Soviet Union from different Hellenic areas. The statistical elaboration of these characteristics in combination with their geographical distribution demonstrated mathematically (because of their low dispersion) the incessant biological continuity of the Greeks all through the historic and prehistoric epochs, which refer at least to the Mesolithic and Upper Palaeolithic periods (15.000-30.000 years)
Verwirrte Leute halt, welche bulgarische Lehrer besingen.