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Makedonien, die Perle des Balkans!

Giasou file

Pou einai afto?

Das ist im Agion Oros in Makedonien.


Kozhuf Gebirge



Alshar mine is situated in the depth of the mountain Kozuf, on a distance of three hundred meters from the small village Majden, and on an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. You can enter in it through eight wide craters on the ground. Here, for over five thousand years gold, thallium, crystals of lorandite, antimony and other minerals have been being dug up. Two of the eight open pits of the underground digging outputs are long 6000 meters with cobblestones, which are quite damaged nowadays.


Alshar is quite unusual and very attractive place. The soil is soft, filled with different minerals in all colours. Yellow is dominant, due to the large presence of arsenic. The mine has an abundance of thallium mine lorandite, which is used to detect and locate the neutrino, particle directly originating from the Sun, which travels to the Earth for eight seconds. Only lorandite is capable of recognizing the reactions that come directly from the core Sun core. It is a very rare mineral, which throughout the world, is only found in Macedonia in pure form. Alshar’s thallium, and thus neutrino, according to its quantity is global, planetary rarity. If you manage to separate neutrino from thallium, than our planetary science will understand the processes by which energy of the Sun is being generated. Futuristic, if it succeeds, the man literally could produce small Suns, which can be turned on and off depending on the request. The mine in the world science is considered as a source for studying the past and the future of the universe.

On the left, at a distance of the two hundred meters from Alshar, there is everlasting green hill, where any human or ruminants are forbidden to enter. The soil at the hill contains thallium, poison even more dangerous than arsenic, if it recorded in the body, could kill the cattle that grass there. Further on Alshar and the hill, on the left, there are sources of warm water, and opposite of them, at the end of Majden village, the villagers exploit some kind of white mineral, which they use in order to wash clothes and dishes, and to clean all the rooms in their homes. This natural dusty mineral can be found in unlimited quantities. Magic vicious terrain around Alshar among the locals, is known as the Red Valley and is a real enigma for the scientists.


Balkans Mystery Tours: The Mine of Alshar


Crystal of lorandite
Alshar, an ancient mine located in the southern Balkans, in Macedonia, is said to contain minerals to be found nowhere else on the planet. The rarest of them all - the lorandite, is thought to have the potential to let us understand the work of the sun. Science-fiction or reality?
They say it holds a secret no lesser than that of the Universe. That it guards the answer to the power of the Sun. It is not the latest Spielberg blockbuster. It is a mine. But a mine covered in a veil of mystery.
Alshar, an ancient mine located in the southern Balkans, in Macedonia, is said to contain minerals to be found nowhere else on the planet. The rarest of them all - the lorandite, a crystal of the thallium. The lorandite is thought to have the potential to unravel the so called "neutron puzzle". By serving as geo-chemical detector of the neuron, the lorandite could validate or disprove the theory of the standard solar system, say physicists. In simple terms - to let us understand the work of the Sun.
The Ottomans who ruled the peninsula till the beginning of the 20th century, called it Majdan (the word for mine in Turkish) which also gave the name to the nearest village. They explored gold. But they were not the first ones. According to some, the mine has existed for over 5.000 years.
It has eight entrances, two of which lead through corridors which extend up to 6 kilometers and have cobalt stone pathways, placed there by the Ottomans. The mine has been closed for decades.
Some media tell the story that in the late 70s the Macedonian government had a secret session at a request by the federal authorities of former Yugoslavia, to decide whether to concede a "great power" to conduct research for space purposes in Alshar.
In the beginning of the 20th century, the elite universities from Budapest, Vienna and Prague had been exploring the by then unknown minerals from the mine.
Nowadays people from the nearby villages serve as guides to "mysterious" foreigners who to visit the mine. They go inside the mine to collect minerals from its bowels. The stories abound with fantasy. They talk of helicopters which do screening from above, with marks of the national government but also foreign military ones (there is large foreign military presence in the region). Villagers say the mine is full of minerals that glow in different colors.
According to experts, many world scientists are very interested in exploring Alshar. The lorandite from the mine can register in a chemical and physical way the so called neutron flux coming from the Sun. And they say it is the only known substance that has this power. If the neutron could be explored, science could understand the processes that go on inside the Sun. Some say with awe that it could lead understanding the past but also the future of our galaxy.
How did it ever get there, and only there? On a mountain (Kozuf) in the southern Balkans. One assumption, again resembling a movie scenario, is that - it fell from the Sun, as a result of eruption a billion years ago.
With all the mystery going around, the fact is undisputed that Alshar is the only known place on the planet that contains the lorandite (a crystal of the thallium), a mineral of potentially huge significance in physics.
According to rough estimates the mine could have reserves of up to 40 tons of lorandite. A few grams of lorandite for lab research is said to cost about 5-6 euro.
Some local scientists have come forward in the past with the idea to have the mine protected by UNESCO and have suggested that it should be turned into a resort for global science tourism. It could attract up to several thousand researchers a year, they say; atomic physicists, space scientists, geologists, and of course many adventurers. The zone around the mine should be developed, and the mine itself should be restored, its corridors lightened, and new pathways built. They say, many NASA people would enjoy to come and stay for work and holidays combined.
Macedonia has the lorandite and should do more for promoting the "hunt" on the neutron, they say.
A decade ago the Lorex project (Lorandite experiment) had been initiated by scientists from all over former Yugoslavia, in cooperation with international labs. The key to the neutron is the key to the door of Alshar, they said.
As of a few years back the mine has been registered as a natural monument and is part of the Emerald network of "areas of special conservation interest", created by the Council of Europe. .
This year the Macedonian government has initiated a project to have the mine protected. This would mean that any type of activity in Alshar would require a prior government permission. At present the place is completely unrestricted for any type of visit.
Villagers' stories continue. Just next to the mine there is a small hill whose grass is always green. Neither man nor livestock can step a foot on it, they say. It will knock down even the largest cattle which roams that pasture, as it hills is full of thallium, one of the most potent poisons.
The immediate zone around the mine has geothermal waters, and the outer edges of the village of Majdan abound with white mineral which the villagers use for washing and cleaning.
If the power of the Sun could be understood, say scientists, then hypothetically, humanity could reproduce it. It could create many "small suns". Energy production facilities akin to nuclear plants, only not radioactive. They would produce environmentally clean power.
Well, that is fantasy. Or is it not?

Balkans Mystery Tours: The Mine of Alshar
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In the area of Kratovo near village Kuklica, a 10 million years old “stone town” is established. There are many legends and myths about the existence of the ‘Dolls’ but the most famous is the one that says that the stone figures are wedding guests that were cursed by a forsaken bride who turned them into rocks. There are 120 stone figures, one next to another and they are up to 10 meters high.



The legend has it that once upon a time a boy from the village of Kuklica (which is above the stone town) couldn’t decide which girl to marry so he asked two girls to be his brides. The weddings with both of them were planned to take place in one day. There used to be a tradition that there mustn’t be two weddings in one day, because the brides must not see each other during their weddings – it was considered to be bad luck. One of the brides, not knowing about this tradition saw that there is another wedding in the same day and ran out of her house to see who is getting married. When she saw her husband to be with another girl she cursed all of them: "Let God turn you all into rocks, even me" and all people turned into rocks.

According to another legend, the existence of the stone figures is very different. There used to be a forest in this area but due to wars it was burned down. Soon the area became a wasteland. The temperatures were very low and when the army passed through the wasteland all of the soldiers turned into rocks.
However, scientists do not agree with the legends. According to them, the stone figures were formed 10 million years ago by tectonic erosion, from minerals that dissolve in water. As time went by, nature created masterpieces. Locals say that every 5-6 years new figures appear.


Stone town Kuklica, Macedonia




Stone town of Kuklica - Google-Suche
Wurde einst von den Makedonen erobert und beherrscht.:klugscheiß:
Na na,

Nicht nur die Makedonen, sondern auch die Epiroten mussten ihm Tribute zahlen. Als Perdikkas III. 360/359 v. Chr. einen Feldzug gegen die Illyrer unternahm, um deren Oberhoheit abzuschütteln, wurde er in einer Schlacht von Bardylis völlig besiegt und verlor zusammen mit 4000 Makedonen das Leben.

Makedonien konnte sich damit von dem lange währenden illyrischen Joch befreien.

Es war eher andersrum, die Thraker und Illyrer galten als die harten Typen, der damals bekannten Welt.

Aber Kriege waren damals Normal, jeder Clan hat sich bekriegt, Sparta gegen Athen, Illyrer gegen Makedonen.....Makedonen gegen Thessalien...

Mich wundert wieso Illyrer und Thraker sich nicht bekriegten?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das ist im Agion Oros in Makedonien.



Wenn ein Grieche zur zeit des Filip den zweiten von Makedonien, das behauptet hätte(jeder Makedone ist ein Grieche wäre es mit einem Selbstmord gleich.

Übrigenst Griechen hat es damals nicht gegeben sowie heute, egal ob als name oder als Einheit,aber Makedonen FREIE MAKEDONEN schon.

Seit 1991 gibt es wieder Freies Makedonien nach über 2000 Jahre Tyranei

Wir sind Realität

Wie sagt man schon Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung

Jetzt sind wir am zug
Wenn ein Grieche zur zeit des Filip den zweiten von Makedonien, das behauptet hätte(jeder Makedone ist ein Grieche wäre es mit einem Selbstmord gleich.

Übrigenst Griechen hat es damals nicht gegeben sowie heute, egal ob als name oder als Einheit,aber Makedonen FREIE MAKEDONEN schon.

Seit 1991 gibt es wieder Freies Makedonien nach über 2000 Jahre Tyranei

Wir sind Realität

Wie sagt man schon Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung

Jetzt sind wir am zug


Ich versteh euch nicht, ich weiß wirklich nicht wen ihr was vorzumachen versucht, ihr seid die Einzigen die fest darauf beharren während der Rest der Welt anderer Meinung ist.
Ach komm du willst mir nich sagen, dass es nur Griechenland und Albanien nicht daran glauben. Mit dem Rest mein ich auch den Rest, sei es die USA, Deutschland oder der komplette Balkan.
Ach komm du willst mir nich sagen, dass es nur Griechenland und Albanien nicht daran glauben. Mit dem Rest mein ich auch den Rest, sei es die USA, Deutschland oder der komplette Balkan.

Achso, nur eine Handvoll. Ich dachte schon du kommst gleich mit "300 Historikern und Wissenschaftlern" wie die (Forum)Griechen :bambi:

Wusstest du davon, dass selbst die Griechen vor 100-150 Jahren Makedonien gar nicht als "griechisch" angesehen haben, genau so wenig wie die Makedonier (als Griechen)?

Ich sagte doch, GR und AL sind nicht der Rest der Welt...
Ich weiß was die Internationalen Geschichtsbücher schreiben und das reicht mir, ich habe auch einige Quellen durchgelesen, die die sogenannten "Forums" Griechen gepostet haben und rate mal was, sie stimmen mit den Geschichtsbüchern überein. Das die Griechen, die Griechen die Makedonier nicht als Griechen gesehen haben, hör ich zum ersten Mal. Das sie, sie in der Antike nicht gesehen haben ist klar, weil es damals kein wirkliches Griechenland gegeben hat, es waren Stadtstaaten die einzeln agiert haben, aber im Notfall zusammen agiert haben und genauso war es damals bei den Makedoniern. Hast du mir ne Quelle für diese Annahme?