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Makedonische Tradition in Ägäis Makedonien

αptemi;2345928 schrieb:
die wissenschaft leider schon.

Although referred to as 'Slavs' and speaking a Slavic language, modern South Slavic peoples' genetic roots actually stem from a wide variety of genetic backgrounds, attesting the complexity of the ethno-genetic processes in Eastern Europe. A recent genetic study[24] researched several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland. A significant finding of this study is that two genetically distinct groups of Slavic populations exist. The first group encompassed most Slavic populations except most Southern Slavs. According to the authors, most Slavs share a high frequency of Haplogroup R1a. Its origin is purported to trace to the middle Dnieper basin of Ukraine and spread via migrating males during the Late Glacial Maximum 15 kya.[25] The second group comprises most southern Slavic populations: Bulgarians, Croats in Dalmatia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks, Macedonians and Serbs, who have a significantly lower frequency of R1a (~15%). According to the authors, this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."[26] On the other hand the Subclade I2a1 of Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA) is typical of western South Slavs, especially Dalmatian Croats and Herzegovinians (45-50%), with high frequency in all South Slavs (>20%).[27]
South Slavs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Da haben wir die Wurzeln des bösen.
Slawisch bleibt Slawisch vergiss das nicht phantom.
Dein insider wissen treibt mich noch in den wahnsinn.

Pericics Untersuchungen. bzw dessen Abschlussbericht ist schon über 6 Jahre alt

PS: Ja, da bist du nicht der erste :rolleyes:

EDIT: Hej ein kleiner Nachtrag du Wikipedia Clown, aus Pericic Untersuchungen:

In Europe, the highest E3b1α variance is among Apulians, Greeks, and Macedonians, and the highest frequency of the cluster is among Albanians, Macedonians, and Greeks (table 1)

Desöfteren werden, griechen, Albaner und Makedonen in einem Atemzug genannt, warum???
Weil ihr keine "slawen" seid, und wir schon????

Jajaja die Wurzel des Übels, ist bei dir ganz klar deine leere vereinsamte Hirnzelle die nur Wikipedia zitieren kann, da werden Erinnerungen an eine Persil Werbung wach...

HIER jetzt kannst du dich in Prozentrechnen versuchen:

involving 681 males from seven populations in the region
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
In Europe, the highest E3b1α variance is among Apulians, Greeks, and Macedonians, and the highest frequency of the cluster is among Albanians, Macedonians, and Greeks (table 1)

Desöfteren werden, griechen, Albaner und Makedonen in einem Atemzug genannt, warum???
Weil ihr keine "slawen" seid, und wir schon????


I2a2 (formerly I1b, see map) is typical of the Dinaric Slavs (Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks). Its highest density is observed around ex-Yugoslavia and Moldova, but it is also common to a lower extent in Albania, Northern Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and southwestern Russia.

slawisch bleibt slawisch in griechenland und albanien wenig in FYROV viel.

I2a2 (formerly I1b, see map) is typical of the Dinaric Slavs (Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks). Its highest density is observed around ex-Yugoslavia and Moldova, but it is also common to a lower extent in Albania, Northern Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and southwestern Russia.

slawisch bleibt slawisch in griechenland und albanien wenig in FYROV viel.

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