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Two Macedonians World Champs in Kickboxing
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Macedonian kickboxer Dimitar Georgiev is the new world champion in the category up to 74kg after defeating his Iranian opponent Musavi Mir Davud in yesterday's final.
In front of a large crowd in Skopje's Boris Trajkovski arena, Georgiev was superb not just in the final, but throughout the entire tournament.
Ace Georgievski followed his colleague's example, brought the second gold for Macedonia and became the world champ in the 94kg category defeating Slovenian opponent Dejan Vajs.
The Macedonian ladies also had the opportunity to bring gold, however Maja Mihajlovska (70kg) lost in the final just as her training partner Gordana Boshevska (65kg) who also lost out the gold to Hungarian opponent Miskolci.
Apart from the two silvers, Stefka Jankovska won a bronze medal.
Over 1,500 kick boxers from 60 countries are taking part in this year's world championship.
MINA Breaking News - Two Macedonians World Champs in Kickboxing
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Macedonian kickboxer Dimitar Georgiev is the new world champion in the category up to 74kg after defeating his Iranian opponent Musavi Mir Davud in yesterday's final.
In front of a large crowd in Skopje's Boris Trajkovski arena, Georgiev was superb not just in the final, but throughout the entire tournament.
Ace Georgievski followed his colleague's example, brought the second gold for Macedonia and became the world champ in the 94kg category defeating Slovenian opponent Dejan Vajs.
The Macedonian ladies also had the opportunity to bring gold, however Maja Mihajlovska (70kg) lost in the final just as her training partner Gordana Boshevska (65kg) who also lost out the gold to Hungarian opponent Miskolci.
Apart from the two silvers, Stefka Jankovska won a bronze medal.
Over 1,500 kick boxers from 60 countries are taking part in this year's world championship.
MINA Breaking News - Two Macedonians World Champs in Kickboxing
Македонец светски првак во кик-бокс
Сабота, 29 Октомври 2011 14:25
На Светското првенство во кик-бокс, кое се одржува во Скопје, македонскиот натпреварувач Димитар Георгиев го освои златниот медал.
Георгиев победи во дисциплината „кик лајт“ во категорија до 74 кг, со што покажа дека е помоќен од својот противник од Израел.
Ова е голем успех за македонскиот кик-бокс, а до крајот на денот можат да се очекуваат и уште златни медали за нашата држава.
Досега, Маја Михајловска се закити со сребрен медал, Стефка Јанковска со бронза, а Македонија има уште двајца финалисти, Гордана Бошевска и Аце Гоергиевски.
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