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Mazedonien Sport Thread

Handball: Austrians play Greek music, Macedonia Qualifies for World Cup
MINA Breaking News

[TD="colspan: 2"]Sunday, 17 June 2012[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Vienna - The rematch of the WC qualification match between Macedonia and Austria was just as anyone could have predicted, spiced up with provocations by the Austrians from beginning to end.

In the first match Macedonia defeated the Austrians by 5 goals (26-21), despite leading by 8 the entire match. This win was interesting from several aspects. The first win was marred by internal conflict, goalie Borko Ristovski in the first half of the match got into an argument with Jonoski and decided to quit the match, simply headed towards the bench and sat down, leaving his team without a goalie!! Yet, the Austrians were so weak, they couldn't even use this apparent break-down to their advantage and get a better result. To be fair, they did get a better result and lost by only 5 goals.

During the first match in Skopje, the Austrians were trying to pick fights with everyone, including the fans. This trend continued in Vienna. The official arena speaker using some type of handicapped english announced Macedonia's players with "Whatz yer name".
After each Austrian goal, the sports arena played Greek music, hoping the red and yellow players would lose their focus. Over 1,300 Macedonia cheering in Vienna laughed at the music, while confused Austrian fans weren't sure what is happening.

Macedonia didn't lose focus, rather it showed they were few classes above the Austrians. The red and yellow lead the entire match usually by two or three goals, at least untul 55th minute when they stopped playing knowing they have already booked a place for the World Cup in Spain. Austria managed to tie the score and take a three goal lead 27-24 in the end, but Lazarov and company simply did not care and were already dancing, celebrating their world cup qualification. If we didn't know any better, it seemed the Macedonians started dancing and celebrating before the match was over, perhaps to rub it in - we are not playing, yet we are the ones going to the world cup.
As for the Austrians, now that they are off, they'll have plenty of time in the coming months to learn sirtaki.

Friendly: Macedonia beats Lithuania
Saturday, 16 June 2012

Despite playing with its second team, Macedonia defeated Lithuania 78-74. The match was very much even from early on, one could tell the hosts were trying to avenge their loss at the European championship.

The referees were certainly not helpful for Macedonia, however thanks to good defense by the red and yellow the Lithuanians weren't able to pull away. In fact, it was Macedonia that pulled away, taking a seven point lead 29-27 in the second quarter. Relaxing a bit midway through the quarter, the hosts went on a 15-0 run, only for Samardziski to put an end to it with a three pointer.
Teams went in tied at 34 apiece at half time.

Second half same story, both teams were trying to pull away without much luck, until three minutes near the end when Macedonia first took 71-69 and shortly after 74-71 lead.
The Luthianians tried to get back in it with fouls, however it wasn't meant to be. Macedonia scored its free throws for a final 78-74.

Vojdan Stojanovski scored 23 points (12 in the fourth quarter), while Predrag Samardziski added 21 pts for the red and yellow.
Лазаров: Ние сме голема нација!
Недела, 17 Јуни 2012 12:28
Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Македонскиот капитен Кире Лазаров веднаш по мечот со Австрија изјави дека уште еднаш покажавме дека сме голема нација.

Македонската ракометна репрезентација ќе игра на Светското првенство во ракомет кое ќе се одржи во Шпанија. Победата од пет гола разлика против Австрија во Скопје се покажа како доволна за пласман на мундијалот.

Иако бевме поразени на реваншот од Австрија со 30:27, сепак во ниту еден момент пласманот на СП не беше загрозен на овој меч. Нашите ракометари одиграа одличен меч пред се Кире Лазаров кој имаше 9 голови од 11 обиди.

Веднаш по мечот тој изјави дека уште еднаш покажавме дека сме голема нација.

- Покажавме дека сме голема нација, нација која си ја сака државата, дојдоа од Швајцарија, Италија, Австрија, Германија, Турција... Многу ни значеше на почетокот на натпреварот кога видовме дека се собираат. Им реков на моите соиграчи – па луѓе, ќе играме дома, изјави Лазаров.

Светското првенство ќе се одржи на почетокот на следната година во Шпанија.

Превземено од Канал 5
???????: ??? ??? ?????? ??????!
[TABLE="class: newsHeader, width: 632"]
[TD="colspan: 2"]ЕКСКЛУЗИВНА ФОТОГАЛЕРИЈА: Само „Доне куглата“ може да ја урне Македонија![/TD]
[TD="align: right"]Репрезентација мажи[/TD]
[TD]17.06.2012 01:24[/TD]

Македонските ракометари заслужија чиста десетка за пожртвуваноста и за желбата за добар резултат, но и за начинот на кој што го прославија огромниот успех и пласманот на СП 2013 во Шпанија. Сценариото беше КУГЛАЊЕ - Шундовски беше куглар, ракометарите кегли, а куглата беше помошникот во стручниот штаб - Доне Бошковски. Отсега има нов прекар - Доне куглата. И само тој може да ги урне ракометарите. Најкорпулентниот член на нашиот стручен штаб одлично си ја заврши задачата како кугла, успевајќи од прв обид да ги турне сите ракометари. Дали успехот на кугларот Шундовски се должи на тежината на куглата, или пак на фактот дека ракометарите беа преморени по тешкиот дуел, тешко е да се каже, но ваквиот начин на прослава наиде на воодушевување не само кај македонската фаланга, туку и кај повеќеилјадната австриска публика, која што со аплаузи ги награди членовите на македонскиот национален тим.






ЕКИПА во Виена,Ѓорѓи Вангелов

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Handball: Austrians play Greek music, Macedonia Qualifies for World Cup
MINA Breaking News

[TD="colspan: 2"]Sunday, 17 June 2012[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Vienna - The rematch of the WC qualification match between Macedonia and Austria was just as anyone could have predicted, spiced up with provocations by the Austrians from beginning to end.

In the first match Macedonia defeated the Austrians by 5 goals (26-21), despite leading by 8 the entire match. This win was interesting from several aspects. The first win was marred by internal conflict, goalie Borko Ristovski in the first half of the match got into an argument with Jonoski and decided to quit the match, simply headed towards the bench and sat down, leaving his team without a goalie!! Yet, the Austrians were so weak, they couldn't even use this apparent break-down to their advantage and get a better result. To be fair, they did get a better result and lost by only 5 goals.

During the first match in Skopje, the Austrians were trying to pick fights with everyone, including the fans. This trend continued in Vienna. The official arena speaker using some type of handicapped english announced Macedonia's players with "Whatz yer name".
After each Austrian goal, the sports arena played Greek music, hoping the red and yellow players would lose their focus. Over 1,300 Macedonia cheering in Vienna laughed at the music, while confused Austrian fans weren't sure what is happening.

Macedonia didn't lose focus, rather it showed they were few classes above the Austrians. The red and yellow lead the entire match usually by two or three goals, at least untul 55th minute when they stopped playing knowing they have already booked a place for the World Cup in Spain. Austria managed to tie the score and take a three goal lead 27-24 in the end, but Lazarov and company simply did not care and were already dancing, celebrating their world cup qualification. If we didn't know any better, it seemed the Macedonians started dancing and celebrating before the match was over, perhaps to rub it in - we are not playing, yet we are the ones going to the world cup.
As for the Austrians, now that they are off, they'll have plenty of time in the coming months to learn sirtaki.

Viele Provokationen

In der Tat lassen sich die Gäste nie aus der Ruhe bringen, selbst als Österreich den Vorsprung auf drei Tore ausbauen konnte, halten die Mazedonier, angeführt von Superstar Kiril Lazarov, an ihrem taktischen Konzept fest.

Zu diesem gehören auch Provokationen, sowie alle möglichen Mätzchen, die den Gegner verunsichern sollten.

Die Mazedonier sind bekannt dafür, pausenlos zu provozieren. Das ist ihre Art und sie glauben, dadurch erfolgreicher zu sein“, kennt Kapitän Viktor Szilagyi die Spielart des Gegners.

Ein Beispiel: Nach 15 Minuten kommt es nach einem Wurf plötzlich zu einer Rudelbildung, die mazedonische Bank schickt sofort alle Spieler aufs Parkett und die Schiedsrichter haben ihre Mühe die Streithähne beider Seiten zu beruhigen.

„In dieser Situation wird Nikola Marinovic der Ball ins Gesicht geworfen und ich denke, das vorhergegangene Foul war nicht so schwer, dass man den Wurf nicht mehr kontrollieren kann“, erklärt Szilagyi diese Szene.

Mazedonier einfach routinierter und abgeklärter - Nationalmannschaft - LAOLA1.at
Torino interested in signing Ivan Trichkovski
Macedonian Football .com - Makedonski Fudbal .com - Macedonian Football (soccer) website | Torino interested in signing Ivan Trichkovski

Italian side Torino is interested in signing Ivan Trichkovski, Italian media reported today.

Torino, who secured promotion to Italy's Serie A after playing in Serie B last season, are looking to strengthen the team in the transfer market. One of the names mentioned as possible reinforcements was Macedonian striker Ivan Trichkovski.

Media in Italy reports that Torino is looking for a fast forward with good dribbling skills to play on the wing and Ivan fits that description. He still has one more year remaining on his contract with APOEL, and the Cypriot club is supposedly asking for 1.2 million Euros for the transfer. The biggest stumbling block for Torino is that Trichkovski is a non EU player and since there is a limit as to the number of those players on a team in Italy, that could present problems in finalizing a deal.

Trichkovski had a solid season with APOEL last year, although the club failed to defend the league title. APOEL finished in third place, with Ivan scoring 5 goals and providing 3 assists. However, last season was a success due to the tremendous results in the Champions League. APOEL reached the quarter finals where they were eventually eliminated by Spanish giants Real Madrid. In the Champions League, Ivan scored one goal in the road encounter against Shakhtar Donetsk in Ukraine.
Erfreuliche Nachricht für Makedoniens Handballer, für die Auslosung der Gruppen der kommenden WM ist Makedonien in Topf zwei, gemeinsam mit Deutschland, Kroatien und Slowenien.

[h=1]ЕХФ ја призна силата на Македонија: ракометарите во вториот барабан за СП![/h]
20ЈУН 201211:34​

Македонската ракометна репрезентација е во вториот барабан во ждрепката за групите за Светското првенство во Шпанија, што ќе се одржи во јануари идната година. ЕХФ го објави изгледот на барабаните, а Македонија е во вториот заедно со селекциите на Хрватска, Словенија и Германија, земји со кои не може да се паднеме во иста група на ждрепката која ќе се одржи во Мадрид на 19 јули.
Со малку среќа, ракометарите можат далеку да стигнат на СП во Шпанија
Според изгледот на барабаните, Македонија би можело да има неверојатно лесна група, ако има среќе и се падне со Србија, Полска, Алжир, Белорусија и Саудиска Арабија. Но, секако, со рангирањето во вториот барабан за ждрепката, Македонија секако ќе има далеку полесна група отколку што имаше на последното СП на кое учествуваше – Хрватска во 2009 година.
Прв барабан: Франција, Данска, Шпанија, Србија;
Втор барабан: Македонија, Хрватска, Словенија, Германија;
Трет барабан: Унгарија, Полска, Исланд, Панамерика 1;
Четврти барабан: Кореја, Тунис, Алжир, Катар;
Петти барабан: Црна Гора, Русија, Белорусија, Египет;
Шести барабан: Панамерика 2, Панамерика 3, Саудиска Арабија, Австралија.