Bleib doch beim Threadthema und höre doch auf alles auf Islamisten abzuwälzen.
Es gibt 1.6 Milliarden Muslime auf dieser Welt, die wenigsten von ihnen sind Islamisten, geschweige denn Araber.
Deiner Meinung nach sind die Muslime selbst Schuld, dass Hollywood sie zu Barbaren erklärt, weil die Al Kaida ( eine Terrororganisation) sich für muslimisch erklärt.
Das ist genauso hirnrissig, wie zu behaupten, dass eine Frau im kurzen Rock selbst Schuld ist wenn sie vergewaltigt wird.
Selbe Argumentationskette. Schwachsinn!
Dr. Jack Shaheen, an expert on news and medial stereotype of Muslims, has given more than 1000 lectures to different audiences around the world. He has written more than 300 articles for publications including Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. He also served as consultant for DreamWorks and Warner Brothers. As an intellectual with deep understanding of both Film and the Muslim World, his views on the how these two are interlinked should be used as the blueprint for how the Muslims are portrayed in Hollywood movies, and the broader implications.
“Dr. Shaheen is an outstanding scholar who has served as a consultant for both government agencies — including the United Nations — and Hollywood filmmakers,” said Dr. Chris Stanley, St. Bonaventure theology professor.
“No one knows more than he does about the impact of the media on public perceptions of Arabs and Muslims. Every American should hear what he has to say.”
Arguably, his most notable works, Reel Bad Arabs should serve as a basis for one to understand the role of Muslims in Hollywood films.
Understanding or Misunderstanding of Muslims through Hollywood?
Film explores how Hollywood portrays degrading images of Arabs, from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists". The persistence of Hollywood and Media has resulted in naturalized stereotyping of Muslims, negative portrayals of wealthy Arabs using money for terrorism, demonizing the Palestinians, Islamaphobia.
This film challenges people to break through their comfortable prejudice by analyzing Hollywood films critically. Thus, reestablishing a justified view of the Arab world.
Ich rede hier ausschließlich über Muslime, weil der Thread sich mit dem Stereotyp Muslim befasst.
Denk doch was du willst..